
  • 一年级
  • 2024-06-05

文明礼仪的英语作文?Do you remenber the time when people were a little nicer and gentler with each other?I certainly do.你还记得曾几何时的人们,在相互交往时(所体现)的那种亲切和文明吗?我对此记忆犹新。那么,文明礼仪的英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。




Civility is that we learn, the foundation of life, is the healthy growth of our arms. Mr. educator Tao of a famous saying: "Thousands of people seeking truth and teach teach ten thousand, ten thousand thousand school to learn to do live." Said the teacher is to teach students not only knowledge, but also should educate students to learn in life, learn to do civilized people, learn to human society, the only way we can truly "patriotic and law-abiding, civilized, integrity, friendliness, dedication.

However, in real life, we all regret not found in today's highly developed material, the quality of our citizens, but there are some problems, litter everywhere growing phenomenon. According to the report, there are a lot of foreign tourists to China, seeing scenic garbage everywhere, they spontaneously organize themselves up garbage, after the completion of peace of mind to play.



We talk about courtesy and civilized, even though there are a lot of people on the street, very crowded, we should not squeeze to Jiqu, because it is very bad influence.


Being polite

In our life, we should be polite to do many things. We should talk about courtesy and civilized, even though there are a lot of people on the street, very crowded, we should not squeeze to Jiqu, because it is very bad influence. We should give the seats to the old people and the weak people gor help in the buses. We should help the old people cross the street or tell the missing people the right way to their places. So, if we be polite and helpful to other people, our city will be more morden.




Civilization etiquette everywhere, often happen in our around things, but we are often ignored. So we need to put the civilized manners into the real life. Civilized manners should notice at ordinary times, to form a good habit since childhood.


First of all, we have to honor your father and your mother. Parents spent countless efforts, tending our growth, honour thy father and thy mother is how the basic moral. We shall always remember the kindness of the parents, the parents to have good manners.



In life, we will be civilized manners. For example: in the street do not push her away, especially in the busy streets


以上就是文明礼仪的英语作文的全部内容,千学万学学做真人,说的就是学习应先学做人,学做文明人,学做社会人,清洁环境,文明 文明礼仪是我们学习、生活的根基,是我们健康成长的臂膀。没有了文明,就没有了基本的道德底线。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
