
  • 七年级
  • 2024-06-18

五年中考三年模拟英语答案?I.1-5 BCCCC 6-10 BBABD 11-15 BDBDD II.1-5 CBADC 6-10 DBACB III.A)1-5 BBACB B)6-10 TFFFF C) 11、far from 12、play and study 13、At 8:00.14、I usually go for walks with my classmates for about fifteen minutes. 15、那么,五年中考三年模拟英语答案?一起来了解一下吧。


答案看多了,抄袭可能会养成习惯 会对以后的学习产生不良的影响,在网上是问不到答案的哈

现在就养成勤于思考的习惯 好好学习,即使自己答案错了至少能加深印象

五年中考三年模拟 七下英语M7题



21-25 DCBDC 26-30CBCDC

31-35 ADDBB 36-40DEFAC

41-45 ADBBC 46-50ACADB

51-55 BCCDA 56-60DDCBB

61. it 62.of

63. is 64.overlooking

65. became 66.which

67. the 68.geographical

69. equipped 70. that


71. Look back to ... Look → Looking

72. ... several days before ...

before → ago

73. ... I think reason ... reason前加the

74. But I believe ... But → And

75. ... make friends with ...

make → made

76. ... from other city ... city → cities

77. Most important ...

important→ importantly

78. ... I shouldn't have ...

shouldn't → couldn't

79. ... wish everyone for ... 去掉for

80. ... we take count. count → counts

One possible version:

Hi everyone! I'm Li Hua from Senior Three.Today I am glad to be running forchairman of the English Club. I think I'msuitable for the position. As monitorof my class, I have been thought highlyof by my classmates and teachers. I'm agood communicator and good atorganising activities. Most importantly, I canspeak fluent English and oftencommunicate with foreigners.

If I'm lucky enough to be elected aschairman, I will try my best to arrangemore activities and create a strongerEnglish atmosphere for us. I sincerelyhope you will give me a chance and votefor me.

Thank you.









I.1-5 BCCCC 6-10 BBABD 11-15 BDBDD



C) 11、far from 12、play and study 13、At 8:00.

14、I usually go for walks with my classmates for about fifteen minutes. 15、English

IV..How’s,weather,hot,right now,get

B卷:Ⅰ.1.weather 2.watching 3.awful 4.windy 5.cool


6.many 7.musician 8.Pyramids

Ⅱ.1.What,doing 2.How’s 3.What 4.Where does,come

5.would like

III.1. from 2. learn 3. Canada 4. country 5. make 6. classmates 7. French 8. here 9. but 10. help

IV. Wuhan is a big city by the Changjiang River in the middle of China. There are four cities here. Spring is not long, the weather in spring is a little cold, and it is always drizzling. It’s really hot in summer. There are few people on the street at noon in summer. Wuhan is one of four hottest cities in China. Autumn is a season for harvest. The weather is nice but a little dry. It’s my favorite season. It’s cold in winter. But people don’t feel so cold because of Christmas, the Spring Festival and other holidays. Maybe Wuhan is not a very comfortable place to live, but I like living here because I was born here.


1-5 AABBC6-10 BABCB11-15 BABAC 16-20 CBBCC21-25 ABCBC

26-30ADCCC 31-35DCDCC 36-40BAACC 41-45BADAD

46-50 BACBD51-55 DACCD

56-60 ACACC61-65 BCBDA 66-70 BDCAD

71. 5622786172. Mary White73. Bill 74. Phone back 75. 23856695

76. Because the earth rocks. Houses fall down. Railway lines are broken. Sometimes many people are killed in an earthquake.

77. A building with steel frames and concrete walls.

78. Japan

79. F

80. 地震经常会有很大的噪音,但不总是这样。


81.was invented82.complain83.angry 84.practising walking85. been on


以上就是五年中考三年模拟英语答案的全部内容,由文中的datescan be chosen to suit your needs 可知,Private Departures 更加灵活,游客可自行决定出发日期。选做题参考答案及解析参考答案I. 1-5 DDABD 6-10 CBCAC11-15 BADCD16-20 BCDBDII. 1-5 DBBDD解析完形填空:话题:社会本文是说明文。文章介绍了一个回收利用旧物品的项目。1. D。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
