跨文化交际英语?“跨文化交际”的英语名称是“cross-cultural communication(或inter-cultural communication)”。它指本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际, 也指任何在语言和文化背景方面有差异的人们之间的交际。那么,跨文化交际英语?一起来了解一下吧。
跨文化交流 英文 Intercultural Communication;Cross-Cultural Communication;
cross cultural communication;Cross-culture Communication;communication;
“跨文化交际”的英语名称是“cross-cultural communication(或inter-cultural communication)”。它指本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际, 也指任何在语言和文化背景方面有差异的人们之间的交际。
所谓跨文化交际,即不同文化背景的人走到一起分享思想、感情和信息时所发生的一切。跨文化交际的英语名是Intercultural Communication,早期也称为Cross-cultural Communication。跨文化交际学最先在美国兴起。美国是个移民国家,文化碰撞时有发生。来自世界各地的移民都强调并维护自己的文化,因此形成了美国的多元文化格局。于是跨文化交际引起了美国学者和各界人士的广泛关注。日本也不甘落后,于1972 年在东京率先召开了第一届跨文化交际学国际研讨会,出席人数超过两千。1974年,跨文化教育训练与研究学会(SIETAR,Society for Intercultural Education,Training and Research) 在美国正式宣布成立。我国研究跨文化交际学起步较晚。北京外国语大学著名语言学家胡文仲教授于80 年代初期开始从事跨文化交际学的研究,著作颇丰,目前已经编著出版了《跨文化交际学概论》、《跨文化与语言交际》等多部图书。目前,跨文化交际学已发展成为一门被国际学者们充分重视的集人类学、语言学、心理学、传播学、社会学等为一体的综合性学科。
问题一:英语跨文化交流的重要性munication is an important mean of expressing yourself because it exists different ways of expression and so different kind of munication depending on the culture you belong to .
The way of municating will not be the same as other countries and it is important to know some values of other cultures and so of other ways of municating for, first of all, avoiding some misunderstandings and then knowing better some aspects of different cultures .
That is why cross-cultural munication is an essential exercise to do; a person who e from a certain country does not necessarily get the same ideas about time, death, identity, as an other one from a different country because each person has its own identity .
First, a national identity, defned by a surname, a first name, citizenship, and a personal identity perceived as what are your activities, your opinions about issues or your experience in life .
Sometimes, your own identity can be modified or influenced by different factors, for example religion, your environment, your family.
The latter example seems to be a paradox because you can get your own opinions about something but you can be influenced by your familial surrounding or the society where you live(especially some notions that parents and even society teach you when you are a child, as patrioti *** or nationali *** ) .
This influence can replace your previous vision of life and changing your way of expressing yourself and so your way of ......>>
问题二:跨文化交流的重要性和意义“跨文化交际 ”的英语名称是“cross-cultural munication(或inter-cultural munication)”。
以上就是跨文化交际英语的全部内容,intercultural communication 跨文化交际(intercultural communication)指的是不同文化背景的个人之间的交际,也就是不同文化背景的人之间所发生的相互作用。