
  • 五年级
  • 2024-07-03

用英语介绍自己的五官?自画像用英语介绍身体部位名称可以从上到下写:1、头部head 我的头很晕。My head was reeling.2、脸face 他用双手捧着她的脸吻她。He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.3、耳朵Ears 他开玩笑地轻咬着她的耳朵。He nibbled her ear playfully.4、那么,用英语介绍自己的五官?一起来了解一下吧。


The so-called "features" refers to the "ears, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth" and other five human organs. Study on in-phase and were given a term as follows:(1) ear and entitled: "Mining hearing officer."(2) eyebrow and entitled: "Paul Shouson officer."(3) eyes and entitled: "Ombudsman."(4) nose and entitled: "presiding officer identified."(5) I: called "cashier's official."


The so-called "features" refers to the "ears, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth" and other five human organs. Study on in-phase and were given a term as follows:

(1) ear and entitled: "Mining hearing officer."

(2) eyebrow and entitled: "Paul Shouson officer."

(3) eyes and entitled: "Ombudsman."

(4) nose and entitled: "presiding officer identified."

(5) I: called "cashier's official."


The so-called "features" refers to the "ears,eyebrows,eyes,nose,mouth" and other five human organs.Study on in-phase and were given a term as follows:

(1) ear and entitled:"Mining hearing officer."

(2) eyebrow and entitled:"Paul Shouson officer."

(3) eyes and entitled:"Ombudsman."

(4) nose and entitled:"presiding officer identified."

(5) I:called "cashier's official."


I am a beatiful girl,about twelve years old,with a straight nose, big eyes ,rosebud mouth and long and slim eygbrow.



The head is the uppermost or forwardmost part of the body of a vertebrate, containing the brain and the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and jaws.It's the seat of the faculty of reason; intelligence, intellect, or mind.

The nose is the part of the human face or the forward part of the head of other vertebrates that contains the nostrils and organs of smell and forms the beginning of the respiratory tract.

The eye is an organ of vision or of light sensitivity.It's the faculty of seeing.

The ear is the vertebrate organ of hearing, responsible for maintaining equilibrium as well as sensing sound and divided in mammals into the external ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear.

The mouth is the body opening through which an animal takes in food.

以上就是用英语介绍自己的五官的全部内容,1、I am a quiet girl, I am 15 years old, not tall not short, with long hair, nose wearing a pair of glasses, I was good at art, my dream is to get a related Art University.我是一个安静的女孩,我15岁,不高不矮,留着长发,鼻子戴着一副眼镜,我擅长艺术。
