
  • 一年级
  • 2024-05-28

各让一步英文?让步 meet each other half way 例句:我们建议双方各让一步-九折。We suggest a compromise - 10%.买方:你们的单价比我们想要的价格高出100美元。嗯,我建议各让一步。那么,各让一步英文?一起来了解一下吧。


If you want to reach consensus, we must all make a step.


A:Mr. Chen, shall we now discuss the packing?

B: Very well, you know, we have definite ways of packing garments. as to blouses, we use a polythene wrapper for each article, all ready for window display.

A: good. a wrapping that catches the eye will certainly help push the sales. with competition similar garment producers, the merchandise must not only be of good value but also look attractive.

B: right you are. we will see to it that the bloses appeal to the eye as well as to the purse.

A: what about the outer packing?

B:we'll pack them 10 dozen to one carton, gross weight around 25 kilos a carton.

A: cartons?

B: yes. corrugated cardboard boxes.

A:could you use wooden cases instead?

B:why we use wooden cases?

A: i'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for such a

heavy load.

B: the cartons are comparatively light, and therefore easy to handle. they won'tbe stored away with the heavy cargo. The stevedores will see to that. Besides, we'll reinforce the cartons with straps. silk blouses are not fragile goods. they can stand a lot of jolting.

A: maybe you are right. but the goods are to be transhiped at Hamburg or London. if the boxes are moved about on an open wharf, the dampness or rain may get into them. this would make the blouses spotted or ruined.

B: no need to worry about that. the cartons lined with plastic sheets are water-proof, and as the boxes are made of cardboard, they will be handled with care.

A: well, i don't want to take any chances. Besides, cartons are easy to cut open, and this increases the risk of pilferage.

B:tampering with cartons is easily detected. i should say that this rather discourages pilferage.

A: maybe so, but i am afraid that in case of damage or pilferage, the insurance company will refuse compensation on the ground of improper packing, or packing unsuitable for sea voyage.

B:but cartons are quite deaworthy. they are extensively used in our shipments to continental ports. there are never any complaints from our clients, and such packing has also been approved by our insurance company for WPA and TPND.

A: if you could guarantee compensation in case the insurance company refuses to honour a claim for faulty packing, we would be quite willing to accept cartons.

B: i'm sorry but we cannot take on any responsibility for every kink of mishap.

A: I can understand your position. perhaps i am asking too much.

B: we will use wooden cases if you insist, but the charge for packing will be considerably higher, and it also slows down delivery.

A:well, i will fax home immediately for instructions on the matter.

B: please do . i will be waiting for your reply.



可以直接说,How about this concession. 然后提出你的让步。




Usually both sides take a step in price.

让步 meet each other half way



We suggest a compromise - 10%.


Buyer: Your unit price is 100 dollars higher than we want. Well, I suggest we meet each other half way.






1、Although he tried hard, yet he failed.


2、 Although I didn’t know anybody at the party, I had a very good time.




主要有以下这些:though,although,while,as;even if,even though;whether...or...;no matter+疑问词,疑问词-ever,一般翻译为"尽管……"或"即使……","无论……"。用法如下:


以上就是各让一步英文的全部内容,商业谈判中有一个特别专业的词汇,是concession.可以直接说,How about this concession. 然后提出你的让步。希望可以帮到你。英语牛人团祝您天天开心!内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
