
  • 八年级
  • 2024-09-29

八十天环游地球英文?八十天环游地球的英文是around the world in eighty days。环游世界之旅是指沿着地球仪往既定方向上完全旅行直到返回起点的过程。因此,环游世界并不是说要看到世界所有国家甚至所有大洲。像旅游电视节目介绍的有些旅行者,他们的旅行花很小的钱,与当地人住在一起并搭便车。这当然是可能的,那么,八十天环游地球英文?一起来了解一下吧。



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原文: 翻译: 中文 » 英语

英国绅士福克与朋友打赌两万英镑,要在80天内环游地球一周回到伦敦。但他不幸被误当作偷窃英格兰银行的大盗,被苏格兰场通缉、追捕。随后他和仆人路路通克服了路途中的重重艰难险阻,路经地中海、红海、印度洋、太平洋、大西洋,游历印度、新加坡、中国、日本、美国等地。在环练地球一圈并回到伦敦时,却迟到了五分钟,他自认失败,却又意外地获得胜利——原来他自西向东绕地球一周,利用时差正好节了一天的时间!一路上福克的机智、勇敢和毅力都表现了十足的绅士派头 Fokker British gentleman with friends bet 20,000 pounds, in 80 days, Around the World in a week to return to London. But unfortunately he was wrong as stealing the Bank of England's Theft, Scotland Yard wanted to pursue. Then he and the servant Road roads lead to overcome the many difficulties and obstacles in the way, via the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, the Pacific, Atlantic, travels in India, Singapore, China, Japan, the United States. Training in Central London and return to Earth lap when they are five minutes late, he claimed failed, but the accident to win - he originally from west to east around the Earth a week, using the time difference is a one-day festival time! 1 Fokker on the resourcefulness, courage and perseverance shown by the full gentleman Paitou

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Fokker British gentleman with friends bet 20,000 pounds, in 80 days, Around the World in a week to return to London. But unfortunately he was wrong as stealing the Bank of England's Theft, Scotland Yard wanted to pursue. Then he and the servant Road roads lead to overcome the many difficulties and obstacles in the way, via the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, the Pacific, Atlantic, travels in India, Singapore, China, Japan, the United States. Training in Central London and return to Earth lap when they are late for the first five minutes, he claimed failed, but the accident to win - he originally from west to east around the Earth a week, using the time difference is a one-day festival ! Fokker along the wit, courage and perseverance shown by the full gentleman Paitou


" Around the world in eighty days" protagonist Phileas Fogg took servants Road, it took 80 days to travel around the earth once a story.

Fogg is improvement club, he is a rich man, but no man knows his money is here. He is a good man, always keen to charity, also do not go down. He only pastime is reading and playing " whist", he always wins, but to win the money never into his pocket. The money in his charity expenditure budget, account for an important part.

One day Mr Fogg and" whist" fans talking about the United Kingdom newspapers argued to be in full swing when the problem, he and friends bet eighty days to travel around the earth a week. Then, he left and began his journey.

Phileas Fogg left London, travel around the earth, a national sensation, twenty prestigious newspapers scouted Mr Fogg, only" the Daily Telegraph" hesitatingly support.

He is not afraid of the machine is out of order, the derailment of a train, train crash, climate is harsh, ice and snow resistance road and other possible roadblocks, he is not afraid, believe you will" win".

The various evaluation, making the " Phileas Fogg" name was like a racehorse was printed in a gambling Handbook, in exchange, also has his shares, betting he can finish the task successfully.

As a result of this event causes a royal bank robberies, Fogg was considered to be theft, and travel around the world when pretense, when a police tracking in dozens of countries.

In order to prove herself to travel around the world, he must each to a country, get the Consulate with visa. He experienced all sorts of difficulties, finally traveled to every nation on earth, on the way, he maintained a gentleman demeanor, also continue to do charity work. Although his servant -- road through always make some condition, that he nearly lost his life, but he has a strong, optimistic, with his gentleman to resolve all difficulties. Finally he returned to london.

Look back on his path, encountered difficulties, but Fogg does not flinch, difficulties not panic, calm manner according to the original plan, even during the trip to save his future wife Ai Eda. They go through all kinds of natural calamities and man-made misfortunes, whenever a smooth ride out the storm, the new block would come again, but with their own wisdom and courage, a day early to return to London, win the final victory.

By reading this book, I understand the difficulties not easily give up, be strong and brave, but calm to conquer it, I believe we will find a solution!


八十天环游地球的英文是around the world in eighty days。





Once he did it in eighty days,unheard of in the nineteenth century。


He passes himself off as an odd stick,who is going round the world in eighty days。

以上就是八十天环游地球英文的全部内容," Around the world in eighty days" protagonist Phileas Fogg took servants Road, it took 80 days to travel around the earth once a story. Fogg is improvement club, he is a rich man, but no man knows his money is here. He is a go。
