我在看手机英语怎么说? 那么,我在看手机英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。
手机[shǒu jī][词典]cellphone; handset; mobile phone; [电影] Handphone;[例句]他忘了带手机充电器。He forgot the charger for his mobile phone.
my mobile phone和my cellphone都行,但后者用得少些,还可以简易的说成my mobile.
常用的应该是 cell phone,还有mobile phone,但是很多自认为自己英文很好的国家喜欢按照手-机 来翻译,于是韩国就是handphone,这种说法 英语国家的人是嗤之以鼻的哦。 [telecommunication] cell phone; cellular phone; cellular telephone; mobile phone (a mobile communications facility having radio transmission and telephone switching capabilities that provide communication between mobile users. this technique reuses mobile frequencies in nonadjacent geographical areas or cells to greatly expand total system capacity.) 2. [telecommunication] handset (a telephone with the receiver and transmitter contained in a single hand-held unit)
充电器 charger;Headphones 耳机,in-Ear Headphones 入耳式耳机,On-Ear Headphones 头戴式耳机(一般可以用headphone表示);power Adapter 电源适配器,car charger 车充;手机链 phone strap;底座 dock;连接线 cable;
你好 电影地址 百度云 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1geu4bqn
另外 我的博客里有下载地址 请自行下载 谢谢 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b6edb3a20102w31e.html ~~~~~