一双运动鞋英语怎么说?回答应该用it is。此句中主语是this pair of short pants。如果名词前有量词,则谓语动词的单复数由量词决定。所以这里的单复数由this pair决定,this pair为单数,所以用it is。英语记忆量词与可数名词的固定搭配用法存在一定困难,不可数名词需要与作为度量单位的量词搭配使用。那么,一双运动鞋英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。
Sally is in high school now.
一双运动鞋:sports/gym shoes
Now,Sally has been in high school for five years.
a pair of sports shoes.gymnastic class
Now,Sally has been graduated from high school for five years.
1. Sally is in high school now.
或:Sally has been in high school for five years now.
2. 一双运动鞋:a pair of sports shoes 或 a pair of snearkers
3. 体操课:(a) gymnastics/gym class
4. clean/tidy (up) the classroom
注:/ 表示可以任意选用其一;( )表示可以省略不写。
一双运动鞋的英文可以表示为 "a pair of sports shoes"、"a pair of sneakers"、"a pair of athletic shoes" 或 "a pair of running shoes"。在这里,"pair" 表示数量为一的双倍单位,"sports" 指的是与运动相关的,"sneakers" 是一个美式英语词汇,通常指的是运动鞋,"athletic shoes" 和 "running shoes" 则更具体地指代运动或跑步时穿的鞋子。
1. 我需要一双运动鞋来参加比赛。
I need a pair of sports shoes to participate in the race.
2. 这双运动鞋非常适合跑步。
These sneakers are perfect for running.
3. 她在健身房穿了一双专业的运动鞋。
She wore a pair of professional athletic shoes to the gym.
4. 请给我拿一双运动鞋,我需要走去学校。
Please bring me a pair of running shoes, I need to walk to school.
5. 他的运动鞋在跑步时提供了良好的支撑。
以上就是一双运动鞋英语怎么说的全部内容,in high school for five years now.楼主此题表达不清楚,sorry!2. 一双运动鞋:a pair of sports shoes 或 a pair of snearkers 3. 体操课:(a) gymnastics/gym class 4. clean/tidy (up) the classroom 注:/ 表示可以任意选用其一;( )表示可以省略不写。