
  • 八年级
  • 2024-05-17

八上英语配套答案?be动词后不跟动词原形,所以C项不正确。 10. A 表示“在电视上”应用介词on。Ⅶ. 1. A 根据文中第三句话“I have a sister,but I don‟t have a brother.”可知答案为A。那么,八上英语配套答案?一起来了解一下吧。


( )62. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Coffee is better than vegetable juice.

B. Hot dogs have less salt.

C. Chicken hamburgers have less fat than beef hamburgers.

D. Food with much salt is good for health.

( )63. How many ways does the writer talk about?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

( )64. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Exercise is better than balancing diet.

B. Balancing diet is better than exercise.

C. Balancing diet can also help people relax.

D. Exercise and healthy diet.

( )65. Who is the passage written for?

A. Students. B. Teachers. C. Parents. D. Doctors.


People want to pull down (拆除) an old house in Harlem and build a library there. They will talk about it on Monday night.

But some people want to keep the house. It stands there for about 100 years and it’s a part of the city. Janet Short is one of them. She doesn’t want to pull down the house.

“It would be a very sad (令人悲伤的) thing for Harlem,” said Short. “We have enough places to build a library. I still want to have art classes here on weekends.”

“That place is really special to me. I just think there’s a better use of this place,” said Rizner.

“I think we should make good use of (充分利用) this building,” said Short.

Rizner says if most of the people want to pull down the house at Monday night’s meeting, it will take four to six weeks to pull it down.

( )66. When will the people in Harlem have a meeting?

A. On Monday night. B. On Monday morning.

C. On Sunday night. D. On Saturday morning.

( )67. Why do some people want to keep the house in Harlem?

A. Because it is beautiful. B. Because they live in it.

C. Because it has a long history. D. Because it can bring them money.

( )68. What does Janet Short think of pulling down the house?

A. She thinks it will take a long time. B. She feels happy.

C. She feels sad. D. She thinks it’s hard.

( )69. What can we learn from this passage?

A. Janet Short doesn’t want to have a new library.

B. Different people think differently on this house.

C. It takes eight weeks to pull down the house.

D. Janet Short dislikes having art classes in the house.

( )70. What is the passage about?

A. The use of an old house. B. The history of an old house.

C. How to save an old house. D. Some people’s feelings about an old house.






Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。(满分7.5分)

( )1.

Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(满分7.5分)

( )6.A.Often.B. Two days.C. About an hour.

( )7.A.Go swimming.B. Go skiing.C. Go fishing.

( )8.A.Because it’s interesting.B. Because it’s wonderful.

C. Because it’s boring.

( )9.A.I used to listen to music.B.I enjoy dancing.

C.I like fishing.

( )10.A.Good idea!B. You are right.C. Thank you.


( )11.They are talking about _______.

A. robotsB. computersC. UFOs

( )12.What’s a UFO like?

A.A plate.B.A plane.C. He doesn’t know.

( )13.Is he sure he will have a robot in 20 years?

A. Yes, he will.B. He is not sure.C. No, he won’t.

( )14.What does the girl want to know?

A. What to look up on the Internet.B. How to use the Internet.

C. Where to buy computers.

( )15.The boy wants to be _______.

A. a teacherB. a robotC. a scientist

Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。


Ⅰ. 1. They 2. math 3.can 4. room 5. desk 6. Bring 7. table 8. Where 9. under 10. know Ⅱ. 1. A 题意:“棒球在哪里?”“它在床底下。”根据答语under the bed可知是提问地点,所以应是where; how是表示 “怎么样”; What是“什么”,提问事物; Where is= Where‟s,由于句中已有is,故选A。 2. A 题意:请带我到学校。take是“带走”,bring是“带来”,call是“打电话”,need是“需要”,另外“take…to+地点”是“带„„到某地”,故选A。 3. C 题意:“我的书在梳妆台上吗?”“是的,它在。我能看见。”根据答语可推知是肯定回答,由于在简短的肯定答语中it is不能缩写,故选C。 4. D 题意:“铅笔在哪里?”“它们在桌子上。”由于pencils是复数,所以应用they,them是宾格,不能做主语。故选D。 5. B 题意:“那些是什么?”“是我们的足球。”soccer balls是复数,故排除A项,C项和D项分别提问人物和地点,所以答案为B。


Section A

二.1. Kilometers 2.bicycle 3.early 4.station 5.far 6.by 7.takes 8.sixty 9.train 10.fourty

三. 1. How long 2.how old 3.what 4.how 5.how often 6.how far


五.1. How does 2.how far 3.goes 4.by boat 5.how long does like


Section B


三. 1. Took 2.reading 3.rides 4.had 5.to walk

四. 1. How does get 2.how long does from 3.how far 4.goes to by bus 5.different from


六. 1. Get 2.isn’t 3.go 4.gets 5.takes 6.get 7.has 8.takes 9.be 10.runs



Section A

二.1. Kilometers 2.bicycle 3.early 4.station 5.far 6.by 7.takes 8.sixty 9.train 10.fourty

三. 1. How long 2.how old 3.what 4.how 5.how often 6.how far


五.1. How does 2.how far 3.goes 4.by boat 5.how long does like


Section B


三. 1. Took 2.reading 3.rides 4.had 5.to walk

四. 1. How does get 2.how long does from 3.how far 4.goes to by bus 5.different from


六. 1. Get 2.isn’t 3.go 4.gets 5.takes 6.get 7.has 8.takes 9.be 10.runs


.the biggest screens最大的荧幕

14. be the closest to home 离家最近

3.the shortest waiting time 最短的等候时间

4.have the most comfortable seats 有最舒服的座位

5.the best sound最好的声音

6.buy clothes the most cheaply 买最便宜的衣服

7.play the most boring songs播放最乏味的歌曲

8.the worst music 最差的音乐

9.the freshest food最新鲜的食物

10.sit the most comfortably 坐得最舒服

11.so far 到目前为止

ilove倾城 | 四级

Unit 4 What’s the best movie theatre知识点及习题

Unit 4 What’s the best movie theatre?



Section A

比较级more cheaply


最高级most cheaply

比较级more comfortable


最高级most comfortable

3.close比较级 closer 最高级closest

4.sit(n.) seat

5.choose (pt.) chose

比较级 more carefully


最高级 more carefully

比较级 最高级

7.bad/badly worse worst

比较级 最高级

8. fresh fresher freshest

9.comfortable (adv.) comfortably

10.act (n.表人)actor(演员)

Section B

1.talent(adj.) talented

2.beautiful(adv.) beautifully

比较级more beautifully

3. beautifully

最高级most beautifully

4.win (n.表人)winner(获胜者)

5.performer (v.) performw

6.serious (adv.)seriously(最高级)most seriously

7.give (pt.) gave

8.crowd (adj.) crowded


Section A

1.the biggest screens最大的荧幕

14. be the closest to home 离家最近

3.the shortest waiting time 最短的等候时间

4.have the most comfortable seats 有最舒服的座位

5.the best sound最好的声音

6.buy clothes the most cheaply 买最便宜的衣服

7.play the most boring songs播放最乏味的歌曲

8.the worst music 最差的音乐

9.the freshest food最新鲜的食物

10.sit the most comfortably 坐得最舒服

11.so far 到目前为止

Section B

2.the best performer 最好的演员

3.the most talented person 最有天赋的人

4.more and more popular 越来越受欢迎

5.have...in common 有相同特征

6.the funniest actors 最风趣的演员

7.all kinds of 各种各样的

8.play the piano the best 钢琴弹得最好

9.sing the most beautifully 唱得最美妙

10.be up to 是……的职责;由……决定

11.play a role 发挥作用;有影响

12.make up 编造(故事流言等)

13.for example例如

14.take ...seriously认真对待


(1)It has the most comfortable seats. 它有最舒服的座位。

以上就是八上英语配套答案的全部内容,the指上文提到过的人或事物,所以答案为A。 8. B 题意:“书包在桌子上吗?”“不,它不在桌子上。”本句是is引导的一般疑问句,A、D项都涉及地点,故排除,C项为复数形式,与问句不符,所以答案为B。 9. C 题意:“他的铅笔在哪里?”“我不知道。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
