
  • 用英语怎么说
  • 2024-05-26

葫芦娃英文名?Huluwa is the protagonist of the animated film "Hulu Brothers" and its derivative works, each of which has superb skills.葫芦娃是动画片《葫芦兄弟》及衍生作品的主角,每一个的都本领超群。那么,葫芦娃英文名?一起来了解一下吧。



老汉种出了红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫七个大葫芦,却被妖精从如意镜中窥见。他们摧毁不了这七个葫芦,就把老汉抓去。七个葫芦成熟了, 相继落地变成七个男孩,穿着七种颜色的服装。他们为了消灭妖精,救出老汉,一个接一个去与妖精搏斗。

红娃是大力士,但有勇无谋, 落入泥潭被擒。橙娃是千里眼和顺风耳,却被妖精的魔镜射瞎了眼睛,刺聋了耳朵。黄娃是钢筋铁骨,由于骄傲轻敌,被妖精用刚柔剑捆住。绿娃会喷火,又被妖精的冷泉酒冻住。青娃能喷水,被妖精用销魂酒醉倒。蓝娃有隐身术,去偷妖精的如意,解救了前五个兄弟。




Gourd baby seven brothers







Legend has it that two goblin were jailed in the Calabash Mountains(葫芦山),scorpion( 蝎子)essence and snake(蛇) essence. An pangolin(穿山甲) accidentally hit wore cave, two goblin had escaped. Old man in pangolin, under the guidance of obtained valuable bottle gourd seed, from red, orange, yellow, green, green(同样有青的意思), blue, violet(紫,purple) seven big calabash. Treasure gourd mature landing become little boy, with all powers. One after another they can't wait to go and leprechauns desperately battle,all break.Final seven Hoist brother (葫芦兄弟) concerted effort and leprechauns launched bloody struggle and defeat goblin, Will shut the goblinbottle gourd treasure.Finally the gourd Eva(葫芦娃,或者Children of Cucurbit) into colorful peaks, will forever in the hill town of goblin.






In the 1980s the series was one of the most popular animation in China. While it has been praised as much as Havoc in Heaven domestically, it was released at a point when the Chinese animation industry was in a relatively downed state compared to the rest of the international community. Still, the series was translated into 7 different languages. The episodes were produced with a vast amount of paper-cut animations lead by Zhou Keqin who became the director of paper-cut animations in 1975[1].

Legend has it that two demons were jailed in the Calabash Mountains, one a Scorpion spirit and the other a Snake spirit. One day, a pangolin happens to drill a hole on the slope and the two spirits escape from the cave, causing grave harm to the nearby residents. The pangolin hurries to an old man and says that only by growing calabashes in seven colors can they annihilate the spirits. So the old man spares no time in growing seven calabashes, each a different color of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple.

The calabashes ripen sequentially, falling off their stems to the ground, and transforming into seven boys. Each has a unique supernatural ability such as super-strength, enhanced hearing and sight, invisibility, and pyrokinesis, as well as a weakness. Each of them also have above average strength and speed given that all of them have shown the ability to lift items several times their own weight and leap several metals. With a combined effort, they set on a mission to defeat the demons in a 13 episode-long adventure.[2]. Upon defeating the demons, the seven brothers seal themselves together into a mountain with all the colours of the rainbow, ready to awaken to fight evil should it ever arise again.

In a sequel series, it is later revealed that there was a third demon, specifically the sister to the snake spirit, that had been in hiding underground during the whole battle. The only survivor from the defeat of the two demons, a humanoid toad with a blinded eye, comes and desperately reports the news. Naturally, the demon is enraged and attacks the mountain that contains the seven brothers, releasing and defeating each of them. However, upon their defeat they fuse together into a single boy with the powers of all seven who successfully vanquishes the final demon.

以上就是葫芦娃英文名的全部内容,葫芦娃的英文:Calabash Brothers Brother 读法 英 ['brʌðə] 美 ['brʌðɚ]1、n. 兄弟;同事;战友 2、int. 我的老兄!短语:1、older brother 哥哥;长兄 2、twin brother n. 孪生兄弟 3、eldest brother 长兄 4、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
