
  • 一年级
  • 2024-07-08

尴尬的事英语作文?写作思路:选取生活中认为最尴尬一件事情,然后交代事情的原委就可以了。范文如下:Tonight, I went to the park with my father, mother and brother,We had a good time。今天晚上,我和爸爸、妈妈、弟弟一起去公园玩,我们玩得很开心。When we went to the maze,那么,尴尬的事英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


The embarrass things

This is my first embarrass things:when I am go to the hospital.I paid the money,but the receptionist throw my money and card,she's not very patient.I am veryangry.Later,I am ok,not speak anything.

The second things:I took a shower,I am not open the fire,and I only just wear my cloth,and open it.

The third things:When I am by the taxi, I haven't take the money.And I only go to my house,and told my mother,and take the money,paid it.

The finally,I think I have many embarrass things,if let me say this,perhaps couldn't finish it this composition.Have a nice day,everybody,the life always will have the bad things,but the life still must continue,so don't remember the bad things.If meet it,deal with finished,just smile!







The embarrass things

This is my first embarrass things:when I am go to the hospital.I paid the money,but the receptionist throw my money and card,she's not very patient.I am veryangry.Later,I am ok,not speak anything.

The second things:I took a shower,I am not open the fire,and I only just wear my cloth,and open it.

The third things:When I am by the taxi, I haven't take the money.And I only go to my house,and told my mother,and take the money,paid it.

The finally,I think I have many embarrass things,if let me say this,perhaps couldn't finish it this composition.Have a nice day,everybody,the life always will have the bad things,but the life still must continue,so don't remember the bad things.If meet it,deal with finished,just smile!





An Embarrassing Experience【一次尴尬的经历】

As is often the case, sometime last month I walked on the street and found someone smiling or even trying to talk to me, but I couldn't recall who he or she was at all. I felt so ill at ease that all I did was only to gently stand there and try my best to smile as brightly as possible.

One day such a thing happened again. While I was greeting that beautiful girl, a crazy idea came into my mind that I decided to keep on talking with her though I didn't know her. Luckily, we had a pleasant conversation for ten minutes. But when saying good-bye to each other, we both suddenly found she had mistaken me for my elder sister. What an embarrassing experience it was!


The most embarrassed thing happening to me in a foreign country is during that time I went to America .

Firstly , I want to let you know that I have been to America , which happened in last summer vacation . After I was there for some time , I knew a girl whose name is Jerry , with whom I had a very great friendship . During the weekend , we always go somewhere funny to let our heart fly .

I still remember that time when I was so embarrassed before her father . That time we were plan to have a journey to the beach , and she asked me to pick her up at the dated time . So when the time came , I went to her home to pick her up . Unfortunately , I came across her father whose temper was not good .When I was waiting her in the car I rent ,her father came to me and asked,"Do you drink?" I answered "No,thanks,I’m cool." To my surprise , her father said angrily ,"I’m asking If you drink . Do you think I’d offer alcohol to teenage drivers taking my daughter out? " At that moment I was so embarrassed that I wanted to find a hole to hide myself in .

Now I know that time I didn't understand him correctly because of our two countries cultures ' differences . However , I am still quite embarrassed the moment I think of that time .

以上就是尴尬的事英语作文的全部内容,生活中最尴尬的事英语作文加翻译 望采纳,以下文章供你参考哦,嘻嘻。 My embarrassing things that day.I came early to the classroom, students sat down in hastily ,I just about to stand up, only to find pants sticky.我那天尴尬的事。
