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  • 初中
  • 2024-05-31



15页A部分: 1)don't have 2)How often does 3)What does write 4)What time does get 5)None of 6)What time 7)What do 8)Do home 9)When do 10)15-year-old girl 11)on the way to school B部分: 1)Every morning we talk about business at breakfast. 2)I always use my own car to school 3)Wendy always passes exams. 4)Wendy goes to school with her driver 5)The other students often ask me to help them. 6)She is still a student. 16页:1~5 DCDAD 6~10 BBADB 11~14 BABD 17页B部分:1)changes 2)miss 3)does eat 4)rides 5)rains 6)finishes 7)is 8) won't 9)fails achieves 10)Does continue does. C:1)is 2)is 3)loves 4)are 5)say 6)carry 7)say 8)are 9)dance 10)plays 11)doesn't understand 12)dance 13)hear


因为句子的主语是classes, 复数,而且后面说了in the morning, 也就是说经常如此,所以要用一般现在时,主语是复数时谓语不需要加s


单项选择 BCABDBBBAACDABC完形填空AADBCBADCB阅读理解CDABATFFFF补全对话This is Peter.Are you free this tomorrow?Are you free this Sunday?Yes,I'd love toI'll call here词汇speakcarryflyingcookafraid汉译英This call aboutwould have a picnicWhat upgo fishing
Section AⅠ1.unday2.orget3.free4.kite5.ringⅡ1.to go2.shopping3.toke4.Are5.usⅢ1.Please tell him about the picnic2.Don't dorget to bring your guitar3.Would you to go fishing4.What do you thing of this green skirt5.Are you free this SundaySection BⅠ1.CDEABⅡ1.DDBAAⅢFGCEBSection CⅠ1.to have a picnic with2.very happy3.going fishing4.afraid have no5.ask to call back ⅡWould like to visit 2.What would you 3. don't have 4.Does have 5.want toⅢ JBACEIDGHFSection DⅠ1.calls2.shopping3.songs4.you5.having6.tellⅡ1.Would 2.can3.can 4.May5.WouldⅢ1.What about cook2.at home 3.like4.Who are5.can't see any


第一题:1)four o,clock2)half past five 3)go to school 4)get up 5)take a shower 6)go towork 7)get to 8)go to bed第二题:1)dodo2)sleep3)do works 4)puts 5)speak6)take7)do have 8)tell9)gets 10)look
1),clock。2)because3)take4)about5)homework6)afternoon7)early8)breakfast 9)learn10)略 第三题的


Your plan sounds very -----------.D
A.well B.interested C.fun D.great
We are looking forward to ------than mine . C(look forward to (doing) sth)
A.visit B.a visit C.a visit to D.visting to
There is little juice in the bottle,------------?B(little表否定,前否后肯)
A.isn't there B.is there C.isn't it D.is it
Mum has me------------ the bed every day.B(have sb to do sth)
A.making B.make C.to make D. made

