
  • 六年级
  • 2024-06-24



I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often help each other with lessons.Both of us like helping others. We both like sports very much.Jim enjoy playing basketball.but Ilike palying soccer. She likes green but Ilike red.Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends


KRead and answer

1 She lived on a farm.

2 She worked at a cinema in the city.

3 She got there by train.

4 She saw a lot of interesting things.

5 Yes, she did.

6 No, she didn’t.


Test for Unit 7

AListen and circle

1Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.

2We should protect the Earth.

3Cars use a lot of energy.

4We should reuse water because there is not much water on Earth.

5We shouldn’t use too much plastic.

(1 a2 b3 c4 a5 a)

BListen and number

1Smoke from cars and buses makes the air dirty.

2We shouldn’t use too many plastic bags.

3Is someone smoking? I can smell it.

4Shh, don’t talk in the library.

5Water is useful. We should reuse and save it.

6Don’t cut down too many trees. It’s bad for the Earth.

(a 5b 1c 6d 3e 4f 2)

CListen and choose

1A: What do you like doing, Mike?

B: I like playing football.

2A: What are you doing, Yang Ling?

B: I’m making a card for Miss Li. Tomorrow is Teachers’ Day.

3A: Happy Birthday, Billy. This notebook is for you.

B: Thank you.

4A: We should help protect the Earth. I go to school on foot every day. What about you,


B: I don’t use plastic bags.

5A: Can we put the poster in the classroom?

B: No. Let’s put it at the school gate.

(1 a2 a3 b4 b5 c)

DListen and write

Trees are useful to birds and animals. Trees give them food and homes. Trees are useful to us. They give us wood. We use wood to make houses, paper and many other things. Trees give us fruit. Trees give us oxygen. They help keep the air clean. They protect us from sandstorms and floods. But we cut down too many trees. Many birds and animals lose their homes. Our Earth becomes hot and dirty. We should save trees and plant more trees.

(useful, food, homes, wood, fruit, air, protect, cut, hot)

ELook, match and complete

1 b wood2 a water3 c pencils

4 d use plastic5 e use paper

FRead and write

1 park2 save3 three, second4 watching, to watch 5 Did

6 were7 did, do8 uses9 our, their10 use, drive

GRead and choose

1 c2 c3 b4 c5 c6 a7 b8 b9 a10 c

HRead and complete

going, every, bring, fly, boating, show, collected, paper, cloth.es, dresses

IRead and answer

JRead and judge

1 T2 T3 F4 T5 T

KThink and write

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您好,第五题是 Where is the __________ (shop) centre?

shop 在英语可以是动词词性,也可以是名词词性:

1)动词词性 = 购买;采购

2)名词词性 = 商店;店铺

当 shop 作为名词独立使用时,通常指的是一个商铺,比如小卖部,小店铺等等,而 shops 作为复数通常指的是一个区域,或是一条街有很多个不同的商铺,指的是不同类别的商铺。句中空格后面还有个 centre,译为【中心】,shop centre 通常译为【小卖部中间;商铺中心】因为 shop 是名词,不是形容词,和 centre 一同使用表示(一个商铺的中心区)。而 shop 还有一种名词形式,shopping,这个是 shop 的(动名词)形式,通常译为【购物;购买的物品】,而作为 shopping centre 译为【购物中心】,也就是一个(中心)里面有很多个不同的商铺含义了。所以:

1)shop centre = 一个商铺的中心区

2)shopping centre = 一个中心区的多个商铺(指的是购物中心)

所以按照句子的语义,shopping centre 是更合适的。

以上就是六上英语课课练的全部内容,shopping是购物 的意思,是动名词;shop是购物、店铺的意思,用作动词较常见。题中问的是购物中心在哪,购物中心本身是个名词,center是名词,前面加一个修饰性词语只能是动名词不能直接用动词修饰center。还有一个更简单的记法,不考虑语法,把shopping center看作一个单词记忆,它就是购物中心的意思,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
