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  • 英语单词
  • 2024-03-31


the happiness is the cats eat fishsuch as the aotemen fight thelittlemonsters。。纯人口翻译哦。。。。

It is happiness when the cat eats fish,when the dog eat meat,when the Aoteman fight with small monsters. 

Happiness is like, Cats can have their fishes, Dogs can have their meat and Ultraman beats up all the monsters!

ttle - XP瓶子
WitherSkull - 凋零骷髅头(凋零Boss发出的骷髅头)
EnderCrystal - 末影水晶
FireworksRocketEntity - 烟火
Arrow - 箭
ThrownPotion - 已扔出的药
ThrownEnderpearl - 已扔出的末影珍珠
EyeOfEnderSignal - 末影之眼的信号
PrimedTnt - TNT
FallingSand - 掉落沙
ItemFrame - 物品显示
ArmorStand - 盔甲架
XPOrb - 经验球

"Happiness is, the cat ate fish dog meat AoTeMan dozen small monster."

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