悉尼大剧院英文?悉尼歌剧院(Sydney Opera House),位于悉尼市区北部,是悉尼市地标建筑物,由丹麦建筑师约恩·乌松设计,一座贝壳形屋顶下方是结合剧院和厅室的水上综合建筑。歌剧院内部建筑结构则是仿效玛雅文化和阿兹特克神庙。该建筑1959年3月开始动工,于1973年10月20日正式竣工交付使用,共耗时14年 。那么,悉尼大剧院英文?一起来了解一下吧。
悉尼歌剧院(Sydney Opera House),位于悉尼市区北部,是悉尼市地标建筑物,由丹麦建筑师约恩·乌松设计,一座贝壳形屋顶下方是结合剧院和厅室的水上综合建筑。歌剧院内部建筑结构则是仿效玛雅文化和阿兹特克神庙。该建筑1959年3月开始动工,于1973年10月20日正式竣工交付使用,共耗时14年1。悉尼歌剧院曾经获得伊丽莎白女王二世、美国总统福特、克林顿、南非总统曼德拉、联合国前安理会总理安南等众多国际名人造访。悉尼歌剧院是澳大利亚的地标建筑,也是20世纪最具特色的建筑之一,2007年被联合国教科文组织评为世界文化遗产。
The Sydney Opera House is a multi-venue performing arts centre in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. It is one of the 20th century's most famous and distinctive buildings.
Designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, the building was formally opened on 20 October 1973 after a gestation beginning with Utzon's 1957 selection as winner of an international design competition.
The Government of New South Wales, led by the premier, Joseph Cahill, authorised work to begin in 1958 with Utzon directing construction.
Sydney Opera House(悉尼歌剧院)
The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous buildings in the world.It is considered to be one of the most recognizable images of the modern world although the building has been open for only about 30 years.
The Sydney Opera House is as representative of Australia as the pyramids are of Egypt. 6 225 square meters of glass and 645 kilometers of electric cable were used to build the Opera House.It includes 1 000 rooms.
It is 185 meters long and 120 meters wide.The building’s roof sections weight about 15 tons.There are 1 million tiles on the roof.It provides guided tours to 200 000 people each year.
But do you know the Opera House with a roof was designed by a famous Danish architect,John Utzon?In the late 1950s the Australian Government established an appeal fund to finance for the construction of the Sydney Opera House,and conducted a competition for its design was chosen.
Utzon spent a few years reworking the design and it was 1961 before he had solved the problem of how to build the distinguishing feature—the sails of the roof.The venture experienced cost blowouts.
In 1966 the situation reached crisis point and Utzon resigned from the project.The building was finally competed by others in 1973.Sydney Opera House was opened by Queen Elizabeth on 20th October 1973.
The Opera House reaches out into the harbour.Seen from the air or a ferry,the skyline of the Sydney Opera Hose,the blue water of the harbour and the Sydney Harbour Bridge,so beautiful.
1、悉尼歌剧院的建造历程2、悉尼歌剧院在哪?3、悉尼歌剧院的优点以及缺点?4、悉尼歌剧院简介 悉尼歌剧院介绍
悉尼歌剧院是从50年代开始构思兴建,1955年起公开搜集世界各地的设计作品,至1956年共有32个国家233个作品参选,后来丹麦建筑师约恩·伍重的设计屏雀中选,约恩·伍重的设计灵感来自于切开的橙子,该项目共耗时14年、斥资1200万澳大利亚元完成建造,为了筹措经费,除了募集基金外,澳大利亚 *** 还曾于1959年发行悉尼歌剧院彩券。
在建造过程中,因为改组后的澳大利亚新 *** 与约恩·伍重失和,使得这位建筑师愤而于1966年离开澳大利亚,从此再未踏上澳大利亚土地,连自己的经典之作都无法亲眼目睹。
之后的工作由澳大利亚建筑师群合力完成,包括Peter Hall、Lionel Todd与David Littlemore等三位,悉尼歌剧院最后在公元1973年10月20日正式开幕。
soap opera肥皂剧、连续剧、番笕剧;opera house歌剧院、悉尼歌剧院、大剧院、格拉茨歌剧院;the phantom of the opera歌剧魅影、剧院魅影、歌剧院的幽灵、歌声魅影;space opera太空歌剧、太空剧、太空剧场、太空探险片。
phantom of the opera歌剧魅影、歌声魅影、歌剧院魅影;sydney opera house悉尼歌剧院、雪梨歌剧院、歌剧院、澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院;opera seria正歌剧、严肃歌剧、意大利语;grand opera大歌剧、歌剧节、歌剧剧团。
1、Opera houses are packed out wherever she sings.
2、She's one of the leading lights in the opera world.
以上就是悉尼大剧院英文的全部内容,1、悉尼歌剧院(Sydney Opera House),位于澳大利亚新南威尔士州悉尼市区北部的便利朗角(Bennelong Point),1959年3月动工建造,1973年10月20日正式投入使用,是澳大利亚地标式建筑。 2、。