
  • 一年级
  • 2024-05-11

新概念英语第一册107课课文?Lesson 108 How do they compare?它门的比较级和最高级是什么? Lesson 107-108 自学导读 First things first 课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.be in fashion,时髦,流行。那么,新概念英语第一册107课课文?一起来了解一下吧。


Lesson1: Excuse me!

Excuse me!


Is this your handbag?


Is this your handbag?

Yes, it is.

Thank you very much.

Lesson 3:Sorry sir.

My coat and my umbrella please.

Here is my ticket.

Thank you sir.

Number five.

Here is your umbrella and your coat.

This is not my umbrella.

Sorry sir.

Is this your umbrella?

No, it isn't.

Is this it?

Yes, it is.

Thank you very much

Lesson 9: How are you today?

Hello, Helen.

Hi, Steven.

How are you today?

I’m very well, Thank you.

And you?

I’m fine, thanks.

How is Tony?

He’s fine, Thanks.

How’s Emma?

She’s very well, too, Helen.

Goodbye, Helen.

Nice to see you.

Nice to see you, too, Steven.




-Do /you /like /this dress?疑问词,主语,动词,宾语

-I /like /this dress /very much.It's /lovely /dress,but /it's /too small/ for /me.




至于in ,就是因为连读,前面是are ,速度快些来读,就自然会变成aring


Lesson1: Excuse me!

Excuse me!


Is this your handbag?


Is this your handbag?

Yes, it is.

Thank you very much.

Lesson 3:Sorry sir.

My coat and my umbrella please.

Here is my ticket.

Thank you sir.

Number five.

Here is your umbrella and your coat.

This is not my umbrella.

Sorry sir.

Is this your umbrella?

No, it isn't.

Is this it?

Yes, it is.

Thank you very much.

Lesson 5: ?Nice to meet you.

Good morning.

Good morning, Mr. Blake.

This is Miss Sophie Dupont.

Sophie is a new student.

She is a French.

Sophie, this is Hans.

He is German.

Nice to meet you.

And this is Naoko.


Nice to meet you.

And this is Chang-woo.

He’s Korean.

Nice to meet you.

And this is Luming.

He’s Chinese.

Nice to meet you.

And this is Xiaohui.

She’s Chinese, too.

Nice to meet you.

Lesson 7: Are you a teacher?

I’m a new student.

My name’s Robert.

Nice to meet you.

My name’s Sophie.

Are you French?

Yes, I’m.

Are you French, too?

No, I’m not.

What nationality are you?

I’m Italian.

Are you a teacher?

No, I’m not.

What’s your job?

I’m a keyboard operator.

What’s your job?

I’m an engineer.

Lesson 9: How are you today?

Hello, Helen.

Hi, Steven.

How are you today?

I’m very well, Thank you.

And you?

I’m fine, thanks.

How is Tony?

He’s fine, Thanks.

How’s Emma?

She’s very well, too, Helen.

Goodbye, Helen.

Nice to see you.

Nice to see you, too, Steven.


Lesson 11: Is this your shirt?

Whose shirt is that?

Is this your shirt, Dave?

No, sir.

It’s not my shirt.

This is my shirt.

My shirts blue.

Is this shirt Tim’s?

Perhaps it is, sir.

Tim’s shirts white.


Yes, sir.

Is this your shirt?

Yes, Sir.

Here you are.


Thank you, sir.

Lesson 13: A new dress

What color is your new dress?

It is green.

Come upstairs and see it.

Thanks you.


Here it is!

That’s a nice dress.

It’s very smart.

My hat’s new, too.

What color is it?

It’s the same color.

It’s green, too.

That’s a lovely hat.

Lesson 15: Your passport, please.

Are you Swedish?

No, we are not.

We are Danish.

Are your friends Danish, too?

No, they aren’t.

They are Norwegian.

Your passport, please.

Here they are.

Are there your cases?

No, they aren’t.

Our cases are brown.

Here they are.

Are you tourists?

Yes, we are.

Are your friends tourists too?

Yes, they are.

That’s fine.

Thank you very much.

Lesson 17: How do you do

Come and meet our employees, Mr. Richards.

Thank you, Mr. Jackson.

This is Nicola Grey, and this is Claire Taylor.

How do you do?

Those women are very hard-working.

What are their jobs?

They’re keyboard operators.

This is Michael Baker, and this is Jeremy Short.

How do you do?

They aren’t very busy!

What are their jobs?

They’re sales reps.

They are very lazy.

Who is this young man?

This is Jim.

He is our office assistant.



课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.be in fashion,时髦,流行。

2.Would you like…?你愿意……吗? 这个句型常用于表示委婉的请求或提议:

Would you like to go with us?你乐意与我们一起去吗?

3.as well,同时,也。通常用于句末。如:

He knows Spanish as well.他还懂西班牙语。

too与 as well一般不用于否定句,否定句中用 either。

4.Could you…?您能……吗? 用于表示请求,比 Can you…?更加婉转客气:

Could you tell me the way to the post office?您能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗?

5.like that one,像那件那样的。


语法 Grammar in use



A 大多数单音节形容词的比较级和最高级的构成是在其原级后面加上-er和-est:


B 许多单音节形容词只有一个元音字母,其末尾为一辅音字母。

