
  • 一年级
  • 2024-06-20

志愿者英语作文80词?Volunteering (动名词) - 志愿服务。 例句:Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community. 2. Fulfilling (形容词) - 令人感到满足。 例句:I find volunteering to be a fulfilling experience. 3. Food bank (名词) - 食品银行,为需要帮助的人提供食品的机构。那么,志愿者英语作文80词?一起来了解一下吧。




Everyone has an unforgettable experience. My most memorable was the first to volunteer. Last summer holidays we went to a village primary school , chose some books and students' books and school supplies, and talked with them about school lives . I was shy.

I was sueprised that I actually chatted with them for almost an hour. Finally, we played games together, everyone was happy. Volunteer activities not only brought me happiness, but also I became confident.





志愿者八年级英语作文 篇1

Tomorrow iswant to go to Mount Moam going to go there bywith my mother and my father go to Mounthave take some monyand some clothes with `t forget to take some food and water witham going shopping and going fishingcan`t wait,a good vacation

志愿者八年级英语作文 篇2

I want to be a volunteer,because I think its very happy to help ’ll volunteer for ’ll going to teach children who have trouble inI want to be a teacher and I love children and reading,so it is important forI believe everyone canwill work hard for mybeing a volunteer is 志愿者八年级英语作文 篇3

Dear sir,Since Shanghai will hold the 20xx World Expo,I want to be aI can not only make many friends,but also practice myI am a volunteer,I can intruduce the history and the resorts to thecourse,to be a qualified volunteer,there are still many things I need togive me a chance and I will do myYours 志愿者八年级英语作文 篇4

a volunteer vera is a middle school student and also a volunteer in the sunshine club atwants to do some things to help the people in herthink she may help the kids in trouble do theircan spend her sundays studying with thesealso plans to find a part-time job in thethink she can sing for the patients and read tocourse,it’s good for her to give away the old clothes to thefact,vera has a lot of things to do to help the 志愿者八年级英语作文 篇5

lu hao is a middle school student in guizhou,who joined the “1 helps 1” program of the youth volunteer community development project lasttuesday and friday he visits an old man who lives alone.“ is weak and cannot do much for himself,so i give him somehelp do some shopping,do some housework,or read the newspaper to him as his eyesight is not good.” heyu is studying for her master’s degree inhas a busy timetable,but still finds time for voluntary activities during the weekends.“last month i took part in an event to help hungry children in some of the less developedof us went without food for 30 hours! it was a challenge,but we could drink as much as we liked and we had a doctor there,so it was notwanted to improve awareness of hunger because every day children are dying ofwas a greatlocal newspaper and tv reported it and we received many donations.”

志愿者八年级英语作文 篇6

I was quite excited when I heard the 11th National Games will be held in the city I live inname isam an 18-year-old boy student in a senior middleI want to be a volunteer for thelike English and sports verylike making friends and I am ready to helpcan be a good interpreter in every sports during thethe National games will be a greatI will be chosen to be 志愿者八年级英语作文 篇7

Last Sunday we went to visit the Old People'sset out early in the morning and brought them lots ofgave them many books and lots oftalked with them happily and told them lots of interestinghelped them wash their clothes and clean theeven taught them how to usewere very happy and so were thewe had to say goodbye to them,they really didn't want us tothanked us a lot and we really moved bywe did very little,it meant a lot to thenext time,if we had chance,we would come 志愿者八年级英语作文 篇8

I want to volunteer to help the sickwant to cheer them up and if they and their parents are happy,I'll be happy, the weekends,I'm free so I'll go to hospital onI will buy some gifts or flowers for the sikc 志愿者八年级英语作文 篇9

I read yourthe newspaperwriting to tell you that Id like to work as a volunteer for the 2008 Beijingname is Li have many hobbies,such as drawing,sports,singing,speeches,and spokenam proud that I won the first prize in our citys English Speech Contest for Middle School Student in December, fact Im healthy andI am lucky enough to become a volunteer,I will try my best to do this jobreply to metelephone number is xxxxx.


志愿者,是为社会奉献的人群。志愿者们在平凡的生活中实现了伟大的奉献事业。为他们点赞,向他们致敬!下面给大家分享一些关于志愿者英语 作文 ,希望对大家有帮助。


Nowadays, an increasing number of people are willing to serve as volunteersespecially the university students in that they consider that volunteering isnot only a great contribution to our society and those who are in need, but alsoimproves themselves in many aspects.

For one thing, there is no doubt that volunteering makes contribution toour society and people in need. The volunteers provide their assistance withoutrequiring any financial rewards. Their contributions have a great impact onharmony society contribution.

For another, serving as a volunteer is also beneficial to the volunteersthemselves. They can improve their communication skills when providing help forothers. One of the examples is that the university students who serve in CantonFair will get a great chance to practical their English and get in touch withdifferent kinds of people as well as broad their horizon. In addition, byserving as different kinds of volunteers, they are easier to understandthemselves and know in which fields they are interested.

In a word, volunteering has brought many benefits to our society, those whoare in need as well as the volunteers themselves. Therefore, let us enjoy thetime when serving as a volunteer.


In recent years, the volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinesepeople, especially among youngsters. According to a survey, in 20__, there wereabout 1,700,000 volunteers who offered service for Olympic Games. Actually, anincreasing number of people become volunteers in China every year.

Volunteering actions are of tremendous benefits to both those in need andthe society. Olympic Games are a good example. As is known to all, volunteersplayed an active role in Beijing Olympic Games. Without them, it would be atough task to hold this un-precedent Olympic Games. Therefore, we can say thatit was those volunteers who ensured the success of these games.

As modern college students, we should get actively involved in volunteeringactivities. By participating, we can learn how to work well in a team, how toimprove our interpersonal skills and organizational ability. Undoubtedly, all ofthese are critical for our person growth. So, we should take this chance tolearn and to grow.


Every day, we can see the figures of the volunteers. Actually, they haveformed a kind of scenery of the city. Some people hold that volunteering ismerely a waste of time, because the volunteers have no gains with pains.However, I believe that doing voluntary is quite rewarding.

In the first place, we can put into practice what we have learnt before,for instance, when we were asked by a foreigner about the way to some place, wecould practice our oral foreign language, it’s definitely a good opportunity toexpress ourselves in a foreign language correctly and clearly.

In the second place, we could make a lot of new friends while we arevolunteering As a proverb says, “At home one relies on one’s parents and outsideon one’s friends”, so it is never a bad thing to have lots of friends.

Finally, helping others is a good way to make you feel happy and when youhelp others solve a problem successful, you will feel fulfillment. In thissense, we reap a bountiful spiritual harvest by doing voluntary work.

On the whole, we can benefit a lot by engaging ourselves in the voluntarywork. Therefore, I suggest those that have abundant spare time registering asvolunteers for the welfare for the public.


Nowadays, there is a increasing number for people to join in the activitiesof volunteering. It’s well-known that volunteering job is making contribution tothe society with nothing in return. It’s like the Leifeng spirit. However,knowing this, there are still many people would like to devote themseves in thistrend. For instance, the 20__ Beijing Olympic Games has so many volunteers. Theymade lots of contribution to the success of opening the Olympics. Moreover, wecan often see that there many students go to gerocomium to visit the old tobring warm to the lonely people. Even there are some people’s career isvolunteer. They are ready to help others. Although the volunteers are much morecommon, we still need to thanks them to admire them devoting themseves to thesociety.


Last week, our school held an activity to the nursing house to visit theold people. I was so excited to be a volunteer, because it was my first time tojoin such big activity. When we got there, the old people were so happy to seeus. They smiled all the time. We brought them some fruit and presents, and theywere so moved. When we chatted face in face, they talked about the old times andthe happiness they had. I thought about my grandparents, who lived in thehometown. I should spend more time with them. Being a volunteer is such aprecious experience for me.


Volunteers are the pulse of the city and the beautiful scenery of the city.They are composed of a group of enthusiastic young people who love publicwelfare and support the public welfare undertakings of the society.

In the volunteer organization, every volunteer is equal, everyone is equalin personality and status, everyone has come together for a common goal, it canbe said that they are the most intimate brothers and sisters without blood!

A team is composed of people, and there must be a certain division of laboraccording to people's abilities. Some people are suitable for leadership, somepeople are suitable for publicity, and some people are happy to be ordinaryvolunteers working on the front line.

The so-called people do their best.

Only make the best use of it! Only such a group can flourish and thrive! Ifyou just divide the volunteers into three, six or nine classes based on theirabilities, identities, and statuses, it will hurt not only a person's emotionalproblems, but also the longevity. , the affinity and cohesion of the team willbe greatly reduced! If the composition of the volunteers are all dignitaries,then the transparency of the volunteers will have to be doubted by theworld.

Although it is said that if you are poor, you will be alone, and if you aregood, you will help the world, but it does not rule out that there will be somepeople who are not rich and not very capable, but are willing to do their bestto join this organization. I think we should also. Accept them with a tolerantheart, because our organization is voluntary, fair, and equal!





Every day, we can see the figures of the volunteers. Actually, they have formed a kind of scenery of the city. Some people hold that volunteering is merely a waste of time, because the volunteers have no gains with pains. However, I believe that doing voluntary is quite rewarding.


In the first place, we can put into practice what we have learnt before, for instance, when we were asked by a foreigner about the way to some place, we could practice our oral foreign language, it’s definitely a good opportunity to express ourselves in a foreign language correctly and clearly.



My Volunteering Experience 的意思是我的志愿者经历




My volunteering experience has been rewarding and fulfilling. I have volunteered at various organizations in my community, from working at a food bank to helping out at a local animal shelter. Through these experiences, I have learned the importance of giving back to society and helping those in need. It has also taught me valuable skills such as teamwork, communication, and time management. Most importantly, volunteering has shown me that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's life. I would highly recommend volunteering to anyone looking for a meaningful way to spend their time.


Volunteering (动名词) - 志愿服务。

