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  • 英语单词
  • 2024-03-28



Internet access technology services contract

Both parties based on "Contract Law" and other relevant laws and regulations, the Beijing Urban Network Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Party B") to (hereinafter referred to as "Party A") to provide Internet access and other technical services issues by consensus, reached the following terms and mutual respect.

The first services

1, according to Party A needs Party B to provide the appropriate bandwidth data communication lines, to ensure that within the period stipulated in the contract shall provide the necessary Internet access, integration and system debug and other technical services.

2, Party B shall provide Party of its Internet access lines to conduct the necessary monitoring and routine maintenance.

3, Party B is responsible for the exclusion of the context of the agreed service failures, to ensure normal data communications lines.

4, Party B shall, within the period stipulated in the contract shall provide the Internet access to technical consulting.

The second period of service

1, in line with the relevant provisions of the telecommunications business and client resources, under the premise of no problems, Party B shall receive an annual payment from the date the basic service charge, 7 working days to provide network access for the Party service.

2, the service period of this contract _ 12 _ months from the date of launch services. After the expiry of that period by mutual agreement renewal matters, each renewal shall not be less than 12 months.

Article III of the project and the amount of service charges

1, this line of upfront connection fees under the contract / port fee is 0 yuan.

2, both parties agreed to pay calculated on the basic service charge Party, that is prepaid by the Party's basic service charge year.

3, B promises to provide a free legal IP address.

4, Party A service fee schedule for the project:

Unit: RMB Yuan

Bandwidth category upfront / port charges service fees in the total amount

2M Free 65,006,500 shares

Total 6500

Total annual contract amount of capital: Miss Wu Po-Yuan Qian whole

Article IV Payment

1, Party A shall be the date of signature of this contract will meet the network access fees, 6500 yuan be paid to the Party.

2, the network service fee after the opening of Party annualized.

3, since the network launch date, line using less than in January, the monthly service charge.

Article responsibilities and obligations of Party

1, Party B propose to the network access application, shall complete the relevant forms required to submit the network topology and ensure that all customers provide to Party B information is true and valid.

2, Party A shall be in accordance with the contract, full and on time shall pay the appropriate network access installation fees, the basic service charge, valid IP addresses to increase the annual service fees.

3, Party A and Party B shall assign specific technical staff, otherwise, resulting from the Party A Party B delays.

4, Party in the use of this contract by circuit when the circuit is found Guzhang (non-user terminal Shebeiwenti) should be promptly Boda B Kehufuwu phone, You Yu Bu timely disclosure of loss resulting from the expansion part of the You Party Zixingchengdan.

5, when the Party line fault occurs, first check if there are problems of the end line, as confirmed non-users of the client fails, Party B shall promptly contact customer service, both sides confirmed fault record time, by B A technical staff to inspect repairs.

6, Party A shall strictly abide by the "User Network responsibility" (Annex 1) in its provisions.

7, Party for their own local area network should establish a complete network security. For security holes caused by Party A network failure (such as hacking, virus infection), Party B shall not be liable.

8, Party A shall be kept with the knowledge of Party B's trade secrets.









⑴在建筑图中:“FL”表示的是完成面的标高 。












以上就是拓扑图英文的全部内容,1、打开开始菜单--程序--microsoft office visio。2、为了便于绘图,要把需要的绘图菜单调出来。点击文件--形状--网络。3、选择网络里面的服务器、计算机和显示器、网络和外设和网络位置。这是最常用的四项网络绘图功能。4、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
