
  • 三年级
  • 2024-06-03

一年三次的英文?三次 three times, thrice Two or three times a year 的完整形式是 用 Two (times) or three times a year 同一句里用 two times 和 three times 是为了使句子“前后一致”很多英语老师和语言纯正癖者会坚持你必须这样说。我也是(前)英语老师,那么,一年三次的英文?一起来了解一下吧。


三年一次:once every three years

四天一次:once every four days




一年一次once a year;

一年两次twice a year,

一年三次three times a year

一年N次 N timesa year



-->>2 times a year, three times a year, four times a year


:1.go skateboarding 2. hardly ever3.how often4.twice a week 5.once a week 6. every day7.surf the Internet8.read English books 9.most students10.three or four times a week11.once or twice a week 12.as for13.be good for 14.drink milk15.how many hours16.eat junk food 17.eating habits 18.a lot of = lots of19.try to do sth20.look after 21.sleep nine hours22.my healthy lifestyle 23.get good grades 24.study better25.two or three times26.keep in good health 27.eat less meat28.a healthy lifestyle 二.句型:1.What do you usually do on weekends? I usually play soccer.2. what do they do on weekends ?They often go to the movies .3. What does he do on weekends ?He sometimes watches TV .4.How often do you shop ? I often once a month .5. How often does he watch TV ?He watches TV twice a week .6.Here are the results of the student activity survey at Green High School.7.Some students exercise once or twice a week .8.As for homework ,most students do homework every day .9.The results for “watch TV” are interesting .10.I read English books about twice a week .11.My mother wants me to drink milk every day .12.She says it’s good for my health .13.How many hours do you sleep every night ? I sleep nine hours every night .14.My eating habbit are pretty good .15. I try to eat a lot of vegetables .16.I look after my health17.My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades .18.Good food and exercise help me to study better .19.I’m not very healthy ,although I have one healthly habit.20.Grandpa is pretty healthy because he exercise every day .21.A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health .22.You must try to eat less meat .23.Do you have a healthy lifestyle ?1.多久一次 17.活跃的 33.试图 2.锻炼 18.对于 34.当然 3.踩滑板 19.至于;关于 35.照顾 4.几乎不 20.约摸;几乎 36.生活方式 5.曾;曾经 21.废弃的旧物 37.分数 6.购物 22.垃圾食品 38.更好的 7.一次 23.牛奶 39.相同的 8.两次 24.咖啡 40.像…(一样) 9.次;次数 25.薄片 41.不同的 10.在…冲浪 26.可乐 42.不同 11.网络 27.巧克力 43.不健康的 12.节目 28.喝,饮 44.或许 13.中学 29.健康 45.虽然 14.大多数的 30.多少 46.爷爷 15.没有的 31.采访者 47.大量的 16.结果 32.习惯 48.保持 49.必须 50.较小的 51.你通常在周末做什么?52.我通常踢足球。


因为twice就是“两次”的意思。twice或者是two times都可以,但twice time就是错误的用法。


以上就是一年三次的英文的全部内容,一年三次Three times a year.一年四次Four times a year,一年三或四次three or four times a year.看在我用手机好不容易按出来的英文的份上,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
