
  • 九年级
  • 2024-08-14



1b Listen and circle “T” (for true) or “F” (for false).Woman: So, what are you doing this afternoon, Anna?Anna: I'm going to the mall with John. He just got his driver's license.Woman: I'm sorry. You can't go with John. I don't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. They aren't serious enough at that age.Anna: But I have to go to the mall. Gaby's getting her ears pierced and I want to watch.Woman: I don't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pi龚鸡夺课懿酒额旬帆莫erced. They might be sorry later.Anna: I agree, but it's fun to watch. Is it OK if we take the bus?Woman: Well, I guess so.Anna: Great! I want to buy a new blouse at the mall, too.Woman: What kind are you going to buy? Maybe I should go with you.Anna: Aw, Mom. I'm not a child. I think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Woman: Well, I just want to be sure you get something nice.


看看是不是这些? Unit 3
pierce 刺穿;刺破
license 执照;许可证
silly 愚蠢的;傻的
earring 耳环
instead of 代替;而不是
stay up 不睡觉;熬夜
concentrate 集中;聚集
concentrate on 全神贯注;专心于
study 学习;研究
design 设计;构思
present 目前;现在
at present 目前;现在
opportunity 机会;时机
volunteer 自愿;志愿者
local 地方的;当地的
experience 经历;体验
member 会员;成员
mess 混乱;脏乱
old people's home 养老院
sleepy 困倦的;不活跃的
reply 回答;答复
newsletter 时事通讯;简报
obey 服从;顺从
in the way 挡道的;妨碍人的
achieve 完成;实现
race 赛宝;比赛
realistic 现实的;注重实际的
importance 重要;重要性
care 关心;忧虑
care about 担心;关心
succeed 成功;达到;完成
point 要点;论点
Kathy 凯西


Unit 9
invent v. 发明;创造
calculator n. 计算器
be used for 用来做……
scoop v.& n. 用勺舀;勺子;球形勺;长柄勺
adjustable adj. 可调整的
heel n. (鞋、袜等的)后跟;(足)跟
battery n. 电池
operate v. 操作;作业
battery-operated 电池供电的
slipper n. 拖鞋
heat v. 加热;使变热
bulb n. 电灯泡;电灯
light bulb 电灯泡;电灯
microwave n. 微波
microwave oven 微波炉
crispy adj. 脆的;易碎的
salty adj. 咸的;含盐的
sour adj. 酸的;酸味的
by mistake 错误地
chef n. 厨师
sprinkle v. 撒(粉末状物);酒(液体)
by accident 偶然地;意外地
beverage n. 饮料
according to 根据;按照;据……所说;视……为定
ancient adj. 古代的;古老的
legend n. 传说;传奇故事
Shen Nong 神农(中国上古传说中农业、医药之祖,教人农耕,亲尝百草)
bush n. 灌木;灌木丛
fall into 落入;陷入
remain v. 留下;被遗留;剩余;保持不变
notice v. 注意到;擦觉到
produce v. 生产;制造;产生
pleasant adj. 合意的;令人愉快的;讨人喜欢的
mixture n. 混合;混合物;混合剂
in this way 这样
pie n. 馅饼
flying disk 飞碟;飞盘
bakery n. 面包店
Bridgeport (美国康涅狄格州西南部港市)布里奇波特
Connecticut (美国)康涅狄格州
throw v. 投;掷
taste n. 味道;风味
lemon n. 柠檬
cookie n. 小甜饼干;曲奇饼
abacus n. 算盘
binoculars n. 双筒望远镜
century n. 世纪;百年
rank n. 顺序;级别
active adj. 活动的;活泼的;积极的
indoors adv. 在户内
create v. 创造;创作;创建
wooden adj. 木制的
knock v. 敲;击;碰撞
knock into 与……相撞
divide v. 分开;划分
aim n. 目标;目的
basket n. 篮;篮筐
metal n. 金属
hoop n. 环;圈;篮圈
shoot v. 投篮;射击
below prep.& adv. 在……的下面;低于……
backboard n. 篮板;背板
guide v. 指导;带领
towards prep. 向着;朝着
court n. 球场
Berlin 柏林
develop v. (使)发展;(使)成长;(使)发达
popularity n. 普及;流行
risen v. rise的过去分词
worldwide adv.& adj. 世界范围的;世界性的
association n. 协会
equipment n. 装备;器材


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manateen海牛 furryadj毛皮的,长有毛皮的 enormousadj巨大的,庞大的 playfuiadj顽皮的 aggressiveadj侵犯的 grayadj灰色的 spottedadj有斑点的 kangaroon袋鼠 chimpanzeen黑猩猩 cheetahn猎豹 mangroven红树 swampn沼泽 habitatn栖息地 aquaticadj水生的 feedn饲料 underwateradj在水下的 vegetationn植物 weighv称 poundn磅 pollutedadj被污染的 suitableadj合适的 tinyadj极小的 cagen笼子 disgustedadj厌恶的 educatev教育 carefor关心 urgev强烈要求 expressionn词语 recyclev再循环 buitvbuid的过去式和过去分词 stuffn原料 pullv拉 gluev粘贴 roofn顶 discardv丢弃 tilen瓦片 fencen栅栏 cann容器{罐,壶} recentlyadv最近 planetn行星 societyn社团 presidentn总统 inspirationn灵感 spareadj多余的 modeln模型 有一些不重要的单词就没写了。谢谢采纳

以上就是九年级英语第三单元单词朗读的全部内容, 。
