一般英文会用Writing skill(写作技巧)来表达写作手法。
或者说the way of expressing(表达手法)来表达某人表达时所用的方法。
写作技巧的英语是 writing skill
Write in English every day
This is the most important tip to improve your writing skills in English. Start by thinking of a theme, for example, you could start writing a diary of something that happens to you every day, you can write a few lines of a story each day or you could write emails to your friends in English. This might be difficult at first but the more you continue, the easier it will become and you might even end up enjoying it!
Improve your vocabulary
Having a wide range of vocabulary is very important when you’re writing in English. An excellent way to improve your vocabulary is to read as much as possible. If you read books, newspapers or magazines in English, you will learn many new words and common English idioms. Remember to write down the new words and expressions you read and their meanings so you can learn them.
Ask someone to check your writing
If you’re studying at an English language school, you could ask your teacher to check your writing for you. Otherwise, why not ask a friend or relative who speaks English? I’m sure they’d be happy to help! You might even be able to do a writing language exchange – find an English person who is learning your language and write letters or emails to each other (you can write in English and they can write in your language). When you send a reply, you can also send their letter back to them with corrections and they can do the same for you!
Use a dictionary
You might feel that using a dictionary when you write is ‘cheating’ but think again – it is actually a great way to improve your vocabulary and practise using words and phrases that you’ve heard but haven’t used before. Remember to ask someone to check your writing to make sure you have used the vocabulary correctly.
Write about different topics
If you write about the same thing every day, you could become very bored and you might end up using the same words and phrases over and over again! It is a good idea to find different topics to write about as this will help to widen your vocabulary and will be much more interesting for you. Writing about something you read in a newspaper or watched on TV is a good starting point.
Check your writing carefully
After you have written something in English, you should always read it again, either straight away or the next day. When you do this, you will probably see a few mistakes that you didn’t notice when you were writing it. Remember to check the spelling, grammar and vocabulary – have you used a particular word many times? Can you think of another way to say it?
Do your homework
If you have classes at an English language school, your teacher probably gives you writing homework to do. It is really important that you do all your homework as your teacher knows your level of English and will be able to give you good advice on which parts of writing you need to improve most (e.g. vocabulary, spelling, grammar). This is extremely important if you are planning to take an English language exam.
Write to your friends
Do you have friends who speak English (e.g. people you have met in your English classes)? If so, you should definitely practise your writing with them! There are many ways to do this – using social media (Facebook, Twitter etc.), sending emails, writing text messages, chatting on Skype etc. The best thing about writing to people who ?are also learning English is ?that you can correct each ?other’s mistakes!
Write a blog
It doesn’t even matter if no one reads it, but writing a blog is a great way to practise writing in English. Set yourself a goal (e.g. upload one blog article a week) and start writing! The great thing about a blog is you can write about absolutely anything and there’s a chance that you might even help or entertain someone who reads it!
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes!
It’s easy to decide not to do any English writing as you are worried that you will make lots of mistakes. However, the more you write and get your writing corrected, the fewer mistakes you will make!
1. 英语作文的技巧
At the beginning of the article, use your own words; give a brief summary to the topic you are going to talk about.You should give more information about the topic and you might have to refer to some other articles, opinions. At meantime you have to identify some key points.Further discussion should be laid out by arguments, asking questions, pares different opinions and observations. Finish off the article by giving the conclusion.Check grammar and spelling. The important factor of the language which is the linking word such as firstly, in the case of, however,。