
  • 八年级
  • 2024-05-09

八年级上英语语法?1、一般现在时:表示经常性或习惯性的动作、客观事实和常识。2、现在进行时:表示现阶段正在进行的动作。例如:She is reading a book now。3、一般过去时:表示过去发生的动作或状态。那么,八年级上英语语法?一起来了解一下吧。


语法:Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

Grammar: 特殊疑问句:wh-questions: what, who, where, when, which, whose, why, whom等。


结构:特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句, 即:特殊疑问词+be/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语/表语(+其他)


1) Who:谁。做主语,用来指人Who is the boy under the tree?

2)Whom 谁,做宾语,用来指人 Whom are you writing to?

3) Whose 谁的,用来指所属关系,如果做定语,一般后接名词 Whose pen is this?

4) Which 哪个,哪些,用来指对人或物在一定范围之内进行选择 Which grils will in the sports meeting? Which pen is Lily’s?

5)What什么,通常指物,也可指人,一般用在没有指出范围的情况下 What can you see in the picture? What are you doing now?


When:何时,询问时间When will she come back?

Where何地,询问地点, Where do you come from?

Why为什么,询问原因, Why are you late for school?

How 如何,询问手段、方式、工具以及程度等 How do you usually go to school?

How old多大,询问年龄,How old is Jim’s little brother?

How many/much多少,询问数量How many birds are there in the tree?

How far多远,询问距离, How far is it form your home to school?

How long多长,多久,询问时间的长度或距离 How long will you stay in Beijing?

How often多长时间按一次,询问频率 How often do you go to see your grandparents?

How soon多久,询问时间 How soon will you come back?

频率副词:表示动作发生的频率,never, sometimes, often, usually, always.

Unit 2 What’s the matter with you?


1. 用have 来描述身体不适 have/have got a +疾病名字;得了……病

2.情态动词should,情态动词should,can, may, must没有人称和时态的变化,后接动词原形

Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?

Grammar:现在进行时表将来 一般将来时













Unit 1How often do you exercise?

一、 词汇


once(一次), twice(两次), always(总是)等,要求四会。表示人们日常活动的短语也应


go to the movies(去看电影)

play soccer(踢足球)


二、 句型


1. How often do you…? Once /Twice a week.

2. What do you usually do…? I usually…

3. How many hours do you…?

三、 语法


1. 复习一般现在时表示的意义及其结构。

2. 巩固训练两个助动词do和does的用法。

3. 学习新知识what和how often引导的特殊疑问句。

Unit 2What’s the matter?

一、 词汇


1. 表示人体部位的名词。例如:foot, leg, eye…。

2. 表示人体病情的短语。例如:a sore back, have a cold等。


1. begin with

2. make a banana milk shake

3. turn on /turn off/ turn up/ turn down

4. cut up = cut --- into pieces

5. a cup of yogurt

6. two teaspoons of honey

7. add--- to—

8. a popcorn popper

9. three sandwiches

10. two slices of bread

11. a recipe for---

12. green onion

13. hang out

14. buy a souvenir

15. buy some gifts

16. go to the aquarium

17. win the prize for the best performer

18. at the end of ---在---的尽头

19. in the end= at last= finally

20. sleep late

21. go for a drive

22. class monitor班长

23. on my last day off

24. on your next day off

25. have a yard sale

26. get wet淋湿

27. in future 今后

28. in the future 将来

29. in yesterday’s singing competition

30. be born

31. too--- to –太—以致于不能= so--- that—如此—以致于--

32. play golf

33. start golfing

34. ice skating

35. tour the U.S.

36. take part in

37. because of –

38. major in English and management

39. Tsinghua University

40. learn to play the accordion

41. hum difficult pieces of music 哼唱难度较高的曲子

42. a well-known pianist

43. table tennis

44. grow up

45. computer science

46. computer programmer

47. a professional basketball player

48. take acting/guitar lessons 上表演/吉他课

49. move to ----

50. somewhere interesting

51. my dream job

52. find a part-time job

53. save money

54. at the same time

55. hold art exhibitions/ have fashion shows

56. travel all over the world

57. make New Year’s resolutions

58. learn to play an instrument

59. become rich and famous

60. do a survey of 就—做调查

61. keep fit =keep healthy =keep in good health=stay healthy

62. find a job as a foreign language teacher

63. exchange student

64. do chores

65. do the dishes

66. do the laundry

67. sweep the floor

68. take out the trash

69. clean the living room

70. make the /one’s bed

71. fold the clothes

72. go to a meeting

73. get a ride 搭车

74. work on 忙于,从事

75. buy drinks and snacks

76. feed my dog

77. borrow ---from---- 从---借

78. lend --- to ---把—借给---

79. agree with sb

80. disagree with sb

81. take (good) care of =look after—well

82. radio station

83. close to

84. have friendly service

85. comfortable seats

86. good quality clothes

87. movie theater = cinema

88. clothing store

89. talent show

90. get together聚在一起

91. brown bread;黑面包

92. Forbidden City故宫

93. not --- at all

94. the capital of --- 的首都

95. Library of Congress国会图书馆

96. the Great Depression大萧条

97. my elder sister我的姐姐

98. ice hockey冰球

99. on the frozen pond在结冰的池塘上

100. table manners 餐桌规矩

101. stay still 保持不动

102. my own room

103. in fact

104. pay for 为---付款

105. pay钱for sth =spend 钱on sth =sth cost sb 钱 干----花了某人多少钱

106. go Dutch 个人付个人的帐

107. leave a tip 付小费

108. hot pot 火锅

109. have a try 试一试

110. main course 主食

111. side dish配菜

112. how many/ how much 多少

113. how long/ how often 多长/多久一次

114. how soon / how far 多久后/多远

115. on you last school trip

116. take photos of me 给我照张相

117. what else = what other things

118. have a good /great time

119. watch a dolphin show

120. take a class

121. go camping

122. That sounds interesting

123. That sounds like a busy day off.

124. at the age of

125. start writing music 开始作曲

126. play for his national team 为国家队踢球

127. the great Brazilian soccer player伟大的巴西足球运动员

128. become a movie star 成为电影明星

129. play sports = take exercise 做运动

130. a kind and loving grandma一位慈爱的祖母

131. become a skating champion 成为滑冰冠军

132. spend all his free time度过他的业余时间

133. the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of competition to win this prize 在70年比赛历程中第一位获得此奖的中国钢琴家

134. a five-year-old girl

135. play table tennis

136. play chess

137. play the guitar/ piano/ violin/ accordion

138. most interesting /least interesting最有趣的/最没意思的

139. learn a foreign language

140. make the soccer team 组建足球队

141. get lots of exercise to keep fit

142. interesting places = places of interest名胜


1. 人称代词
主格: I we you she he it they
宾格: me us you her him it them
形容词性物主代词:my our your her his its their
名词性物主代词: mine ours yours hers his its theirs

(1) 一般在形容词或副词后+er
older taller longer stronger, etc
(2) 多音节词前+more
more interesting, etc.
(3) 双写最后一个字母,再+er
bigger fatter, etc.
(4) 把y变i,再+er
heavier, earlier
(5) 不规则变化:
well-better, much/many-more, etc.

Most nouns + s a book –books
Nouns ending in a consonant +y - y+ ies a story—stories
Nouns ending in s, sh, ch or x + es a glass—glasses a watch-watches
Nouns ending in o +s or +es a piano—pianos a mango—mangoes
Nouns ending in f or fe - f or fe +ves a knife –knives a shelf-shelves

bread, rice, water ,juice etc.

5. 缩略形式
I’m = I am you’re = you are she’s = she is he’s = he is
it’s = it is who’s =who is can’t =can not isn’t=is not etc

6. a/an
a book, a peach
an egg an hour

7. Preposition:
on, in ,in front of, between, next to, near, beside, at, behind.
表示时间: at six o’clock, at Christmas, at breakfast
on Monday on 15th July On National Day
in the evening in December in winter

8. 基数词和序数词
one – first two-second twenty-twentieth

9. Some /any
I have some toys in my bedroom.
Do you have any brothers or sisters?

10. be 动词
(1) Basic form: am/are/is
(2) 肯定和否定句 I am(not) from London.
My eyes are(not) small.
My hair is(not) long.
(3)一般疑问句: Am I a Chniese? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Are they American? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
Is the cat fat? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

11. there be 结构
肯定句: There is a …
There are …
一般疑问句:Is there …? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.
Are there…? Yes, there are. /No, there aren’t.
否定句: There isn’t …. There aren’t….

12. 祈使句
Sit down please
Don’t sit down, please.

13. 现在进行时.通常用“now”.
形式: be + verb +ing
eg: I am(not) doing my homework.
You/We/They are(not) reading.
He/She/It is(not) eating.

动词 —ing 的形式
Most verbs +ing walk—walking
Verbs ending in e -e + ing come—coming
Short verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant run –running swim—swimming

14 一般现在时。

