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  • 英语单词
  • 2024-06-25

交通拥堵的英语作文?如何解决交通拥堵问题英语作文如下:How to Solve the Traffic Jam Problems。As the people's living standard increases,more and more cars crowd in families。These cars run on the roads,causing traffic jams。As we can see,the capacity of roads is limited,那么,交通拥堵的英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。



How to Solve the Traffic Jam Problems。

As the people's living standard increases,more and more cars crowd in families。These cars run on the roads,causing traffic jams。

As we can see,the capacity of roads is limited,though they have been expanded again and again。

But our cars are on the rise all the time。How can the limited roads hold the unlimited cars。As a result,traffic jams and accidents happen frequently,leading to a great。

Economic loss,injuries,and even deaths。The situation is worse during rush hours。


Dear Mayor,

I am writing to give some suggestions to improve our city’s transportation.

At present, traffic jams have become a major problem in our city every day. The number of private cars has been increasing all the time. What’s more, some drivers disobey traffic rules, thus constantly causing traffic jams.

From my point of view, measures must be taken to solve this problem. First of all, the government should encourage people to use public transport more and at same time limit private cars.

What comes next is that more lanes and parking lots should be built. Last but not least, it’s important to educate the public to obey traffic rules.

I would appreciate it if you could take my suggestions into consideration. I’m looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua




高中英语作文关于交通的范文一:家乡的交通问题 Traffic Problem in My Hometown

The traffic problem is one of the most serious problems in my hometown. Recently, more and more people have private car, but the roads are so narrow that we have to fight against the heavy traffic when we go out. Especially during the rush hours, cars and buses are unable to move. To make things worse, many people are killed in the traffic accidents. How miserable it is!

For the sake of our life and security, some measures must be taken to change the present situation. In the first place, as there are a great many cars, we should control the number of private cars and vehicles and use the public transportation more often. Secondly, the government should widen the roads and build more flyovers, so as to ease the traffic pressure and reduce the traffic accidents. In addition, the undergrounds and light rails should be constructed, so that we can have more choices when going out and do not have to worry about the traffic jams in the future.

I believe the traffic problem could be solved if we devote our actions to them.



Traffic congestion has long been a problem of great concern and complaint in big cities. It has caused a lot of inconvenience to people's life and work. The first cause is the great increase in the number of private cars. Cars take up more space but they carry fewer people. Some private car drivers, ignoring traffic regulations, drive only for the sake of their own convenience, blocking the way of other public transportation vehicles. The second cause is the slow and inefficient construction and improvement of the roads and streets. With a large population and numbers of automobiles increasing, some roads still remain unimproved, which will surely lead to problems. Let all of us act now to solve it.长期来交通拥塞一直是大城市最关心和抱怨的问题.已造成人们生活和工作的很大不便.首要原因是私家车数量的大量增加.小汽车占用了更多空间,但他们却携带很少的人.一些私家车司机无视交通规则,开车时只图自己的方便,挡住了其他公共交通工具的道路.其次是缓慢而低效的建设及对道路和街区的完善.随着人口越来越多和汽车数量的成倍增长,而道路依旧保持原样,无疑会导致问题的产生.让我们所有的人现在就采取行动来解决它.


How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic?

Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining about the heavy traffic. It has seriously influenced people's daily life and economic development. To solve the problem, some pieces of advice are put forward. Some people suggest that more streets and roads should be built. In this way,

the traffic density can be redncedi hence speeding up the flow of buses and cars.But the new roads and streets will be filled with many cars and buses soon.

Some people advise to limit the number of bikes and cars. This can decrease the traffic flow. But on the other haad, this will affect the consumption and make buses more crowded.

In my opinion, the number of private cars should be put under control. And at the same time, buses should have their own special routes which cannot be used by other vehicles. Besides, underground train and city train should be developed quickly. ( 151 words)



以上就是交通拥堵的英语作文的全部内容,we can ride a bike, so can exercise the body, but also improved the congestion. No, not at all?翻译:交通堵塞 如今,每个城市都有交通拥堵状况。如何解决交通拥挤的问题?它已经严重地影响了人们的日常生活和经济发展。为了解决这个问题,人们提出了一些建议。我认为,人们应该得多坐公交车,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
