
  • 九年级
  • 2024-08-19



Unit 8:

1. Clean up - 打扫

2. Hunger - 饥饿

3. Homeless - 无家可归的

4. Cheer - 愉快

5. Give out - 耗尽;发放

6. Clean-up - 扫除

7. Sign - 标志;告示

8. Advertisement - 广告

9. Put off - 推迟;延迟

10. Set up - 创建;开办

... and so on.

Unit 9:

1. Invent - 发明;创造

2. Calculator - 计算机

3. Be used for - 用来做……

4. Scoop - 勺子

5. Adjustable - 可调节的

6. Heel - 脚后跟;鞋跟

7. Battery - 电池

8. Operate - 操作;作业

9. Battery-operated - 电池供电的

10. Slipper - 拖鞋

... and so on.

Unit 10:

1. By the time - 到……时候

2. Gotten - get的过去分词

3. Oversleep - 睡过头

4. Go off - 发出响声

5. Rush - 冲;奔

6. Run off - 跑掉;迅速离开

7. On time - 准时

8. Lock - 锁上;锁

9. Relative - 亲属;亲戚

10. Broke - break的过去式

... and so on.

Unit 11:

1. Restroom - 公共厕所

2. Shampoo - 洗发水

3. Drugstore - 杂货店;药店

4. Cafe - 咖啡馆;小餐馆

5. Department - 部门;局;部

6. Department store - 超市

7. Escalator - 电动扶梯

8. Magic - 魔术;魔力

9. Fresh - 新鲜的

10. Block - 街区;街短

... and so on.

Unit 12:

1. Shake - 摇动;震动

2. Shake hands - 握手

3. Custom - 风俗习惯;习俗

4. Bow - 鞠躬;弯腰

5. Kiss - 吻;亲吻

6. Cali - 卡利

7. Colombia - 哥伦比亚

8. Relaxed - 放松的;宽松的

9. Drop by - 顺便拜访

10. Lausanne - 洛桑

... and so on.

Please note that the lists provided are not complete. Each unit has many more words and phrases. If you need the complete list for any specific unit, please let me know.





1. r __ __ __ make a clear sound

2. r __ __ __ move or go suddenly

3. l __ __ __ close something with a lock

4.w__ __ __ __ __ __ __to or at whatever place

5. d __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __say what something is like

6. c __ __ __ __ __ __ __ make somebody completely certain about something

7. p __ __ __ __feeling of great fear

8. s__ __ __ __ __ __a person making a speech


1. I hear he likes _____ (morning) very much.

2. I _____ (real) want to see him soon.

3. Is mother had a _____ (quickly) breakfast, and went to0 work this morning.

4. Does the teacher often help you with your _____( homework)?

5. Last night he went to bed later, so he looks _____ (exhaust) today.

6. Did you go to watch any _____ (video) yesterday?

7. _____ (hundred) of people took part in the party last night.

8. They were waiting for the _____ (school) buses, but they didn’t come.

9. He told us a quarter of the world’s population _____ (use) English.

10. We think English is the _____ (popular) language for science.




1a A:我认为计算器是在电脑之前发明的。B:喔,我认为计算器是在电脑之后发明的。

1c A:电话是什么时候被发明的?B:我认为它是在1876年被发明的。

2a 它被用来舀很凉的冰淇淋。它是由切尔西•莱蒙发明的。 可调整后跟的鞋子 电控拖鞋 加热冰淇淋的勺子

2c 它们是用来做什么的? 它们是用来在黑暗中照明的。

Grammar Focus 汽车是什么时候被发明的?它是在1885年被发明的。电控拖鞋是什么时候被发明的?它们是在去年被发明。它们是由谁发明的?它们是由朱莉•汤普森发明的。它们是被用来做什么的?它们是被用来在黑暗中照明的。

3a 闹钟电灯泡微波炉 有用的发明 例子 电话恼人的发明 例子 闹钟

3b A:你认为最有用的发明是什么?B:我认为最有用的发明是电灯泡。A:为什么是电灯泡?B:喔,它每天给人们更多的时间工作和玩。

4 我想带一个收音机因为我能整天听音乐。是的,但是收音机将不会帮助你离开小岛。我认为带一个……会更好。


2a 1.薯条是无意中被发明的。2.它们是在1863年被发明的3.顾客认为这些土豆不够薄。4.顾客说他们不够咸。5.乔治想使顾客高兴。6.最后顾客高兴了。


The flying disk is a toy which was invented by a group of college students. It was invented in the 1950s.

In fact, the students didn’t invent it.

They just discovered it. The original flying disk was really a metal pie plate from a bakery named Bridgeport in Connecticut. The students there liked to eat the bakery’s pies. And then they threw the pie plates around. A company began making plastic disk. Now there are flying disk clubs, a flying disk magazine, and even a national flying disk festival in September.

Don’t you think it’s amazing that all this started from a pie plate?


Who invented tea?

Did you know that tea,the most popular drink in the world (after water),was invented by accident?Although tea wasn't brought to the Western world until 1610,this beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that.According to an ancient Chinese legend,the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water and remained there for some time.the emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell.Later he decided to taste the hot mixture.It was quite dilicious.And in this way,one of the world's favorite drinks was invented.

以上就是九年级英语unit9的全部内容,Unit9IlikemusicthatIcandanceto短语归纳 句子重难点解析1.Hmm,dependswhichmovie.嗯,那要看是哪部电影了。=Itdepends(on)whichmoviewe'llwatch.本句省略了主语it和whichmovie后面的定语从句we'llwatch,在口语和非正式场合,为保持语言简洁,交流者会省略彼此所知或逻辑上可明确推断的内容。
