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  • 英语单词
  • 2024-06-22

施展才华英文?施展:[ shī zhǎn ]引证解释:1. 展开。唐 元稹 《竹簟》诗:“竹簟衬重茵,未忍都令卷。忆昨初来日,看君自施展。”2. 谓显示本领,发挥才能。元 薛昂夫 《殿前欢·冬》曲:“施展出江湖气概,抖擞出风月情怀。”3. 使用。杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第五章:“他们有的是刺刀、手榴弹、子弹,那么,施展才华英文?一起来了解一下吧。




[give free play to] 发挥;运用





put to good use; give free play to


(1).展开。 唐 元稹 《竹簟》诗:“竹簟衬重茵,未忍都令卷。忆昨初来日,看君自施展。” 鲁迅 《准风月谈·禁用和自造》:“据我的经验,墨汁也并非可以常用的东西,写过几千字,毛笔便被胶得不能施展。”

(2).谓显示本领,发挥才能。 元 薛昂夫 《殿前欢·冬》曲:“施展出江湖气概,抖擞出风月情怀。”《醒世恒言·一文钱小隙造奇冤》:“将 田牛儿 围住,险些儿动不得。急起左拳来打,手尚未起,又被一人接住,两边扯开。 田牛儿 便施展不得。” 清 昭连 《啸亭杂录·张文端代作诗》:“ 王文简公 士禛 ,诗名重於当时,浮沉粉署,无所施展。” 王西彦 《人的世界》:“他并不是没有才能,不过没有一个地方可以让他施展才能。”

(3).使用。 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第五章:“他们有的是刺刀、手榴弹、子弹,但不能施展:刺刀不敢近,打枪又怕打中他们的人。”


Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen:

How are you?

I'am a senior student in Yangtze University,since I am going to step into the society I am looking forward to the future.I believe"Well begun is half done".I wish your company will be the starting point of my success,and I feel so honored to have this opportunity to work in your company to creat a brilliant future together.

I was born in Wuhan,and entered Yangtze University in 2006,from then on a new chapter of my life opened.During my colleague life,I attach great impotrance to the cultivation of the personal diathesis along with work hard with my professional knowledge,. I always on the duty as a class monitor, the hectic works not noly cultivate and practice my working ability but also improve my capability of organization and coordination and resolution of the problems. Moreover, I also activly participate in various activities, expand my own knowledge of the world.Make great efforts to improve my English and computer levels.

“The field of activity is vast with brilliant prospects where much can be accomplished”,I hope that your company will give me an opportunity to let my rich talent to a full play,I assure to work hard,and diligently learn the professional knowledge,I won't let you be disappointed



Go over the knowledge what you learned during the day after you finish your homework.




review the knowledge learned in the daytime after finishing the homework.

以上就是施展才华英文的全部内容,Moreover, I have attended all kinds of activities to enlarge my knowledge. Also, great progress has been made in my English and computer operating.(计算机水平,用level别人肯定听不懂,只有说计算机操作上有进步)“海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞”,我希望贵公司能给我一个施展才华的机会,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
