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  • 英语单词
  • 2024-04-02

剑桥初级英语词汇?a det 一、一个 add v 加 afternoon n 下午 again adv又、再 alphabet n字母表 am v 是 an det一、一个 and conj和 animal n 动物 Ann n 安 answer n 答案,那么,剑桥初级英语词汇?一起来了解一下吧。



a det 一、一个

add v 加

afternoon n 下午

again adv又、再

alphabet n字母表

am v 是

an det一、一个

and conj和

animal n 动物

Ann n 安

answer n 答案,回答

answer v 回答

apple n 苹果

are v 是

arm n 手臂

armchair n 扶手椅

ask v问

at prep在,于,向,在……方面


baby n 婴孩

badminton 羽毛球

bag n 袋子

ball n 球

banana n 香蕉

baseball n 棒球

basketball n 篮球

bath n淋浴,浴室

bathroom n浴室,盥洗室

be v是

beach n 海滩

bean n 豆

beautiful adj 美丽的,很好的

bed n 床

bedroomn 卧室

behind prep在……后面

Ben n 本(人名)

between prep 在……中间

big adj 大的

bike n 自行车

Bill n 比尔(人名)

bird n 鸟

birthday n 生日

black adj 黑色的

blue adj 蓝色的

board n 木板

boat n 小船,艇

body n身体

book n书

bookcase n书架,书柜

bounce v弹跳,(球)弹回

box n 盒子,箱

boy n男孩

bread n面包

breakfast n早餐

brother n兄弟

brown adj褐色的,棕色的

burger n汉堡包

bus n 公共汽车



cake n蛋糕

camera n照相机

can/cannot/can't v能\不能

car n小汽车

carrot n胡萝卜

cat n猫

catch v抓住;赶上(车船等)

chair n椅子

chicken n小鸡,鸡肉

child/children n孩子/孩子们

class n班级;课

classroom n教室

clean adj干净的

clock n时钟

close v关,关闭

clothes n衣服

coconut n椰子

colour n颜色

colour (in) v涂色

computer n计算机

correct adj正确的

cow n奶牛

crocodile n鳄鱼

cross n叉

cross v横过;划叉

cupboard n壁橱


dad(dy) n爸爸

day n天;日

desk n课桌

dining room n餐厅

dirty adj脏的

do/don't v做/不做

dog n狗

doll n洋娃娃

door n门

draw v画

drawing n绘画;图画

dress n连衣裙

drink n+v饮料;喝

duck n鸭子


ear n耳朵

eat v吃

egg n鸡蛋

eight num八

elephant n大象

English n+adj英语;英国的

enjoy v喜欢

eraser n橡皮

example n例子

eye n眼睛


face n脸

family n家庭

father n父亲

favourite adj最喜欢的

find v找到;发现

fish (s+pl) n鱼

fishing n钓鱼

five num五

floor n地面;楼层

flower n花

fly v飞

food n食物

foot/feet 脚n

for prep为;给;替

four num四

French fries n炸薯条

friend n朋友

frog n青蛙


game n游戏

garden n花园

giraffe n长颈鹿

girl n女孩

give v给

glasses 眼镜n

go v去

goat n山羊

good adj好的


grandfather n祖父;爷爷

grandmother n祖母;奶奶

green adj绿色的

grey (or gray) adj灰色的

guitar n吉它


hair n头发

hall n大厅;厅

hand n手

handbag 手提包n

happy (birthday) adj快乐的

hat n帽子

have (got) v有

he pron他

head n头

helicopter n直升飞机


her pron她

here adv这里

him pron他

hippo n河马

his pron他的

hit v击;打

hobby n爱好

hockey n曲棍球

horse n马

house n房子

how many int多少

how old int多大


I pron我

ice cream n冰淇淋

in prep of place在……里面

in front of prep在……前面

is v是

it pro它n


jacket n夹克衫

jeans n牛仔裤

juice n果汁

jump v跳;跳跃


kick v踢

Kim n 基姆(人名)

kitchen n厨房

kite n飞筝

know (don't know) v知道;认识


lamp n台灯;灯

learn v学习

leg n腿

lemon n柠檬

lemonade n柠檬水

lesson n课

letter (as in alphabet) n字母

like v+prep喜欢;像

lime n酸橙

line n线

listen (to) v听

live v居住;生活

living room n起居室

lizard n晰蝎

long adj长的

look v看

look at v看(某物)

love v热爱;喜欢

lunch n午饭


man/men n男人

mango n芒果

mat n小块地毯

May (girl's name) n梅(女名)

me pron我(宾格)

meat n肉

milk n牛奶

mirror n镜子

monkey n猴子

monster n怪物

mother n母亲

motorbike n摩托车

mouse/mice n老鼠

mouth n嘴

mum(my) n妈妈

my det 我的


name n名字

new adj新的

next to prep与……相邻的

Nick n尼克(男名)

night n晚上

nine num九

no det不

nose n鼻子

not adv不;没有

now adv+dis现在

number n数字


of prep属于……的


OK dis行;可以

old adj老的

on prep在……上面

one num一

onion n洋葱

open v打开

or conj或者;否则

orange n桔子

our pron我们的


page n页

paint v颜料;涂颜色

painting n画

pardon inter请原谅

part n部分

Pat n帕特(男名)

pea n碗豆

pear n梨

pen n钢笔

pencil n铅笔

phone n+v电话;打电话

photo n照片

piano n钢琴

pick up v拾起;捡起

picture n图片

pineapple n菠萝

pink adj粉红色

plane n飞机

play (with) v玩

please inter请

point v指(向)

potato n土豆

purple adj紫色的

put v放;搁


question n问题


radio n收音机

read v读;阅读

red adj红色的

rice n米饭

ride n+v坐车;骑(车\马)

right (=correct) adj+dis正确的

robot n机器人

room n房间

ruler n尺子

run v跑


sad adj伤心的

Sam n山姆(男名)

sausage n香肠

say v说

school 学校n

sea n海

see v看见

sentence n句子

seven num七

she pron她

sheep (s+pl) n绵羊

shirt n衬衣

shoe n鞋

short adj短的;矮的

show v展示

sing v唱

sister n姐姐;妹妹

sit (down) v坐下

six num六

skirt n裙子

sleep v睡觉

small adj小的

snake n蛇

so dis这样;如此

soccer n足球

sock n袜子

sofa n沙发

some det一些

song n歌曲


spell v拼写

spider n蜘蛛

sport n体育运动

stand (up) v站立

start v开始

stop n+v停止

story n故事

street n街道

Sue n苏(女名)

sun n太阳

supper n晚饭

swim v游泳


T-shirt n T恤

table n桌子

table tennis n乒乓球

talk v谈话

teacher n老师

television/TV n电视

tell v告诉

ten num十

tennis n网球

test n+v测试

thank you谢谢你

that det+pron那,那个

the det指这个,那个(定冠词)

their det他们的;她们的;它们的

them pron他们;她们;它们

then dis 那时;那么

there adv那里

these det+p 这些

they pron他们;她们;它们

this det+pron这

those det+pron那些

three num三

throw v扔

tick n+v勾;打勾

tiger n老虎

to prep去某个方向

today adv今天

Tom n汤姆(男名)

tomato n西红柿

toy n玩具

train n火车

tree n树

trousers n裤子

try v试一试

two num二


ugly adj丑的

under prep在……下面

understand v明白

us pron我们(宾格)


very adv很;非常


walk v走路

wall n墙壁

want v想要

watch v观看

water n水

watermelon n西瓜

we pron我们

wear v穿;戴

well dis好

what int什么

where int哪里

which int哪一个

white adj白色的

who int谁

whose int谁的

window n窗户

with pron和

woman/women n女人

word n词

write v写


(No words at this level)


yellow adj黄色的


you pron你;你们

young adj年轻的

your pron你的;你们的


Zoon 动物园

剑桥初级英语词汇 中文版

Food 食物

1. hamburger / burger (hamburgers / burgers) 汉堡 2. rice 米饭 3. noodles 面条 4. sausage (sausages) 香肠 5. hot dog (hot dogs) 热狗 6. pizza 比萨饼 7. cake (cakes) 蛋糕 8. French fries / chips 炸薯条 9. meat 肉10. meal (meals) 饭 11. chicken 鸡肉 12. fish 鱼肉 13. lamb 羊肉 14. beef 牛肉 16. steak 牛排17. bread面包 18. popcorn 爆米花 19. pasta 意大利面食(意大利同心粉)20. sandwich (sandwiches) 三明治21. ice cream 冰激凌 22. salad 色拉

Vegetable 蔬菜

1. potato (potatoes) 土豆 2. tomato (tomatoes) 西红柿 3. cucumber (cucumbers) 黄瓜 4. bean (beans) 豆角5. pea (peas) 豌豆 6. carrot (carrots) 胡萝卜 7. egg (an egg / eggs) 鸡蛋 8. onion(an onion / onions) 洋葱

Fruits 水果

1. apple (an apple / apples) 苹果

2. orange (an orange / oranges) 桔子

3. banana (bananas)香蕉

4. pear (pears) 梨

5. pineapple (pineapples) 菠萝

6. watermelon (watermelons) 西瓜 7. lemon (lemons) 柠檬

8. mango (mangoes) 芒果

9. grape (grapes) 葡萄

10. coconut (coconuts) 椰子

11. nut (nuts) 坚果

Human Body 人体

1. head 头

2. neck 脖子

3. shoulder (shoulders) 肩膀

4. forehead 额头

5. nose 鼻子

6. mouth 嘴

7. eye (an eye / eyes)眼睛

8. ear ( an ear / ears) 耳朵

9. tooth (teeth) 牙齿

10. arm (an arm / arms) 胳膊

11. hand (hands) 手

12. leg ( legs ) 腿

13. foot (feet) 脚

14. knee (knees) 膝盖

15. face (faces) 脸

16. finger (fingers) 手指

17. pointer 食指

18. thumb 拇指

19. nail 指甲

20. child (children) 儿童

21. man (men) 男人

22. woman (women) 女人

23. baby (babies) 婴儿

Animals 动物

1. bee (bees)蜜蜂

2. cat (cats)猫

3. dog (dogs)狗

4. bird (birds)鸟

5. rabbit (rabbits) 兔子

6. cow (cows)奶牛

7. tiger (tigers)老虎

8. lion (lions)狮子

9. giraffe (giraffes)长颈鹿

10. snake (snakes) 蛇

11.snail (snails)蜗牛

12. mouse (mice)老鼠

13. chick (chicks) 小鸡

14. sheep (sheep) 绵羊

15. goat (goats) 山羊

16. fish (fish)鱼

17. butterfly (butterflies)蝴蝶

18. dragonfly (dragon


19. fly (flies) 苍蝇

20. whale (whales)鲸鱼

21. shark (sharks)鲨鱼

22. dolphin (dolphins) 海豚

23. hippo (hippos)河马

24. frog (frogs)青蛙

25. elephant (elephants)大象

26. duck (ducks)鸭子

27. horse (horses)马

28. pig (pigs) 猪

29. monkey (monkeys)猴子

30. spider (spiders) 蜘蛛

31. kangaroo (kangaroos) 袋鼠

31. parrot (parrots) 鹦鹉

32. bat (bats) 蝙蝠

School 学校

1. teacher (teachers)老师

2. student (students)学生

3. pupil (pupils)小学生

4. ruler (rulers)尺子

5. eraser (erasers)橡皮

6. book (books)书

7. bag (bags)书包

8. pencil (pencils) 铅笔

9. pen (pens)钢笔

10. pencil-box (pencil-boxes)铅笔盒

11. pencil-case (pencil-cases) 文具

12. classroom (classrooms)教室

13. blackboard (blackboards)黑板

14. chalk 粉笔

15. table (tables)桌子

16. desk (desks) 课桌

17. computer (computers)电脑

18. playground操场

Colors 颜色

1. brown 棕色

2. yellow 黄色

3. orange 橙色

4. green 绿色

6. purple 紫色

7. gray 灰色

9. red 红色

10. white 白色

11. blue 蓝色

12. indigo 青紫色

13. violet 紫罗兰

14. black 黑色


1. car (cars)汽车

2. van (vans) 货车

3. bike (bikes)自行车

4. helicopter (helicopters)直升飞机

5. train (trains)火车

6. plane (planes) 飞机

7. taxi / cab 出租车

8. bus (buses)公共汽车

Family 家庭

1. father 爸爸

2. mother 妈妈

3. sister 姐姐、妹妹

4. brother 哥哥、弟弟

5. son 儿子

6. daughter 女儿

7. aunt 阿姨、婶婶、姑姑

8. uncle 叔、伯

9. nephew 侄子

10. niece 侄女

11. cousin 堂兄妹

12. grandfather / grandpa 爷爷、外公

13. grandmother / grandma / granny 奶奶、外婆

14. study 书房

15. bedroom (bedrooms) 卧室

16. living-room / sitting-room客厅

17. bathroom (bathrooms) 浴室

18. clock (clocks)时钟

19. TV 电视

20. photo (photos) 相片

21. flower (flowers) 花

22. door (doors) 门

23. window (windows) 窗户

24. bed (beds) 床

25. sofa (sofas) 沙发

26. bookcase (bookcases) 书柜

27. wardrobe (wardrobes) 衣柜

Preposition 介词

1. on 在…上面

2. in 在…里面

3. under 在…下面

4. over 垂直上方

5. above 在上方

6. next to 在旁边

7. between 在…之间

8. behind 在后面

9. in front of 在…的前面

10. of …的

11. among 在…之中

12. to 给… 向 往

13. from 从…来

14. off 从…离开

15. up 向上

16. down 向下

17. on top of 在顶上

18. at the foot of 在…的脚下







看本单元的标题,比如一级上册第三单元“I like apples."那么此单元一定和水果有关,孩子能掌握水果相关的单词就够了,至于其他的,看他的兴趣和能力了,不做强制要求。

Unit1 Hello, I’m Sam.

pen pencil pencil-case ruler book bag eraser bat fan hat map mat pan van Sam Dan cat sand

Unit2 It’s a goat.

horse fish duck turtle cow rabbit chicken dog frog goat sheep cock pig bed desk egg hen leg vet wet

Unit3 I like apples.

apple banana pear mango grapefruit orange peach pineapple watermelon coconut lemon fog hot hop mop cot box cob clock cod cock

Unit4 What’s in my hat?

turtle baseball bird CD watch shoe car candy nib pin lip lid zip kit

Unit5 My body and the monster’s

body monster hair eye ear neck hand foot head nose mouth arm leg cup mud bus cut clap hold touch pick write catch stand run kick stamp jump hop see smell hear taste

Unit6 Let’s play games.

bounce the ball kick the shuttlecock draw the clown’s nose catch the beanbag throw the beanbag hopscotch hide and seek pick and put cake name face make game plane wave bake

Unit7 Fruit and vegetable party.

fruit vegetable tomato carrot potato chips cheese eggplant onion pumpkin

Unit8 Colours around us.

colour street beautiful live have a look hurry up truck lorry bike kite mike rice ride time blue yellow red brown white black green purple pink grey(gray)

Unit9 Where is my toy car?

on under in between behind next to in front of out of

toy train motorbike jeep ship boat close phone home rose cone dome hole

Unit10 An easy maths lesson.

count one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve easy busy mute huge fume cute duke tube fuse tune

Unit11 Our family tree.

grandfather grandmother father mother uncle aunt brother sister niece water the flower read a newspaper make yourself at home take a seat cook zoo moon food boot pool

Unit12 Let’s make friends.

hobby ride go shopping wear swim fly draw talk with listen climb roller-state help shelf shirt shop shorts shoulder shower

Unit13 Paper clothes show.

paper cloth T-shirt dress skirt jacket shirt sock glasses trousers chair chocolate child chess chin

Unit14 Let’s help the old.

bookcase cupboard kitchen story tidy the books clean the window comb the hair feed the bird mop the floor sweep the floor scrub the floor wash the tomatoes make tea read a book teeth month bath moth

Unit15 A Happy New Year.

present guess game make words guess riddles make a good shot sing blow balloons

Unit16 An English Evening.

quietly fast asleep run get down fall break fire coop










2.a few adj少许, 少数

3.a little det+pron少许, 少数

4.a piece of adj一块

5.across prep adv,


a bridge across the river 一座横跨河上的桥

Erna Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow.



the house across the street 街道对面的房子

We swam across the river. 我们游到河对岸

6.actor n演员

7.actress n女演员

8.address n地址;住址

9.ago advadv, adj 以前(的),以往(的)

She left 30 minutes ago. 她30分钟前离开了。

Long, long ago there lived a king.


