鼓励某人做某事用英语怎么说,代替某人做某事 英语

  • 用英语怎么说
  • 2024-06-23



try to do sth 尝试干某事
like to do sth 喜欢干某事(间歇性)
want to do sth 想要干某事
hope to do sth 希望干某事
decide to do sth 决定干某事
refuse to do sth 警告干某事
agree to do sth同意干某事
finish doing sth完成干某事
like doing sth喜欢干某事(习惯性)
enjoydoing sth 喜欢做某事
suggest doing sth建议干某事
keep doing sth坚持干某事
promise doing sth 保证干某事


Our teacher often(encourages)Us (to)study hard.
解释:encourage sb to do,鼓励某人做某事。这里用第三人称单数形式。


1. ... On the way to go2. In the coming3. There is an idea4. Collection of stamps5. To consider and think about6. To be proud of ... ...7. A variety of8. With each other, each other9. Examination10. ... ... The opposite11. ... Fun to do ...12. ... Expertise ...13. Sentence14. Dictionaries15. Reunion16. Half an hour17. ... Made by ...18. To introduce ... ...19. ... ... Interested in right20. To encourage someone to do something21. ... ... Well22. At university23. To have confidence in ... ...24. Branch, the construction of25. In the 20th century26. A complete and thorough27. Do not clamor28. Married29. Is no longer30. By the way,31. Away from home


1.on the way to 2.in the future3.have an idea4.collected stamps5.think about 6.be pride of 7.all kinds of8.each other9.examination10.on the other side of11.have fun doing sth12.be good at

13.make a sentence14.look up the dictionary 15.have a reunion16.half an hour 17.be made of(from)18.introduce A to B 19.be interested in20.encourage sb to do sth21.do well in 22.go to college23.be confident in 24.the construction of25.in the twentieth century26.totally 27.Don't make noise28.married 29.no longer 30.by the way31.be away from home


encourage sb to do sth.意思是“鼓励某人做某事”。 例如: Our English teacher often encourages us to speak more English in class. 我们的英语老师常鼓励我们要在课堂上多说英语。

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