
  • 二年级
  • 2024-06-19




save 在此处的含义是“免去,免遭”。


save 在此处的含义是“免去,免遭”。


lesson 69
mr.eames had driven successfully through heavy traffic during his third duiving test when the examiner instructed him to drive out of town.he told him to suppose that a child would suddenly cross the road in front of him.mr. eames would have to stop the car within five feet when the examiner tapped on the window.though he tapped loudly,mr.eames did not react quickly enough and was told that he had just killed the child.


41:the writer"swife was trying on a hat . but he didn"tlike it,he sat down and waited for hethen they began arguing again ,hehad bought a tie the day before but his wife didn"t like it .a man can have many ties,he said his wife used exactly the same agument and bought the hat.it looked like a lighthouse.


What does the man mean when he asks the woman "do you call that a hat"?
Do you like that hat?
If you were the husband, what would you say facing such a funny hat?
What kind of hat do you like?
Have you ever bought a hat?
How do you explain people's perference to things?
Do you like shopping?
Can you describe your shopping experience?
What do you think are the differences between men and women in their perferences for goods?
If you were selling hats, what kind of hats would you think customers would like?
Do you think it necessary to split goods in a shop into two --- those for men and those for women?
If you were the shop owner, how would you react to the lady?
If you were the shop owner, how would you persuade the lady to buy the hat?
If you were the shop owner, how would you encourage the husband to buy the hat?
If you were the shop owner, would you ask for a higher price for strange hats like the lady's choice?
If you were the shop owner, would you give a discount for strange hats as a way of promotion?
Do you think it practical to sell hats online?
Have you ever bought anything on the Internet?

