春夜喜雨英语翻译?春夜喜雨 Delighting in Rain on a Spring Night 杜甫 Dù Fǔ 好雨知时节,A good rain knows its proper time;当春乃发生。It waits until the Spring to fall.随风潜入夜,那么,春夜喜雨英语翻译?一起来了解一下吧。
" Spring rain"
Don Du Fu
Good to know the rain season, when the spring is.
Wind sneaked into the night, moisten things silently.
Wild of diameter cloud is all black, river boat fire alone bright.
Xiao see red wet place, the flower of the city.
春晓 孟浩然
Spring Morning
This spring morning in bed I’m lying,
Not to awake till birds are crying.
After one night of wind and showers,
How many are the fallen flowers?
春夜喜雨 杜甫
Happy Rain on a Spring Night
Good rain knows its time right;
It will fall when comes spring.
With wind it steals in night;
Mute, it wets everything.
Over wild lanes dark cloud spreads;
好雨知时节 当春乃发生
随风潜入夜 润物细无声
夜径云俱黑 江船火独明
晓看红温处 花重锦官城
Rain has come just in time, in spring as if it is wise.
Silently it began at night, and watered everything nice.
The night was too dark to see the clouds,
however a light from river boat was shining.
And I saw something moist and red at dawn,
which turned out to be flowers smiling.
及时的好雨像知道时节似的,当春天到来的时候就飘飘洒洒地下起来,催发植物生长。春雨伴着春风悄悄地在夜晚下起来,无声地滋润着万物。乡间小径与天空一片昏暗,唯有江边船上的一点渔火若隐若现,显得格外明亮。待到天明,看看这带着雨水的花朵,娇美红艳,整个锦官城变成了繁花盛开的世界。 (In time of the season as know though, when the arrival of spring is flowing underground up when running, urge plant growth. Spring rain quietly in the night with the spring breeze next up, silent and moistens everything. The country path and the sky was dark, only a bit of the ship reaches the river is like concealed, appear very bright. Stay until the morning light, look at this with the rain flower, beautiful segong is colourful, the whole city became the brocade flowers in secret world.)
以上就是春夜喜雨英语翻译的全部内容,春夜喜雨 Delighting in Rain on a Spring Night 杜甫【唐】By Du Hu (Tang Dynasty)好雨知时节,Good rain knows the season,当春乃发生。Promoting the growth of plants in spring.随风潜入夜。