
  • 一年级
  • 2024-08-28

新概念英语第一册第71课? ..那么,新概念英语第一册第71课?一起来了解一下吧。


Mrs.Smith's living room
Mrs.Smith's living room is large.
there is a television in the room.
the television is near the window.
there are some magazines on the televsion.
there is a table in the room.
there are some newspapers on the table .
there are somearmchairs in the room.
the armchairs are near the table.
there is a stereo in the room.
the stereo is near the door .
there are some books on the stereo.
there are some pictures in the room.
the pictures are onthewall.


Lesson 101A card from Jimmy吉米的明信片 Listen to the tape then answer this question. Does Grandmother seem pleased to get a card from Jimmy? Why/Why not? 听录音,然后回答问题。收到吉米寄来的一张明信片,祖母是否显得高兴?为什么/为什么不高兴? GRANDMOTHER: Read Jimmy's card to meplease, penny. PENNY: 'I have just arrive inScotland and I'm stayingat a Youth Hostel.' GRANDMOTHER: Eh? PENNY: He say he's just arrivedin Scotland. He says he'sstaying at a Youth Hostel.You know he's a memberof the Y.H.A. GRANDMOTHER: The what? PENNY: The Y.H.A., Mum.The Youth HostelsAssociation. GRANDMOTHER: What else does he say? PENNY: 'I'll write a letter soon.I hope you all well.' GRANDMOTHER: What?Speak up. Penny.I'm afraid I can'thear you PENNY: He say he'll write a lettersoon. He hopes we are allwell. 'Love, Jimmy.' GRANDMOTHER: Is that all?He doesn't say very much,does he? PENNY: He can't write very muchon a card, Mum. New Word and expressions 生词和短语Scotland n. 苏格兰(英国)card n. 明信片youth n. 青年hostel n. 招待所,旅馆association n. 协会soon adv. 不久write (wrote, written) v. 写 参考译文 祖母:请把吉米的明信片念给我听听,彭妮。 彭妮:“我刚到苏格兰,我现住在一家青年招待所。” 祖母:什么? 彭妮:他说他刚到苏格兰。他说他住在一家青年招待所。你知道,他是“青招协”的一个成员。 祖母:什么? 彭妮:“青招协”,妈妈。青年招待所协会。 祖母:他还说了些什么? 彭妮:“我很快会写信的。祝你们大家身体都好。” 祖母:什么?彭妮,大声一点。我可听不见你念的。 彭妮:他说他很快会写信的。他祝我们大家身体好。“谨此问候,吉米。” 祖母:就这些吗?他没写许多,是吗? 彭妮:在明信片上他写不了很多,妈妈。


建议你还是看新概念英语  因为它是从易到难   从第一册看起能很好的打好基础。    http://www.youku.com/playlist_show/id_673893.html  第一册的视频教程    平时多看简单的英文故事  ,比如中英对照的儿童读物,积累单词量和语感。    多听英文听力,不管能不能听懂,最好先听几遍,再看着答案再听。



以上就是新概念英语第一册第71课的全部内容, 。
