
  • 一年级
  • 2024-01-01

写给自己的一封信英语作文?Gu Xiaoming:你好!hello!当你看到这封信时,你已经在上初一了。When you see this letter, you are already on the first day of the.你有没有因为作业太多而烦恼?如果有的话,请认真做完这些作业。那么,写给自己的一封信英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。



Dear future me,


How are you doing? I wonder how much our lives have changed since now. Have we achieved the goals we set out for ourselves? Do we live the way we always wanted to? I hope you remain happy and healthy.


Right now, I'm still learning and exploring the possibilities in life. The future seems uncertain and unpredictable. But I hope that you, the future me, will pursue your dreams courageously and live with no regrets. Take chances, follow your heart, don't hesitate. Embrace changes and challenges along the way.





A Letter To Myself

Future me:

Hello,I am so glad to write a letter to you.

Can you tell me what I am like in the future.I am so want to know it.Do you know?I have a dream from childhood,that is I want to do a oucast and trvel around the world,do I come true it?I am so so shy,so I can't talk with stranger and I am bad at social intercourse .

If you because of this and have a bad life,I am so sorry.please tell me,I will try my best to change it.I have so much want to tell you ,but I don't know where to start.Above all,I will live seriously to make you have a good life.Also,you must live seriously also,don't be lazy,Ok?If your life embarrassed,life is very hard,don't give up,Insist on our dreams,live well.If we do that,I believe in my future my dream will be realized.

past you

August 29th 20xx

outcast:流浪人 social intercourse :社会交际

embarrassed 窘迫的 Insist on 坚持








A Letter to Myself

Dear Shellva:

How are you recently? I heard that you are in depression for some time. What’s wrong? You are ill or you are confronted with troubles? More or less, you can tell me whatever you are worried about now. I’m always your loyal listener! On daily life, you are universally accepted that you are humorous and facetious, and to your relief, you are dutiful, which means that you perform the role perfectly. When friends play jokes with you, you smile, although you are uncomfortable with the words; When friends laugh at your foolishness, you smile, although you have already been ashamed of your silly act and what you need at that time is comfort. When every time you get the jest from others, what you do and what you usually do is just smiling, smiling, and smiling again! You are on sea. You don’t know how to balance others’ feel and your own feel. You care others’ views too much. You don’t want to be thought as mean girl, so you hide your true feel deeply! You also want to change the situation but in vain. Often you think you are too flabby, you are easy to give in to others. Surely you dislike yourself like this. But what can you do. Maybe except becoming stronger you can do nothing.

In fact, everyone around us lives the life wearing masks. Smiling looks wonderful compared with indifference. So, why not? I will continue to be smiling fool and lead this friendly lifestyle!


A Letter To MyselfI‘ll be in the second semester of Senior Two in the high school soon, which means I will sit for the College Entrance Examination in about a year time. If I want to obtain a good academic performance in the final exam, I’ll have to behave well. Therefore, I need to set a plan for this purpose. First, I have to study hard and carefully to get higher marks in each test. Next, I have to learn to take care of myself. Then I have to manage my own time. Last but not the least, I have to know how to make more new friends. I'll work hard to do so.




Dear Jim

I'm Jim,Yes,you are me.

In ten years,I think I'll be a reporter.I'll live in Shanghai,because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.I think it's really a beautiful city.As a reporter,I think I will meet lots of interesting people.I think I'll live in an apartment with my best friends,because I don't like living alone.I'll have pets.I can't have any pets now because my mother hates them and our apartment is too small.So in ten years,I'll have many different pets.I might even keep a pet parrot!I'll probably go skating and swimming every day.During the week I'll look smart,and probably will wear a suit.On the weekends,I'll be able to dress more casually.I think I'll go to Hong Kong on vacation,and one day I might even visit Australia.






To Your Future Self


Take out a pen and paper right now and start writing your letter to your future self. Identify a time period to write to, imagine how you will be like during that time period, then start writing. Think about the type of person you will be, your place in life, what you would have accomplished then, the kind of thoughts and feelings you will experience, and so on.



Dear FutureMe,亲爱的未来的我,I hope you are more excited about your 33rd birthday than you were about your 32nd birthday. 33 is your lucky num...

以上就是写给自己的一封信英语作文的全部内容,并且期待着惊喜于你的成就。而当你回想起我和这封信的时候,我希望你会欣赏我的努力并给我写封回信。我们可以假装我真的能读到它。在那之前,我会一直期待着你的消息。Sincerely,Me at age 19 此致。
