
  • 一年级
  • 2024-09-16

雅思口语范例?https://liuxue.87dh.com/ 对于很多准备考雅思的同学来说,雅思阅读是非常重要的,那么今天就和小钟老师一起来了解一下2023年4月21日雅思口语机经。Part 1 题目范例Home (Your Accommodation)1. What do you like (most) about your hometown?解析:这个问题我们其实要回答两点:第一,那么,雅思口语范例?一起来了解一下吧。


这是人物的 我自己写的 我是7分 你到时扩展一下也行

我的阿姨 是一个英语老师 他教的英语和别的老师不一样 不只教语法 还叫学生认识国外的文化 让英语更加有趣 和同学玩英语游戏 让同学在趣味中学习 并且让我想要出国 他一直鼓励我 还有一个哥哥 他非常有冒险精神 敢于去做他想做的事情 但不是没有目悔猜的盲目做 他会有计划去谈前裤做 有时别人觉得他是疯的 可是他坚持他的理想 激励我含简 有梦想要去做



























◆What is your favorite season?

◆What is special about this season?

◆What do people usually do in this season?

◆Why do you like this season?


◆What is the worst weather you have experienced?

◆When did you experience it?

◆What did you see?

◆How did you feel under the worst condition?



本文来自雅思口语网liuxue86.com《名人明星篇》。人物这个考点在雅思口语中的出现率还是非常高的。除了描述一些我们身边的普通人之外还会被要求描述那些名人伟人等。比如最近在08年的考题中就经常出现描述someone you admire, a successful person, someone you are willing to know in the future。详细的话题列表请参见由朗阁培训中心的沙莎老师主编的《每天三小时冲刺雅思口语》一书。

传统的考题中要求描述a famous singer, a movie star, a sports star或a famous person。其实大家马上就能看出新考题虽然在措词上有所改变,但是描述的实质内容却是可以相互套用的,我们可以借用体育明星或歌手来套这些话题。


◆ What did he/she do?

◆ What role did he/she play in the film?

◆ What is the film about?

◆ What kind of music does he/she play?

◆ Which films did he/she act in?




2023年1月雅思口语part1必考话题范文:your home住家,最全的话题相关问题,附高分回答范例。温馨提醒:私人化的问题弊岩需要个性化的答案,背诵答案,下场往往很惨!范文仅作参考,唯一的王道在于你的开口练习,祝高分。与雅思口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。


Where do you live?

What part of your country do you come from?

What nationality are you?

Can you describe your city / home town / village?

Can you describe where you live?

What other countries have you visited?

What do you like about where you live?

What do you find difficult about living in your home town?

What town or city do you come from?

What type of restaurants are there in your city / town / village?

Do you like shopping? How are the shopping centres in your home town?

How are the people in your home town?

What do the majority of people do to make a living in your home town?

Do you live in the capital of your country?

How long have you lived here?

Is the place you live a nice place? What's it like?

Are you here (in your host country) alone?

Do you like living in this country / your home town?

What do most teenagers like doing in your country?

When did you set up house?

Have you met your next-door neighbours yet?

Is there a supermarket in the neighbourhood (where you live)?

Are you a native of Aberdeen?

Would you like to move house to a bigger area?

Can you get along with your neighbours?

When did you settle in this town?

What are some of the problems of urban life?

Would you like to be inhabitant of a small village?

Which part of town do you live in?

Have you ever lived in the suburbs?

Do you like living in the centre of a big city?

What social problems do you think we have in your society?

How do you define a good society?

Do you consider your home town as a cultural spot?

What are the cultural values of your country?

Do you like living in a multicultural society?

How do you define a traditional society?

What makes an advanced industrial society?

Do you belong to a very close community who would find it difficult to accept too many newcomers?

Are there many different social classes of people in your country?

Do most people in your country own their house? Why (not)?

Is it easy to find accommodation in your home town?

What kind of place are you living in at the moment?

Who do you live with and why?

Are there any advantages of living where you are at present? What are they?

Can you describe your study room / bedroom to me?


1.Where do you live?

I live on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City, in a district called Tan Phu, about 15 km from the city centre.

2.Do you live in a house or a flat?

I live in a 3 bedroom flat on the 11th floor of a big apartment building.

3.Who do you live with?

I live there with my wife and little baby son.

4.Is it a big place?

It’s pretty big for a flat. It has 3 large bedrooms, one for my wife and I and one for my son when he gets older. It also has a smaller bedroom that I use as a study and to store things in. The kitchen is small but it is part of a big open plan living room, so there is lots of space for the family.

5.How is your apartment decorated?

I don’t like lots of over the top decoration, so I guess you would describe it as minimalist. The walls are all white and the furniture is also either white or black. There are very few ornaments or pictures because again, I like to keep things quite minimal and I hate clutter.

6.Is there anything you would like to change about your flat?

I would like to have a big balcony. We have a sort of balcony at the moment, but we mainly use it for washing and drying clothes. It would be really nice to have some tables and chairs on a proper balcony, with maybe a few plants, so we could sit there in the evenings and relax.

7. Do you live in a house or an apartment?

I live in a semi-detached house with three bedrooms and a small garden.

8. Which room do you like most in your house? Why?

My favourite room is the kitchen because it looks out onto the back garden, and it's on the side of the house that catches the afternoon sun.

9. Is there anything about your house that you would like to change?

Well, it would be nice if it were a detached house so that we could have windows on the wall that we currently share with our neighbours.

10. Tell me something else about your house.

The previous owners converted the loft into an extra bedroom; that's the quietest room in the house, and the best place to go to do some work.


Whether you still live there or not, your hometown will always be your home. This is the place you grew up, went to school, and made all your friends and memories. Your hometown is where you made your first friends, where you grew up and became the person you are today. In high school, you couldn’t wait to leave. But it's not until you leave that you realize how much you miss it. Your hometown may not be your favorite place, but it will always be your place.

1. Your house 你的大别墅

This is the place you grew up, the place you know like the back of your hand. You know which step creaks when you step on it, how many hair tools you can plug in before blowing a fuse, and where the perfect hiding places are.

2. All your favorite food 你最爱的食物

You usually plan all your meals on a trip home. Your favorite bagels, deli, pizza, burger, burrito, even your favorite Starbucks are just around the corner. Going home for the weekend is kind of like going on vacation, you don't hold back when it comes to eating.

3. Your family 你的家人

Your parents, your siblings, your grandparents, your aunts and uncles and maybe even a few cousins. Your hometown and your family are basically synonymous.

4. Your home friends 你的老朋友

Your home friends have been there with you through all your awkward stages, all your drama, and most of your weekends. They are the people that get you, and will always be your home base.

5. Your favorite places 你最爱的地方

The parking lot where you sit and talk for hours, the bench at the park, the dock at the marina, your bed, or your best friends basement. The places you are when you need to get out of the house. These are the places that make you feel comfortable, and the places you miss the most.

6. You never get lost 你不会走丢

You NEVER have to use a GPS when you're home. You know where all your friends houses are, and directions include landmarks rather than street names.

7. You can't go anywhere without seeing someone you know 随处是熟人

While yes, this can SUCK when it's Sunday morning and you look like you've gotten hit by a train, it really is comforting to be able to see a familiar face.

8. Your hometown diner 美味的家乡菜

There is truly no diner like your home diner. The loud host that seats you, the diner cookies, the mints you eat at the register. Everything they have is the BEST you’ve ever had. You can try and fight me on it, but my diner will beat yours 10 times out of 10.

9. Your pets 你的宠物

You know that every time you come home, you pet will always be the most excited to see you. They will be the first to greet you and won't leave you alone the entire time you’re home (but you’re not complaining)

10. The memories 回忆

Passing the soccer fields you grew up on, the Friendly’s where you had a few awkward middle school double-dates, the house your best friend used to live in. Driving around your hometown always packs a punch of nostalgia.

11. It will always be there even if you won't 无论走到哪,故乡永远在你心里

You may come and go, but your hometown will always be there, right where you left it. It will always be a part of you, and you will always be a part of it.


以上就是雅思口语范例的全部内容,https://liuxue.87dh.com/ 2023年1月雅思口语part1必考话题范文:your home住家,最全的话题相关问题,附高分回答范例。温馨提醒:私人化的问题需要个性化的答案,背诵答案,下场往往很惨!范文仅作参考,唯一的王道在于你的开口练习,祝高分。与雅思口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。
