
  • 一年级
  • 2024-08-12

我的一周英语? .那么,我的一周英语?一起来了解一下吧。

My monday was a boring day.It was hot. I was not at work.I watched TV all morning.The shows were boring.Then I called my friend, Nancy. She wasn’t at home.I didn’t know where she was.At twelve I was hungry. There was not any food in the fridge.I was lazy. I was tired. Then I ate lunch outside.At one o’clock. I was in bed.In the afternoon I was at the movies.The film was boring.

a week's life
i had a busy life last week ,on monday,i had piano lessons in the evening after school ,and i had to finished my homework first,then i could go to bed .on tuesday,i had to study for the next day's english test,so i studied hard all night,i felt very tired the next morning.on wednesday,i practised singing a beautiful song during the music class,it was relaxing,and i thought it was the best day in the week.on thursday,my mother was busy with housework that i had to help her do the laundry and looked after my little brother.and on friday,i had to pracise the piano.on the weekend, i was busy ,too,but happy,i went to my friend's birthday party on saturday.i enjoyed myself there and i visited my aunt on sunday,i helped her with farmwork,i was tired after a day's work,what a busy week i had!

I have a happy week。first,I went to the zoo,and saw many interesting animals.second,I went to the old people'home to visit old peole.they said i am a good boy,and i was happy.and i also do my homework and study during the weekend.what a happy weekend!

My week 我的一周是我工作的一周是我休息的星期日。 My working week and my Sunday rest. 奥斯卡:我真的觉得我的英语一周比一周好了。 Oscar: I really think that my English is getting better and better each week. 我的假期一周后结束。 My holiday will end in one week.

here is the weather report for last week of harbin. it was very strange.on mondy,it was fine.the low temperature was 21°c and the high temperature was 29°c. on tuesday, it was cloudy and hot. the low temperature was 23°c and the high temperature was 31°c. on wednesday,it was rainy.the low temperature was 20°c and the high temperature was 28°c.on thursday,it had a heavy rain.the low temperature was 20°c an窢龚促夹讵蝗存伟担连d the high temperature was 27°c.on friday,we had a sunny day again.the low temperature was 22°c and the high temperature was 31°c

