高中英语听力教案?高中英语听力教学反思1 “经验+反思=成长”,教学反思是一种有益的思维和再学习活动,教师可以通过教学反思不断地丰富和完善自我。 一、注重语言知识的教授 首先要严格把好音标关。学好音标是学好英语的前提,音标基础的好坏决定了语音、语调的好坏,语音基础打好了,对提高学生的听力水平无疑会起到事半功倍之效。那么,高中英语听力教案?一起来了解一下吧。
导语: 本期三好教师联盟根据本月主题教师实践视角下的教材与课程,我们选用了真实的赛课案例,通过教案,教学设计和教学反思一系列真实的过程,希望老师们思考体会教学目标设定和达成的有效路径,整体理解教学单元主题意义,活动设计体现主题意义由理解到表达的渐进过程,并在理解和表达主题意义的过程中发展语言技能、学习策略和应试技巧。这里既有优秀的教学案例可供学习和借鉴,又有刘鹰老师富有洞见的点评,开阔学习者的思路。
Ⅰ. Teaching Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to
•describe a disaster with the new words and expressions
•master the skimming and scanning skills
•talk about what we can do when a disaster happens
1. Train the students' ability to use the skimming and scanning skills
2. Help the students learn how to describe a disaster
(点评 :The teaching objectives are very well designed. Instead of having a general description ofobjectives as they are found in most of the cases, the teacher gives very specific objectives. Secondly, and most importantly, the objectives are described from a learner‘s perspective using the "can do"statements. Instead of stating the knowledge to be learnt or skills to be developed, the description emphasizes what the students will be able to do after class.
However, I do have a minor problem with the second objective: is it possible for the students to learn to describe a disaster? The teacher should have spelt out clearly and specifically what she expects the students to do while describing the disasters, what devices they are going to employ. The teacher, based on the assignments she plans to give in the end of the teaching plan, indeed has a clear idea of what she expects the students to do regarding the description of the disaster; she should have specified it in the objective statement. )
Ⅱ. Teaching Aids/ Materials Needed/ Things to be Prepared:
1. A computer. An overhead projector
2. Courseware. Video clips
3. Pictures of disasters
Ⅲ. Activities Strategies:
Dual design:
•theme, topic and skill development: skills around topic
•meaning and language form: form comes from meaning
•Input and output: output based on input
1. Watch a video clip about tsunami
2. Introduce the topic
3. Learn the new words (names of disasters emphasized on tsunami and the difficult ones such as avalanche and nuclear bombs)
4. Listening comprehension (help the students draw a basic outline of the description of a disaster through listening)
5. Reading comprehension (help the students learn some specific expressions used to write a description of disasters through reading, and also help the students to gain the ability to use skimming and scanning skills)
6. Oral composition
7. Writing (a description of a disaster)
All the above7 stages will be carried out by strategies of group, individual work, class work, discussion and prediction, etc.
(点评 :The dual design is not clearly stated here, though the Chinese part in the section later is muchmore clearer about it. )
Skills to be trained
1. Learn the skills of skimming and scanning
2. Learn the skills of studying vocabulary
3. Learn to describe a disaster orally and preferably in written form
(点评 :The skill No.2 "learn the skills of studying vocabulary" is not stated in the objectives at thebeginning and "skills of studying vocabulary" is not really a specific enough for one hour‘s class. Guessing the meaning of words, for example, would be more specific and attainable skill for such a short time. )
Consolidation/ assignment:
1. For all the students: Finish 3d
2. For medium and low leveled students: write an essay based on the outline
3. For advanced students: write a more complicated version, based on the devices learnt
(点评; It is really a great idea to assign different work for students at different levels, even though itcan be challenge for the teacher. Such a diversified ways to give assignments will truly reflect the notion of students centered approach because students do learn differently and they do have different levels of commanding the language skills. )
这个的话,你确定在这能找到答案,还不如自己去网上搜一下呢 或者下个软件里面有听力,然后你再做课件,教案啥的 ,这里应该很少有答案
以上就是高中英语听力教案的全部内容,学术论文方面,孔老师在2008年论文《高中英语过程写作行动研究》获得了北京市微格教学评比一等奖。同年,孔老师的教学设计 “Communication workshop” 获得了北京市2008年中小学外语教学科研论文评比一等奖,并在“全国英语教师教学设计大赛”高中教案组中获得了三等奖。2007年。