
  • 七年级
  • 2024-08-08

英语手抄报初一黑白?板块比较简单,可以照着画的,标题改成英文就行!可以采用竹子的边框,很清新!这张比较干净的,个人比喜欢, 也挺好画的!虽然是黑白的,但是对比比较强,让人眼前一亮!支持这种涂色(外面颜色深, 里面浅)标题可以用!那么,英语手抄报初一黑白?一起来了解一下吧。


Park There is a park near my home.There are a lot of beautiful trees,flowers and birds in the park.So many people go to the park to enjoy their weekends.They like walking or having a picnic in the park.But I like flying a kite with my sisiter there. 我家附近有一个公园。哪里有很多美丽的树、花和小鸟。所以很多人都喜欢到那里去度周末。他们喜欢在公园里散步或是野餐.但是我喜欢和我姐姐在那里放风筝。 Bedroom I have a small bedroom.There are only a small bed,a small desk and a small chair in the room.And there is a beautiful doll on my blue bed.Everyday I do my homework,read books and play games with the doll in my bedroom.It is small,but it gives me much happiness. 我有一间小小的卧室。


1、black英 [blæk]美 [blæk]

adj. 黑(色)的;黑色人种的;黑暗的;不加牛奶的

n. 黑色;黑人;黑颜料;黑暗

v. 使变黑;抵制;拒绝;使变黑暗

2、white英[waɪt] 美[waɪt]



1. The moon watched from the sky behind the clouds as the stars blink their eyes in fatigue. Everything is now in slumber, not a single sound nor a single movement can be seen or heard. (月亮从云后往下来,星星因倦意而眨眼着.所有的东西现在都进入了睡眠,没有任何声音或动作.)

2. Like a dim lamp, the moon shone from above. The stars twinkle their eyes with curiousity. There's not a single sound, even a cattabox like the crickets are asleep. Only the fireflys are still awake, carefully weaving a picture in the nightsky with their gentle 月亮在天空好似一盏夜灯.闪烁的星星好奇的眨着眼.夜里一点声音都没有,那些话唠蟋蟀们也睡了.只有萤火虫还醒着,小心翼翼的在夜空里织着一个画.)




at twenty years of age , the will reigns; at thirty , the wit ; and at forty , the judgment .(benjamin franklin ,american president)

二十岁时起支配作用的是意志,三十岁时是机智,四十岁时是判断。(美国总统 富兰克林 . b.)

do you love life ? then do not squander time ; for that's the stuff5 life is made of .(benjamin franklin , american president )

你热爱生命吗?那么,别浪费时间,因为生命是由时间组成的。(美国总统 富兰克林。 b.)

each moment in history is a fleeting time , precious and unique .(

richard nixon , american president )

我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。 (美国总统 林肯。 a.)

if you want to understand today , you have to search yesterday .(

pearl buck , american female writer )












As a middle schoolstudent, my study burden is heavier than before. Therefore, I must make a goodplan for my study to make the effort effective and set sometime aside forplaying. Firstly, I will make a big plan for this term and set a goal for it. Iwant to be the top three of my class in the final exam, so that I must workhard for it. In addition, I will make plans for several short periods, such as monthlyplan and weekly plan. By doing so, I can clearly know what my major task ofdifferent. Finally, daily plan is necessary, too. Write down my tasks for every day and finish them strictly. Remember not put tasks until tomorrow. With thesedifferent plans, I can arrange my time reasonably and get sometime to play.

以上就是英语手抄报初一黑白的全部内容,1、black英 [blæk]美 [blæk]adj. 黑(色)的;黑色人种的;黑暗的;不加牛奶的 n. 黑色;黑人;黑颜料;黑暗 v. 使变黑;抵制;拒绝;使变黑暗 2、。
