睁一只眼闭一只眼英文?turn a blind eye的意思是“to ignore something that you know is wrong”,即“熟视无睹,视而不见,睁一只眼闭一只眼”。turn a blind eye是turn the deaf ear and the blind eye的简写。那么,睁一只眼闭一只眼英文?一起来了解一下吧。
with half an eye 睁一只眼闭一只眼
in one or two words 简言之
Two heads are better then one 三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮
Think twice 三思
at sixs and sevens乱七八糟
Wake a sieep wolf唤醒沉睡的雄狮(狼)
Look right and left左右环视
Paint the lily画蛇添足
Tears rain泪如泉涌
one too many 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多 捉襟见肘 顾此失彼
a fool of the first water
five-star 五星级
second to none 首屈一指 独一无二
a therr-bottle man 一个只能喝三杯酒的人???
turn a blind eye的意思是“to ignore something that you know is wrong”,即“熟视无睹,视而不见,睁一只眼闭一只眼”。
turn a blind eye是turn the deaf ear and the blind eye的简写。其最早可能出现的文本是1698年出版的《A Discourse of Walking by Faith》:
toturnthe deaf ear, andthe blind eyeto all those Pomps and Vanities of the world…
I have only one eye, I have the right to be blind sometimes.
with half an eye不知道,只知道with half an ear是“心不在焉地听”
in one or two words 简而言之,简单地说
Two heads are better then one 两人智慧胜一人
Think twice 三思,重新考虑
at sixs and sevens 乱七八糟,凌乱
wake a s(l)eep wolf不知道,大概就是自找麻烦之类的意思
Look right and left 东张西望
Paint the lily 画蛇添足
Tears rain 。 只知道有首歌叫“tears and rain”
Teach fish to s(w)im 班门弄斧
one too many不知道,但one to many应该是“一对多”的意思
a fool of the first water 超级大傻瓜 PS:first water就是“极端”的意思
five-star 五星级的(表示最优质)
second to none 首屈一指
a therr-bottle man 额,这个我实在不知道。
with half an eye 一望而知
in one or two words 简单的说
Two heads are better than one 一人计短,二人计长
Think twice 三思后行
at sixs and sevens 乱七八糟
Wake a sleep wolf 自掘坟墓
Look right and left 东张西望
Paint the lily 画蛇添足
Tears rain 泪如雨下
Teach fish to s(w)im 班门弄斧
one too many 一对多
a fool of the first water 最傻的人(傻瓜)
five-star 五星级(高档)
second to none 首屈一指,不比任何人差
a therr-bottle man 书呆子
以上就是睁一只眼闭一只眼英文的全部内容,Think twice 三思,重新考虑 at sixs and sevens 乱七八糟,凌乱 wake a s(l)eep wolf不知道,大概就是自找麻烦之类的意思 Look right and left 东张西望 Paint the lily 画蛇添足 Tears rain 。