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  • 英语听力
  • 2024-07-16

幼儿英语故事在线听?1、轻音乐(地址:网络 宝宝基地mp3 第一个网站就是 ) 天使宝贝 妈咪的爱 寂静山林 莫扎特效应 摇蓝曲 世界名曲 2、儿童故事 (地址:网络 宝宝基地mp3 第一个网站就是 ) 安徒生童话 格林童话 一千零一夜 白雪公主 安徒生童话(英文版) 鞠萍姐姐讲故事 4、那么,幼儿英语故事在线听?一起来了解一下吧。









综合评价:通过绘本来学,每节课分为Vedio、Word、Story、Speaking、Quiz、Zebra Call六个环节。斑马英语是AI录播课程,授课模式为AI互动课堂+专业老师社群辅导,斑马英语的辅助资源还算丰富,内容主要集中在绘本版块,点击斑马FM,再点击专辑就可以有分级阅读和启蒙儿歌的音频可以选择。


A. 灰姑娘故事的英文版 读出来3~5分钟、、急呀

A Cinderella Story


B. 灰姑娘的故事英文版

Previously, in a certain town, a very lovely girl, she is not only beautiful but also intelligent kindhearted and spoke up for the girl.The girl without a mother, because her mother, when she was still *** all, on the death.The girl's father, his mother married a new, new mothers also have o new sister."Wow, this could be the next home noisy. "Girls very pleased."Sudden change in the family dynamic, lively, girls very happy. Because her father is not only a new mother.there were also o sisters. However, the excitement was short girls. because the new mothers simply do not love girls,She even abuse. "fast cleaning, cooking Saowan wanted to go after only it was gold ..."New girls mother has been ordered to do as Secretary of the West.cast aside his o daughters play. girls always in the kitchen beside thedepressed to work with. So bad aspect of the sisters would often ridiculed tease girls. "good disgusting!How dirty girl!"" That girl is dirty Deleila cents!"" Yes!She told cents Deleila, the so-called Sin Deleila say covered with a st cloth, dirty mean!"" Good fun!............"Therefore, the girls and it has been called" Sin Deleila. " Castle Prince issued invitations,invite the families of the girls. "Royal Palace will be open ball, and you must e."Mrs. along the streets shouting. Prince girls received the invitation, no joy. Deleila cents in the homeo sisters, the prince also received invitations, and very happy : "very good!To the palace must wear glowing!"" Yes!Prince has aroused the attention of the pretty clothes to wear!"" I wear those clothes?"" His shoes to wear?"" How decoration only looks good head?"Two sisters, pletely distorted the music. Dance on the day of arrival. Aw Deleila will still cleaning rooms. "Aw Deleila.slow you doing?So do not quickly!"Deleila sister started scolding cents. Aw Deleila while going out with their buckets.have Chouchouyeye while sad tears. Aw Deleila Lane walked into their shabby *** all mezzanine floor. are reflected in the mirror to see the face of st and dirt.such a body and clothing of offal. can not help but be saddened, saddened heart good! "Oh!I do want to participate in the Prince of the ball!"Aw Deleila with other girls, also wanted to go to parties. "In the end the ball more lively, more beautiful?"Aw Deleila thought the ball inside very excited, which is itself dirty clothes, how to enter the palace.Prince attended the dance? Aw Deleila envious o sisters. sisters who are so excited and happy to be prepared.But cents Deleila try to do the cooking and cleaning chores. "Aw Deleila!Deleila cents!Deleila cents!Come!"" Aw Deleila!So there you are dead!Come and help me not busy, we are quick, it is necessary to delay the ball!"Sisters with noise. Aw sister Deleila hurriedly rushed to the side, waiting for orders.1:00 dare not lazy. "Aw Deleila!You doing?Come and help me 10 months beautiful hair!C *** shoes!"" Fast!Express help me dress!If not beautiful, the Prince will be laughed at us someone, how much either!"Sisters restlessness said. According to the sister honest cents Deleila told,clothes for men and b the hair. The sisters do not know which clothes to wear, or a loud noise in the East challenges West AMADE. However,How to play hard no matter sisters, the sisters are not in a pretty bad intelligence. to the cart. "We are going!"With o sisters by his mother, put on a show of pretense and then go out. When the trio left,Aw! left her a lonely Deleila good people to stay at home forte. Aw Deleila ironically! pondered,Aw Deleila truly sorry.Is he could not attend the dance? Deleila next to the stove started Chouchouyeye cents to cry. Although she try to be patient.But I think the excitement of the ball Royal Palace, she could not help but also hurts. hum : :. hum : : :.. and she alone sad and cried. "Hey!Hey!Miss!"Aw Deleila suddenly standing behind her life. "See?"Aw Deleila shocked You see, a strange grandmother standing there. Magazine Deleila old lady asked :"Why did you cry?"" Ah, a peanut popsicle ..."Aw Deleila wipe away tears and said :" I wanted to join the prince's ball!"The old lady nodded saying :" This is no problem, which you work difficult."" The Royal Palace that ball, as long as the prince was invited, anyone can go!"" But my own dirty clothes, how to go palace?"The old lady laughed. "Good!You really kindhearted and spoke up for the girl's good girl, I will let you go prince of the ball."The old lady holding a crutch, tapping the ground pumpkin. "Oh!"How wonderful! Screenplays.pumpkin into a beautiful carriage. Deleila original old lady is a magician! cents shocked. grannies *** ile :"You see!With vehicles.It is also a lack of available horses!"The old lady named mouse, and then use crutches touch mice, rats and horses will immediately bee a footman. "Well,be on the car."Said the old lady of Deleila cents. But cents Deleila refused to board the bus. So the old lady said : "What's this?Why unhappy on the train?"" But : :.I : : : : :.."" ......So!I confused the old, dirty clothes how you wear it to the palace itself?!! wait a moment!Vs. MU!Vs. MU!: : :..."Grannies mouth to mutter a prayer, then use crutches touch cents Deleila clothing. "......"Soon, the dirty clothes cents Deleila has bee dazzling display of new clothes. "Look!Beautiful!"Aw Deleila not help shouting. Deleila cents from birth to now,through such beautiful clothes! have not e up with a pair of beautiful old lady again cents Deleila Hamamelidineae shoes to wear. "!In this way, you look out the princess!Aw Deleila princess!"The old lady said. "The old lady, thank you, I went!Goodbye!"Beautiful princess-cents reminders urging Deleila Princess horse ran to the direction of the palace.to mind very excited and tense. When cents Deleila entered the palace hall. "Oh!Beautiful!This is a country that the princess to die?"Seeing everybody paying Deleila cents! Prince Deleila saw cents.She would like from the bottom of their hearts. Prince cents Deleila said : "Please support me jump dance alright?"Aw Deleila like o butterflies like, fooork,skillfully dancing footsteps. Aw Deleila dreams did not think the o sisters, Princess Margaret and Prince dance.Deleila who is covered with the st of the immortals. "I envy that the princess!Prince, and then you see her happy dance!"" She so beautiful and so skillful dialogue to!"She's o sisters up in the distance, mutter quietly with each other. Prince and jump Deleila cents a considerable long period,Prince really likes cents Deleila, he always wanted to know what the Princess would be the princess. "Princess!The Princess is which country you in the end?"However, if the name or his family was Prince cents Deleila know,would suffer. The Princess Magic into their only because she must hurry! o sisters before returning home.done within the family. Deleila cents against the prince said : "I left."She left hurriedly leaving. Prince up from behind and then said in a loud voice : "Please, etc. princess!"Aw Deleila thought :" If caught, it may mess!"So she started to run, and when she went to stage, careless She fell on the ground, off the shoes.But her shoes were not the only. "Princess!Princess!Minute."She ignored the voice shouting Prince accelerate faster feet,Most Urgent moving out of the castle to go outside. "do not rush home may suffer."She always thinking. Aw Deleila want to start riding a horse and can That trio. "Mess!Worse!How?"That trio cents Deleila course not, because she detailed look, a ground pumpkin. "......"Sorcery disappeared. Footman and horses has bee a mouse,run in the next play. She also discovered his body wore beautiful clothes,have reverted to the original dirty clothes worn by linking darn premium. "No way!These are the old lady would show that I put into use magic!"Aw Deleila also restored its original features, but the girls were covered with st. Round the Moon,hung in the night sky. Aw Deleila through the moonlight, walking alone in a *** all rugged allowed.walking on the road to go home. When she finally e home,Fortunately, his sister had still not returned. Aw Deleila secretly infiltrated through the back door, but with the usual,sitting in front of fire wood stoves, Water and sweep, cook. Since the night is over, the rush to separate the moment.Prince Deleila days and nights to think of Princess Magazine. Prince has decided in the hearts;- beautiful princess who can not be found. But regardless of who to ask.Princess will not hear the matter. Princess is the only remaining evidence of the shoes. So the Prince of subordinates :"You Kuaiquzhao, shoes for girls only."Briefcase went to the Ministry of golden shoes, marched toward the street. They went door to door, carrying shoes,searched the house, only shoes. "substandard!"" I do not trip!"The results difficult to find shoes to wear this blonde girl. This news graally spread throughout the town.The motion caused people to the streets. "Who is wearing only shoes ah?"Deleila sister of Sin said :" Aw Deleila, you must not wear any case, but you have to Chuanchuan Behold."" Ah, is a waste of energy, but it also provides!"Another sister, the tone of a pletely despise cents Deleila talking about. This time the trial started this wild cents Deleila shoes. "!Is suitable!"Prince's subordinates have round eyes wide open and shouting voice. Golden shoes are suitable cents Deleila feet! "Is this young lady.It is this young lady, is the prince to find the princess!"" Terrific!Find!Miss offerings with us please!"Everyone is clamoring loudly. "!: : : "The o sisters, stunned, surprised! A detailed look good.Magazine Deleila faces of the beautiful princess and that is extremely similar. "worse!How?"Two bad sister with each other in low tones. "Look!Deleila cents!"" Aw Deleila princess!"Aw Deleila Princess people in the streets cheering,riding cart driven away to the palace. Aw Deleila used to strip off the old and dirty clothes, wearing beautiful, geous,noble robes. because this is not the magic into the night, so cents Deleila no longer need to worry. "very good!Princess can find really wonderful."Prince is very pleased to say :" This is absolutely not allow her away."Aw general Deleila girls like in a dream.brimming with happiness. o sisters are very afraid they will not know how cents Deleila kind of punishment? But kindhearted and spoke up for the girl's sister cents Deleila girls still treat them like a pro. Shortly,Aw Deleila girls and Prince marriage ceremony, a grand scene, a hot topic. "Congratulations!Congratulations!"Blessings soundthey are everywhere. Speaking to the country's people have a sincere congratulations. Aw Deleila henceforth live happily ever after life

C. 灰姑娘这篇故事的英语小短文。





⑴ 下载儿童宝宝故事MP3,英语MP3,儿歌MP3等之类的好网站有吗

下载儿童宝宝故事MP3,英语MP3,儿歌MP3等之类的最好的是 惠天儿童有声读物网 ,我们幼儿园的宝宝家长们都是到上面给孩子下载好听的 惠天儿童故事、儿歌、英语MP3……这是我们发现的唯一一个没有广告安全的专业有声读物好网站

⑵ 求一篇英文故事 适合小朋友听的童话故事之类的 大约三分钟这样

风和太阳(The Wind And The Sun) One day the wind said to the sun, “Look at that man walking along the road. I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.” (有一天风跟太阳说: “看看那个沿着路上走的人.我可以比你快让他把披风脱下来.) “We will see about that,” said the sun. “I will let you try first.” (“我们等着看吧,”太阳说, “我让你先试.) So the wind tried to make the man take off his cloak. He blew and blew, but the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himself. (因此风尝试让那个人把披风脱下来.他用力地吹,可是那个人把披风拉得更紧.) “I give up,” said the wind at last. “I cannot get his cloak off.” Then the sun tried. He shone as hard as he could. The man soon became hot and took off his cloak. (“我放弃了,”风最后说, “我无法让他把披风脱下来.”然后由太阳试试看.他尽可能地晒他.不久,那个人很热就把披风脱下来了.)

⑶ 适合小孩子听的英文故事都有哪些



1、The Lion, The Bear And The Fox(狮子、熊与狐狸)Long ago a lion and a bear saw a kid. They sprang upon it at the same time. The lion said to the bear, “I caught this kid first, and so this is mine.”

"No, no,"said the bear.“I found it earlier than you, so this is mine.” And they fought long and fiercely. At last both of them got very tired and could no longer fight.

A fox who hid himself behind a tree not far away and was watching the fight between the lion and the bear, came out and walked in between them, and ran off with the kid.

The lion and the bear both saw the fox, but they could not even catch the fox.

The lion said to the bear, “We have fought for nothing. That sly fox has got the kid away.”


