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  • 英语单词
  • 2023-12-14

凡人英文翻译?凡人英文mortal:英[ˈmɔːtl],美[ˈmɔːrtl]。一、短语搭配。1、ordinary people and daily trivialities.凡人琐事。2、Compare mortals to gods.以凡人之躯比肩神明。3、那么,凡人英文翻译?一起来了解一下吧。


Is accustomed to everything. Never again will not go on living to do some pointless struggle.

Used to silence the face. No longer remember how to soothe the wounds of real blood.

Heaven in the rehearsal with a play. He let us in the wrong time to meet face.

Lost, will then not be missed

Passing away, and will then not be nostalgia

Disappeared, and will then not to retain

Memories of those who belong to us alone.

Today I will write it out.

I think I have tears.

Just to prove that.

I used to be like you.

Recognize the feelings in the end does not always understand what can be weak to the point.

Has been the case at the reality, contradictions, full of unknown,

I think my life are so calm and contradictions go on,

Is always a human being. Loner, very Happy,

Hu Kan-chuen, I love the person,

In this way you go. People by surprise.

I am a mortal. Can be changed.

Is nothing but wishful thinking thing.

For your love, so naive, so no turning back

Time has not changed

I still remember the girl you are


ordinary people, common people

带文学气息的说法:human being

美国俚语:plain Jane




1、ordinary people and daily trivialities.凡人琐事。

2、Compare mortals to gods.以凡人之躯比肩神明。

3、Biography of mortal cultivation.凡人修仙传。

4、Everyone is mortal.每个人都是凡人。

5、Ordinary people.平平无奇的平凡人。


1、Loyalty of a mortal son to a mortal father, Great Khan.


2、And you? You really thought you can send me back to the Spirit Realm? You are just a stupid mortal.


3、Do you wanna lay that out again for us normals?


4、often draw strength from meeting ordinary people doing extraordinary things: volunteers, carers, community organizers and good neighbors; unsung heroes whose quiet dedication makes them special.



凡胎 [fán tāi]





元 马致远 《任风子》第二折:“虽然是平日凡胎,一旦修真,无甚功夫,撇下这砧刀什物,情取那经卷药葫芦。”《西游记》第三五回:“那怪虽也能腾云驾雾,不过是些法术,大端是凡胎未脱,到于寳贝里就化了。” 清 龚自珍 《小游仙词》之七:“几辈凡胎无觅处,仙姨初豢可怜虫。”


报错 更多→ 凡胎




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您好题主,美剧中,凡人终有一死 用的不是英语书说的,剧中是酱紫:valar morghulis 翻译成英文就是:all men must die。


以上就是凡人英文翻译的全部内容,凡人的英文mortal。双语例句:1、The mortal limits of understanding.人类理解的极限 2、Whirlwind, Mortal Strike, and Bloodthirst have no innate hate.旋风斩,致死一击和嗜血没有先天仇恨。3、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
