
  • 一年级
  • 2024-08-12





This embarrassing things happened on the Chrismas day last year. As the chrismas day was closer , one of my best classmate invited me and some classmate to celebrate the Chrismas day together at her new house.. however , how to get to her new house became the problem between us. As I once called upon her new house before, I comfirmed that I could lead them to her house for my classmates. Later on ,we marched on their new houes with Chrismas gifes in hand. When we entered the way that diverged by 8 to 9 bulidings, I had a little bit confused of which the building was hers. Then, out of not being laugh at by classmate, I pointed at 8 building. No soonermy voice died down than they all rushed onto the fouth floor and knocking out the door. The door opened, they steped in one by one with greeting and bless to host and then placed the gifts on the desk,even some of them found a seat for rest. The host was very puzzle at our coming ,and asked “who are you ?” “we are**,we call**。We respond。“sorry, you are in wrong place. We aren’t **” when my classmates heared of this , All of them stuned with open mouth. At this moment , I felt so embarrass that I expected to find a hole for hiding myself.


it is good idea.Once i called my teacher when i stydied at university i called my teacher wrong name. I should say "good morning, Zhang Laoshi, I am chenyang" but i said it totally wrong like this"Zhang kening,I am Chen Laoshi" You know,I called the whole name of the teacher and no title but introduced myself as a teacher. I hang up the phone before any voice i can hear from other side


I have never cheated on any of the school tests or exams. One day, Tom asked me to help him cheat on the English exam. He said that if he failed the exam, his Mom would be very angry with him. Tom sat behind me during the test that day. He used his pencil to tap me on the back twice. He was telling me to show him my answers, but I was too afraid to move.
When I looked up, the teacher was looking at me. It was really a terrible experience and I would never do it again.


last monday, i slept, woke up and found it was seven forty-five. i hurried to put on clothes, didn't eat breakfast, then ride a bike and run to school. i came to the classroom door, opened the door and said: "i'm sorry teacher, i was late." the teacher didn't say what, the classroom students suddenly set the whole room roaring with laughter, the teacher that said: "li ming, your school uniform anti."
(这不是我自己写的 希望能帮到你)


The small embarrassing moments in life that make us laugh and cry.
Every break in school,my friends and I walked through that same corridor,where the science labs were,that lead to the field.That day,however,was different.It still plays in my memory like a video.My friends and I were joking and laughing around.As a ‘joke’,my friend shoved me.Never did I think that such a little force would put me on the spot.Due to all the bags that were scattered on the floor,I stumbled on a few and tumbled on to someone.

