
  • 六年级
  • 2024-08-11


一、 听句子选出句中所包含的单词:5分   
(   )1. A.wash    B.washed    C.washing    D.washed
(   )2. A. happy   B.excited    C. tired       D.angry
(   )3. A.tall      B.taller     C.short       D.shorter
(   )4. A.go      B.went      C.want       D.goes
(   )5. A.big     B.biger      C.bigger      D.strong
二、 听问句选答语:5分
(   ) 1. A.I’m fine.   B.I’m nine.   C.I’m 50kg.
(   ) 2. A.The elephant. B. The cat.
(   ) 3. A.I’m angry  B.I have a headache.   C. I feel sick.
(   ) 4. A.Yes, I do.  B.Yes, I did.   C.No,I did.
(   ) 5. A.It’s black.  B.It’s a clock.  C.It’s four o’clock.
三、 听短文判断正误:10分
(   ) 1. Jenny’s family was very busy last weekend.
(   ) 2. Jenny cleaned the floor yesterday.
(   ) 3. Bob washed his clothes.
(   ) 4. Father cooked supper.
(   ) 5. Mother read a newspaper.
Today was a fun day. I______my_________, then I _____to Amy’s home in the morning. we ______a story book, then we ______to a park by______. We __________some elephants and _______a_______, we took some________. We were__________.

ⅰ.1. upset 2. personal 3. famous 4. surprised 5. experience6. original 7.nervous 8. chance 9. decision 10. impossible
ⅱ.11. are 12. them13.happily 14.beautiful 15. slowly 16. exciting 17. millions 18. water 19. to work20. playing
ⅲ. 21.liked 22. want23. were, doing 24. will be 25. does 26. sleeps27. was buying 28. is 29.goes30. didn’t want
ⅳ.31.c 32.a 33.d 34.c35.b 36.b 37.a 38. d 39.a 40.b 41.c42. a 43.a 44.a 45. a
ⅴ.46. if works 47. sothat can’t 48. didn’t until 49. was mending 50. we would have
ⅵ.51.e 52.g 53.f 54.a55.b
ⅶ.56. d 57.c 58.a59.d60.c 61.b 62.a 63.c 64.b 65.a

二、AACCD三、1. happy2. do 3. heavier4. played 5. thinner 6. has7. took 8. coming 9. can not 10. no四、CAABA 五、连线。
How does Zhang Peng feel?56 cm.What did Mike do yesterday?He went to a park.What’s the matter?I have a sore throat. How long are your arms?No,I didn’t. Did you go fishing?He’s excited.六、1. 喉咙痛2. have a cold3. 看电视4. have a fever5. 买礼物6. learn / study English 7. 弹钢琴8. play football 9. 洗衣服10. listen to music 七、(1) You’re shorter than me.(2) How big are your feet?(3) What did you do on the weekend? (4) Did you go swimming on the weekend?(5) Where did you go on your holiday? 八、EABDG九、××√√×十、 略

I.1~5 BADBB 6~10 AABCA11~15 CBACA 16~20 CBBDAII.1 winner 2.relaxed 3.careful 4.fifth 5.peaceful 6.tired 7.himself8.advertisements9.quickly 10.luckyIII.1.camp up 2.came ture 3.no matter 4.so that 5.stay upIV.1.doesn't;or 2.How much 3.didn't it 4.prefer;to 5.be cleanedV.1~5 EACDB VI.1~5 DADCB 6~10 ABCDAVII.1~5 FFTFT 6~10 DABBA 11~15 ACBCD16.trees change a lot when they grow17.catch enough sunlight18.face challenges in life19.1520.becoming real adults

