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  • 英语单词
  • 2024-06-18

成长历程英文?短语:1、in history 在历史上 2、development history 开发史;成长历程;发展进程 3、chinese history n. 中国历史 4、human history 人类历史 5、那么,成长历程英文?一起来了解一下吧。


Jay Chou was born January 18, 1979, in Taiwan, China. He grew up with his mother, and was a quite and shy kid. He didn’t do well in study, so people thought he would never be successful in life.

As a small child, Jay took a great interest in music. His mother sent him to learn the piano when he was only three years old. He loved it and kept on practicing .When he was in high school, he could play the piano quite well. At the same time, he showed his talent for writing songs.

Before Jay became a singer, he worked as a songwriter. For two years, he spent most of his time writing for singers. Some of them were very famous, like Coco Lee and Jacky Cheung.

Now Jay is one of the most famous singers in Asia. However, he is still shy and doesn’t smile often. He isn’t good-looking and speak clearly when he sings or talks, but he has a lot of fans. Most of his fans like him because he is really good at music and never follows others.

Judge the following sentences true (T) or false (F) according to what you read.

1. Jay Chou’s mother sent him to learn the piano in 1982.

2. He wrote songs for Coco Lee, Jacky Cheung and some other singers.

3. When he talks, Jay Chou can’t speak clearly. But when he sings, he can.

4. When he sings, he likes following others.




how times flies!Now I am a student in Grade Nine and facing the first turning point in my school life.This title “Growing pains and gains”reminds me of the meaningful school life.The colourful life is full of my happiness and sorrows.

In school,I have to take a lot of lessons.Some are in teresting while some are boring.But it's the responsibility of the students to leam them all well. I have to try my best.During my growing time,a lot of trouble worried me.That's awful and makes me blue.

Although I met with a lot of failure, I still have a lot of gains.I can make a priceless freiendship. I can leam a large number of usful things----to be kind,friendly to others, to be confident and independent and so on.

I think growing pains and gains are coutless.But they play an important role in my life and make my life colourful.


In the human growth process, will experience a lot of things: success, failure ... ... I seem to grow very mon experience, however, that the failure made me a benefit for life, want to know why? I still listen to it carefully Road Come on! Today, the math teacher to his tone has always been tough for us to talk about yesterday's test. I got the test paper, looked at the score, red, my tears almost to flow out, "70" points, my God! You know, I've never had such a low test scores, Moreover, or math! Topic teacher on the stage, came under the rustling of error correction, my hands are moving, can not the brain is actually sad. Gomi knocked over my he... God seemed to sympathize with me,我的心里早已下着倾盆大雨;SPAN>, my God., he did not feel, failure ,“70”分,为我们讲昨天的考试, spicy,一齐涌上我的心头! Not be saved 。



throughout history

of all time

throughout the ages

down the ages



Language reflects thought process as well.

I would translated it into the following:

I'm deeply moved by his story.


Jay Chou was born January 18, 1979, in Taiwan, China. He grew up with his mother, and was a quite and shy kid. He didn’t do well in study, so people thought he would never be successful in life.

As a small child, Jay took a great interest in music. His mother sent him to learn the piano when he was only three years old. He loved it and kept on practicing .When he was in high school, he could play the piano quite well. At the same time, he showed his talent for writing songs.

Before Jay became a singer, he worked as a songwriter. For two years, he spent most of his time writing for singers. Some of them were very famous, like Coco Lee and Jacky Cheung.

Now Jay is one of the most famous singers in Asia. However, he is still shy and doesn’t smile often. He isn’t good-looking and speak clearly when he sings or talks, but he has a lot of fans. Most of his fans like him because he is really good at music and never follows others.

以上就是成长历程英文的全部内容,求一片关于成长的英文作文 1000字左右 What is growing upWhen I was a child,I didn't know how to make friends and how to see somebody's advantage.As a lonely person,I just had a little friends。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
