鱼尾狮的英文?鱼尾狮的英文名字就是Merlion 这个因为是新加坡独有的,所以只有特定名称,不呢不能直接翻译成fish-tailed lion.鱼尾狮是在1964年由前范克里夫水族馆馆长布仑纳设计的。那么,鱼尾狮的英文?一起来了解一下吧。
鱼尾狮(Merlion)是一种虚构的鱼身狮头的动物。它于1964年由当时的Van Kleef水族馆馆长Fraser Brunner先生所设计的。两年後被新加坡旅游局采用作为标志,一直沿用到1997年。而这期间,鱼尾狮已成为新加坡的代表。鱼尾狮狮头的设计灵感是根据《马来纪年》的记载,公元14世纪时一位来自「三佛齐王国」名叫圣尼罗乌达玛的王子在前往马六甲途中来到了新加坡。他一登陆就看到一只神奇的野兽,随从告诉他那是一只狮子。他于是为此岛取名「新加坡」,在梵文中即「狮城」的意思,而鱼尾象征当年飘洋过海。
狮面鱼就是鱼尾狮, 英文Merlion
1.鱼尾狮: Merlion
4.Little India
5.Johore Strait
地理位置 位于马来半岛南端,隔柔佛海峡(Johore Strait )与马来西亚相邻(有长堤与马来西亚柔佛州连接);南隔新以海峡与印度尼西亚的廖内群岛相望。
Lee Kuan Yew
Goh Chok Tong
7. 李显龙: Lee Hsien Loong
李显龙 (Lee Hsien Loong) 是新加坡首任总理李光耀的长子。中学毕业后,他进入国家初级学院就读,后赴英国剑桥大学深造,主修数学和计算机。
Merlion and small Merlion was standing in the waterfront Qiaobang the Merlion Park is a very popular tourist attractions. September 15, 1972, former Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew for the ribbon-cutting opening ceremony. Like today's Merlion has been relocated to 120 metres from the site and the adjacent floating on the 1st of science.
8.6 metres high and weighing 70 tonnes, the Merlion late Singapore sculptor Lim Nang Seng (Lim Nang Seng), with concrete production. Another two metres high and weighing three tons of small Merlion is Mr Lim. The body was made of cement, ceramic surface coverage on the scale, and red eyes is a small cup.
Mr. Fraser Brunner is the basis of this record and design Merlion. Lion's Head is a symbol that the character of the lion, the symbol of the Merlion Temasek city.
Merlion homes with water as the theme, accompanied by lighting effects to create the Merlion floating in the ocean on the legislation vivid spectacular visual effects. Surrounding open space for outdoor performances by. Merlion connecting the ladder and stands not only enable visitors around the water, but also enable visitors to ladder sat on the floor.
Merlion ['mə:'laiən] (鱼尾狮) - mermaid(美人鱼)的mer加lion(狮子)。
The Grand Palace (Thai: พระบรมมหาราชวัง, Phra Borom Maha Ratcha Wang)
Chitralada Palace (Thai: พระตำหนักจิตรลดารโหฐาน)
狮头鱼尾像(Merlion Statue)高8.6米,重70吨,是新加坡的标志和象征,矗立在新加坡河口之上,安德逊桥下。
以上就是鱼尾狮的英文的全部内容,1.鱼尾狮: Merlion 在吉隆坡,我们也参观了市内的双子星大楼,如同在上一期我介绍了鱼尾狮(Merlion)是新加坡的一项有国家象征性的标志一样,双子星大楼就如同是马来西亚的象征。大楼上层有办公楼,酒店等一般大厦所具有的设施。2.Chinatown 牛车水(Chinatown)是新加坡的唐人街,这里是早期华族祖先的聚居地。