大学英语综合教程2unit5?以下是大学英语综合教程2的目录概述:Unit 1: "Learning Ways" 以中国式的学习风格为主题,包括Text A《Learning》逐句讲解,文本深入探讨了学习方法。接着是Text B《Children and Money》关于孩子与金钱的讨论,文中详尽解析了课文的重点和难点,附有译文和参考答案。Unit 2: 关注价值观,那么,大学英语综合教程2unit5?一起来了解一下吧。
Unit 1 (Dis)connecting in the digital age
Section 1
Episode 1
Viewing Comprehension
1) Super popular among young people
2) Don't like using emojis
3) A universal language that everyone can understand
4) Confused about the use of emojis
5) A design choice
6) How emojis could be used in communication
7) Existing in digital platforms
Text Comprehension
1) B
2) C
3) B
4) A
1) The image and use of an emoji
2) The size, shape, and color
3) It is used to convey meaning and emotion
Language in focus
Words and expressions
1) Submit design for approval
2) Straightforward usage
3) Ambiguous meaning
4) Interpreted context
1) What is the most significant communication breakthrough in the last 50 years?
2) Classify emojis into different groups
3) Characteristics of an excellent team leader
4) Which tech company launches products most creatively?
5) How to handle a circular discussion with team members?
1) Express ideas
2) Show approval
3) Show respect
4) Express opinions
5) Show improvement
6) Express oneself
1) The emojis of facepalm and face with tears of joy are widely used among young people, but some find them ambiguous.
2) Communication methods depend on various factors, such as the occasion. Emails are preferred in work environments, while phone calls and WeChat messaging are favored by family members.
3) Body language can be interpreted differently in different cultures. For example, in China, nodding means yes, while in Albania, it means no.
4) Technological advancements have led to significant breakthroughs in social interaction, with WeChat Moments gaining popularity since its launch in 2012.
Episode 2
1) A; C
1) Stuck in a situation
2) Italian
3) A gold bar
4) Stuck doing something
5) Less detailed
6) No
7) Recognize the situation
8) Unique to China
Language in focus
Words and expressions
1) Connect your communication device to the college network
2) Technology as a learning tool
3) Time
4) Embarrassment
5) Mind
6) Room
1) Download WeChat
2) Sign up for Alipay or WeChat Pay
3) Register for the taxi-hailing app
1) Approximately 90% of the world's internet users use emojis to varying degrees.
2) Researchers offer explanations for the open-ended nature of emojis, which often lack clear definitions in dictionaries.
3) The lack of standardized design for emojis across devices or platforms contributes to their ambiguity.
4) As a relatively new form of communication, the use and understanding of emojis are still evolving.
5) Its meaning appears to be "you are stuck in something you don't want to do."
Section 2
Text A
1) Civil
2) Detached
3) Positive reinforcement
4) Preventative
5) Politeness
1) B
2) D
3) A
4) B
1) Discussing online communication problems
2) Analyzing possible causes of the problem
3) Offering general approaches to solve the problem
4) Providing a hopeful conclusion
1) Civil communication online is possible if we follow the rules of politeness as we do in the real world.
2) Confucius' norm of not saying things that do not conform to rites still provides guidance on interpersonal communication in modern society.
3) Internet addiction can cause many issues, such as poor health, detachment from the real world, and conflict with family members.
4) Online communication can offer many benefits, such as keeping in touch with family and friends, but stories like Tom Daley's highlight the dark side of internet technology.
5) Internet technology occupies a large part of our lives, and it is essential for parents and schools to teach children internet etiquette and behavior norms.
Text B
1) B
2) D
3) A
4) B
5) A
1) I've had similar issues and successfully reduced my screen time by more than half!
2) I check my accounts first thing in the morning, even sometimes waking up to check my phone.
3) Helping me is to disable notifications so my phone won't constantly buzz.
4) Camping over the weekend can bring you back to nature and help you overcome internet addiction.
5) I used to have five social media networks, but now I only use two. This has really helped me cut down on checking for the latest updates.
Unit Test
1) A
2) C
3) D
4) A
5) C
6) A
7) D
8) C
Banked cloze
1) Tedious
2) Personal
3) Collecting
4) Emergence
5) Share
6) Decent
7) Accurately
8) Design
9) Heritage
10) Creating
1) B
2) D
3) C
4) D
5) D
He worked himself to death, finally and precisely, at 3:00 A.M. Sunday morning. 最终,他于星期天凌晨3点工作致死。 The obituary didn't say that, of course. 当然,讣告上没有这样写。It said that he died of a coronary thrombosis--I think that was it--but everyone among his friends and acquaintances knew it instantly. 讣告上写的是死于冠状动脉血栓证,但他的好友和熟识的人都心知肚明。He was a perfect Type A, a workaholic, a classic, they said to each other and shook their heads--and thought for five or ten minutes about the way they lived. 他们互相握着手,摇头叹息地说他是一个追求完美的A型血人,一个典型的工作狂,然后用几分钟时间来反思自己的生活方式。
Book 2
Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles
Text A True Height
Key to Book 2 Unit 5
1) startled 2) mere
3) motion 4) sweating
5) stretched out6) vain
7)On one occasion 8) anxiety
9)emotions10) ashamed of
11)In my mind's eye
12) recurring
1) Mrs. White's birthday coincides with her husband's.
2) They make big profits on the stuff they sell by creating an artificial shortage, which sends the prices soaring / results in the soaring of prices.
3) It has been a week of alternate sunshine and rain.
4) Politics and philosophy have been his lifelong passions, although he studied economics at university.
5) Tension came over her, as she waited for her first TV interview.
1) media; dedication to; grace.
2) his competitors; in excitement; hug him; congratulate him on
3) emotions; numerous; intensity; passion for
II. Collocation
1) Mike, a Green, made the suggestion that a large park be built near the community.
2) In a letter to his daughter, Mr. Smith expressed his wish that she (should) continue her educa?tion to acquire still another degree.
3) There is no reason to hold the belief that humans have no direct moral responsibility to safe?guard the welfare of animals.
4) Children need to feel safe about the world they grow up in, and it is unwise to give them the idea that everything they come into contact with might be a threat.
5) Anxiety can result from the notion that life has not treated us fairly.
6) Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent.
III. Words with Multiple Meanings
1.1 work out in the gym for one hour every morning.
2. Florence has worked as a cleaner at the factory for five years.
3. The wounded man worked his way across the field on his hands and knees.
4. The safe load for a truck of this type works out at about twenty-five tons.
5. It is difficult to understand how human minds work.
6. To my disappointment, the manager's plan of promoting the new products doesn't work at all.
7. The teacher has a lot of experience of working with children who don't know how to learn.
8. The medicine began to work one hour after the child took it.
Comprehensive txercises
I. Cloze
(A) Text-related
1. In my mind's eye
3. competitor
5. anxiety
7. sweat
9. soaring
10. recurring
11. brought me back to earth
12. fantasy
13. sweat
14. congratulate
16. media
1. engineer
2. forget
3. convinced
4. how
5. build
6. accident
7. thought
8. only
9. sharp
10. touched
11. instructions
12. finally
II. Translation
1) It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the company into a profitable business.
2) The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.
3) We plan to repaint the upper floors of the office building.
4) His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.
5) I don’t want to see me beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.
Numerous facts bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn’t / don’t have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.
Consider the case of / Take Donna. Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, “It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth and help me survive the crisis.”
Unit 1 College Life
Part Ⅰ Video Starter
Part Ⅱ Text A Ten Secrets for Success as a College Freshman
Part Ⅲ Text B Maybe Now's the Time to Pursue a Dream
Part Ⅳ Additional Theme-Related Activities
Unit 2 Growing Up
Part Ⅰ Video Starter
Part Ⅱ Text A You Changed My Life, Miz Lane
Part Ⅲ Text B A Quick Story
Part Ⅳ Additional Theme-Related Activities
Unit 3 Radiating Kindness
Part Ⅰ Video Starter
Part Ⅱ Text A An Act of Kindness
Part Ⅲ Text B The Cab Ride
Part Ⅳ Additional Theme-Related Activities
Unit 4 World of Wonders
Part Ⅰ Video Starter
Part Ⅱ Text A Crystals
Part Ⅲ Text B Earth's Extremes
Part Ⅳ Additional Theme-Related Activities
Unit 5 Silent Language
Part Ⅰ Video Starter
Part Ⅱ Text A Eve Language
Part Ⅲ Text B The Sensation of a Smile
Part Ⅳ Additional Theme-Related Activities
Unit 6 Sound of Music
Part Ⅰ Video Starter
Part Ⅱ Text A Beethoven and His"Moonlight Sonata"
Part Ⅲ Text B My Father: He Always Had My Back
Part Ⅳ Additional Theme-Related Activities
Unit 7 Life as it is
Part Ⅰ Video Starter
Part Ⅱ Text A Life Is a Marathon
Part Ⅲ Text B Hard Work Pays Off
Part Ⅳ Additional Theme-Related Activities
Unit 8 Staying Healthy
Part Ⅰ Video Starter
Part Ⅱ Text A Too Many Hospital Beds
Part Ⅲ Text B Sleep: A Necessity, Not a Luxury
Part Ⅳ Additional Theme-Related Activities
Presupposed Word List
Unit 1: "Learning Ways" 以中国式的学习风格为主题,包括Text A《Learning》逐句讲解,文本深入探讨了学习方法。接着是Text B《Children and Money》关于孩子与金钱的讨论,文中详尽解析了课文的重点和难点,附有译文和参考答案。
Unit 2: 关注价值观,Text A《The Richest Man in America, Down Home》讲述了美国乡巴佬首富的故事,逐句解读后,Text B《The Restoration of Jimmy Carter》聚焦于吉米·卡特的复元过程。这部分同样有重点难点讲解、译文和答案。
Unit 3: 探讨代沟问题,Text A《Father Knows Better》阐述了老爸的智慧,逐句讲解后,Text B《When Father Doesn't Know Best》质疑了这一观点。这部分同样提供了详细的课文解析和参考答案。
继续深入,Unit 4 焦点转向虚拟世界,Text A《A Virtual Life》描述虚拟世界的生活,逐句解读,Text B《Mother's Mad about the Internuts》则讲述了母亲对网虫的看法。
以上就是大学英语综合教程2unit5的全部内容,This man who worked himself to death finally and precisely at 3:00 A.M. 这个男人最终在星期天凌晨三点整工作致死。Sunday morning--on his day off--was fifty-one years old and a vice-president.星期天的早上,这天刚好是这个51岁的副总裁的休息日。