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  • 网上学英语
  • 2024-01-02

我的名字叫李华英语?关于我的名字是李华英语如下:my name is Li Hua 李华,中高考英语作文常现人物,最早出现在1995年全国高考卷甚至更早的个别城市模拟卷中。他通常是某中学的学生,担任该校学生会主席。他经常助人为乐,那么,我的名字叫李华英语?一起来了解一下吧。


my name is lihua,living in a plain but warm family,together with my father, mother, brother,and my brother's wife...

everybody in my family has their own job.my father is an engineer,and although sometimes he feel tired at work,he works very hard. my mom is a worker,she is very optimistic about life and she educates us to live positivly. my brother is a football player,and he at the same time runs a store.my brother's wife is a historical teacher in a middle school..our house is little but we always feels very happy.

such being my family,i hope we can remain happy forever...



I am Li Hua. I'm fourteen years old. I am in Class Eight, Grade Two





班长 [ bān zhǎng ]


基本释义 详细释义

[ bān zhǎng ]





My name is LiHua. I have a simple but warm family. There're five members in my family: Dad, Mum, my brother and his wife, and me.

Each member in my family has his or her own job. My father is an engineer ,His work is nothing easy but he works very hard.My mother is a worker. She is very optimistic and she teaches us to play an active role in our lives.My brother is a football player who also runs his own store. My sister-in-law is a history teacher in a middle school. My family is not so big, but we live a happy life every day.

This is right my family. I hope that such happinesses will surround us forever.


My name is Li Hua. I am fourteen years old. I am a student at 8th class, second year of Junior High School.我叫李华,十四岁,初二八班的学生

以上就是我的名字叫李华英语的全部内容,My name is Li Hua. I am fourteen years old. I am a student at 8th class, second year of Junior High School.我叫李华,十四岁,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
