
  • 六年级
  • 2024-09-09


Do you like reading? Yes, I do. How many English books have you got? I think I haveIthink I have 50 to 60 English books. Which one is your favourite? The poetry book is my favourite. Why do you like it? Because the words and stories are very beautiful. Tell us more about reading? OK.


My day is busy.In the morning,I get up at six.I brush my teeth and put on my clothes.Then I eat breakfast at half past six.At six fifteen I go to shool.I get to school at around seven o'clock.Classes begin at half past seven.Af。

选择 ( )1、i usually go to school ______bike. a. on b. by c. usually ( )2、i go to school __foot, because my home is _____. a by fast b on near c by near ( ) 3、how can i _____ the zoo? a go b get c get to ( )4、you can go by ______bus. a ..
2007-08-22 2006年小学升初中英语试题
2006年小学英语升学试题听力部分一,选择听到的单词(10分) ( )1.a.just b.last c.first d.bird ( )2.a.clothes b.close c.clock d.clean (; )3.a.think b.thin c.thank d.thick ( )4.a.exciting b.exercise c.interesting d.computergame ( )5.a.front b.fruit c.free d.friend ( )6.a.hall b.tall c.hot d.hard ..
2007-12-12 小学英语期末检测卷(六年级上)
六年级英语期末检测卷(上) …… 五,listen and arrange. 听对话,将下列句子按顺序标号. ( ) shes quiet, she likes music. whats her name ( ) whos she ( ) a girl ( ) i have a good friend. ( ) boy or girl ( ) her name is amy. 笔试部分六,look and link. 将图片与相应单词的首写字母大写连起来. ..
2007-12-12 2007学年度小学六年级(上)英语期末测试题
二,单词,词组辨认.(20%) 1,如图示,选择正确单词,写在横线上.(10分) im_______my flowers. (watering.tiding.closing) shes_______bread. (cuting.cutting.washing ) he want to_________. (go ballooning.go sailing.write a report) he__________. (likes math.doesnt like math.dont like math) _________does your..
2007-12-12 pep7英语六年级上学期期末测试卷
pep7六年级上学期期末英语测试卷 2007.1 姓名__________ 学号 __________ 成绩 听 力 部 分一、根据录音内容选择听到的单词、词组或者句子。 1. what are you going to do ? a. this morning b. this afternoon c. this evening 2. i’m going to ? ..
2007-12-12 六年级英语上期末检测卷听力材料
嘉兴市小学英语六年级上期末检测卷听力材料 (2007.1) 第一大题:听录音,选择所听到的单词,词组或句子.现在请看第一题.(m / w)(break 00 02) (each item: break 0002 , repeat)(between items: break 0010) 1. my uncle always rides a bike to work. 2. my neighbour is a cleaner. 3. my mother watches tv on sunda..
2007-12-12 六年级英语上期末模拟检测卷
小学英语六年级上期末模拟检测卷 2007.1 班级: 学号: 姓名: 成绩: 听力部分(listening part ) 第一大题:listen and choose.听音选择.(根据录音内容选择听到的单词,词组,单词或者句子) 1,a. playing b. play c. plays 2,a. on feet b. by foot c. on foot 3.i like________ a. swiming b. swimming c. swim 4,a..
2007-12-12 五年级英语上学期期末复习
五年级上学期英语期末复习姓名_________ 学号________ 班别_________ 按实际情况回答问题: 1) how many days are there in january _________________________________ 2) how many terms are there in a year _________________________________ 3) how do you get to your school __________________________..
2007-12-12 小学五年级(上)英语期末试题
一,根据图片,正确书写出下列单词.(10%) d___lph___n d___ct___r sh___ ___t sn___ ___kers cl___ ___dy 得 分二,根据所给的图片和字母,正确书写出关于季节,气候的单词写在四线格内.(10%) ingrps nitrew msumer uumnat rina 得 分三,请找出与词组对应的图片,将其序号写在括号内.(10%) ( )1,climb the mountain ..
2007-12-12 小学英语五年级(上)期末检测卷
五年级英语(上)期末检测卷 …… 三,listen and arrange. (听对话,将下列句子按顺序标号.10%) ( )i can see a lake, a river, a path and a mountain. ( )what can you see on your way back home ( )yes, there are. theyre very beautiful. ( )are there any flowers near the path ( )and there is a forest. i ..

26.What’s your hobby? A. Swiming B. Swimming C. Swim 27. Does your mother wash clothes? A. Yes, she doesn’t B. Yes, he does C. No, she doesn’t 28. What does Tom do? A. Tom goes to school.B. Tom is a boy C. Tom is a teacher 29. How does he go to school? A. On feetB. By footC. On foot 30. He likes ________planes. He likes ________,too. A. make/swimming B. making / swimming C. making / swim 31. I don’t have a brother_________sister. A. or B. and C. the 32. He usually plays at the park __________ Sunday. A. inB. atC. on 33. Who is he? He is _________ brother. A. mineB. my C. I 34. she ___________ football everyday. A. playingB. play C. plays 35. Happy birthday! A. The same to you B. Thank youC.OK 五、组成句子(5×2分) 36. same / the / like / We / things / don’t 37. bue / to / school / by / He / goes 38. Ann / TV / on / cartoons / watches 39. Who / in / a / factory / works / car 40. from / does / the / Where / rain / come 六、选择括号内正确的一个。(5×2分) 41. They (A; has / B: have) lunch in the kitchen. 42. She (A: watch / B: watches) TV in the evening. 43. We (A: ride / B: rides) a bike to our school. 44. Ton and Alice (A: likes / B: like) listening to music. 45. His mother (A: wear / B: wears) a black coat.

( ) 1、A.onlyB.readyC.JulyD.sunny
()2、A.other B.sonC.brotherD.almost
()4、A.penB.open C.veryD.spend
()5、A.walk B.talk C.wall D.half
()6、warmA.car B. quarter C. park
()7、.shortA. work B. forC. worker
()8、termA. teacherB. herC. mother
()9、little A. like B. is C. five
()10、up A. pupilB. under C. unit
1、these(单数)() 2、I(宾格)( )
3、us(主语)()4、 small(反义词)()
5、fried(形容词)( )6、just(同义词)( )
7、run(现在分词)() 8、Letus(缩写)()
9、her(人称代词)() 10、watch(第三人称单数)()
11、near(反义词)( )12、buy(同音词)( )
13、first (基数词)() 14、teacher (动词)( )
15、woman (复数)() 16、 policeman (对应词)( )
()1、They sing the song ()the music room ( )four o`clock.
A. atin B. inatC.in onD.at on
()2、What will they do ()?
A. oneB.firstC.frist D.the first
()3、It() me about ()hour to get there.
A. takeaB. takes aC.takesanD.takean
()4、()the weekends ,I often play the piano.
A. At B.On C.In D. With
()5、How many ()can you see () the park ?
A.peoplesinB. peopleonC.peoplesatD. peoplein
()7、She()toplay inthe park.
()8、Ihave ()beentoOceanPart.
A .yet B.already
四、 按要求写句子
2、 Helikeshisjobverymuch.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)
3、did, you,what,for,have,yesterday,breakfast(连词成句)

