
  • 三年级
  • 2024-05-22

三只蝴蝶英文剧本?花园里有三只蝴蝶,一只是红色的,一只是黄色的,一只是白色的。三个好朋友天天都在一起玩,可好了。一天,他们正玩得,天突然下起了雨。三只蝴蝶的翅膀都被雨打湿了,浑身冻得发抖。三只小蝴蝶一起飞到红花那里,对红花说: “红花姐姐,那么,三只蝴蝶英文剧本?一起来了解一下吧。


Role: father clouds red flowers white flowers yellow sun red butterfly white butterfly yellow butterfly

(Music from) the sun: the sun out of myself!

Voice-over: the garden there are three beautiful butterflies. One is red, one is yellow, there is only one white. They dance in the garden every day, games, very happy. (Butterfly With music, free-flight)

VO: One day, they are playing on the grass and suddenly it began to rain. (Sun, clouds will be ousted)

Voice: They fly with red flowers, where the chorus to the safflower plea

Public Butterfly: Safflower sister, safflower sister, heavy rain our wings get wet, the rain chills us Linde, let us to avoid the rain, under the leaves of your bar! "

Safflower: Red butterfly color like me, please come in! Yellow butterfly, white butterfly, do not come in!

3 Butterfly chorus: "We three are good friends, loving each other is not breaking up; want to come to one, the one to go away."

Voice Over: rain even wider. 3, where yellow butterflies flying together, in unison, said the request to the yellow

Public Butterfly: yellow sister, sister, yellow, heavy rain our wings get wet, the rain chills us Linde, let us to avoid the rain, under the leaves of your bar! "

Yellow said: "The yellow butterflies the color like me, please come in! Red butterfly, white butterfly, do not come in!"

3 Butterfly chorus: "We three are good friends, loving each other is not breaking up; want to come to one, the one to go away."

Voice Over: three white flowers where butterflies fly together, in unison, said the request to the white flowers

Public Butterfly: white flowers sister, sister, white flowers, heavy rain our wings get wet, the rain chills us Linde, let us to avoid the rain, under the leaves of your bar! "

White flowers said: "The white butterfly colors like me, please come in! Red butterfly, yellow butterflies, do not come in!"

3 Butterfly shook his head and said together: "We three are good friends, loving each other is not breaking up; want to come to one, the one to go away."

Voice Over: three butterflies flying in heavy rain years, could not find a place rain really anxious呀! However, none of them are reluctant to leave their friends.

Voice Over: At this time, the sun from the clouds crevices father saw, and hastened to put away the air of dark,

Sun: Zou Zouzou, stop down the.

Voice Over: fine of. The sun to dry three wings of a butterfly. 3 Butterfly facing the sun, but also together in the garden a happy dance and play games. Along with music, dancing butterflies.



Role:father sun,black clouds,red flowers, white flowers ,yellow flowers ,red butterfly, white butterfly, yellow butterfly 。

(music)the sun arose:the sun goes out.

aside:there are three beautiful butterflies in the garden,one is red ,one is yellow and another is white.they dance and play games happily in the garden every day.(the butterfly is freely flying with the music)

aside:one day ,while they are playing on the grass,a heavy rain came.(the black clouds drive the sun away)

aside:they fly to the red flower ,and asked the red flower for help.

butterflies:Miss Red,the heavy rain made our wing wet,we feel reallycold,could you please let us take shelter from rain under your leaves?

the red flower:the color of red butterfly stands for me,so the red one come here,but the white and the yellow one are not allowed.

three butterflies say together:we are good friends,we love each other,we come together and leave together.

aside:the rain is heavier,they fly to the yellow flower ,and asked the yellow flower for help.

butterflies:Miss Yellow,the heavy rain made our wing wet,we feel reallycold,could you please let us take shelter from rain under your leaves?

the yellow flower:the color of yellow butterfly stands for me,so the yellow one come here,but the white and the red one are not allowed.

three butterflies say together:we are good friends,we love each other,we come together and leave together.

aside:finally,they fly to the white flower ,and asked theflower for help.

butterflies:Miss White,the heavy rain made our wing wet,we feel reallycold,could you please let us take shelter from rain under your leaves?

the white flower:the color of white butterfly stands for me,so the white one come here,but the yellow and the red one are not allowed.

three butterflies shake their heads and say together:we are good friends,we love each other,we come together and leave together.

aside:the three butterflies fly here and there in the rain,they can't find any shelter !but they don't want to leave their friends.

aside:at this time,the father sun sees the butterflies,so he drives up the black clouds.

the sun:do go away!don't rain any more!

aside:the weather becomes good again.with the help of the sun,the wings of the butterflies become dry.in the sunshine,three butterflies dance ,play games happily in the garden again.(butterflies is dancing with the music)。


森林里啊,要成立一个艺术团。小猴它呀,才艺多多,于是呢它负责森林艺术团的招生工作。“招生咯,招生咯!森林艺术团要招生咯!大家快来报名呀!”小猴喊道。这时候,来了三只蝴蝶,她们也想报名参加森林艺术团。可是,在报名参加之前,可得考考她们有没有什么才艺。蝴蝶对猴子说:“猴哥猴哥,我们会跳舞,能不能报名参加啊?”猴子说“那你们就给我来段舞蹈吧!”蝴蝶们呀翩翩起舞,表演起了舞蹈。猴子看得直流口水,说:“恩,不错不错,你们被录取了!”话刚说完,小羊小鸡也过来了。“猴哥猴哥,我们会唱歌,我们也想报名参加艺术团。你听!……小羊小鸡唱起了歌,唱得可好听了。猴子听得很满意,“真不错,好,你们也被录取了。现在请还要报名参加艺术团的小动物到我这边登记一下。”大家猜猜,接下来谁也想来参加啦?笨牛!它也想去试试。“ 猴子猴子,我听说森林里要成立个艺术团,我也来凑凑热闹!”小猴一看,说道“这不是奔牛哥吗?你不在家给主人耕牛跑到这干嘛呀!”“嘿嘿,我也来报名!”“那你会什么呀?”“呼呼,我会耕田。”“那……你来一个。”“我?不行不行!”“哎呦,没关系,没关系,快点快点。”“那我来啦,你们可不许笑我!不许笑我啊!那,我可真的来啦!”(牛叫)大家一听,都捂着耳朵,“吵死了吵死了。


Character: white clouds red sun red yellow butterfly white butterfly yellow butterfly

(music) the sun came out: the sun!

Narrator: there are three beautiful butterfly. One is red and one is yellow, and one is white. They danced in the garden, every game, very happy. Music with butterfly (freedom fly)

Narrator: one day, they are playing on the grass, suddenly rained heavily. The clouds will be ousted) (

Narrator: they fly to there, with red flower to request. Chorus

The butterfly: red, my sister, our wings are wet heavy rain, we have a cold shower, let you stay under leaves! "

Red: red color of butterfly like me. Come in, please! The yellow butterfly, white butterfly, don't come!

The three butterflies chorus said: "we three are good friends, love does not break up to come; and to go together."

Narrator: it's raining worse than ever. The three butterflies fly to huanghua, together to huanghua request. Chorus

The butterfly: sister, chrysanthemum flower sister, our wings are wet heavy rain, we have a cold shower, let you stay under leaves! "

Chrysanthemum, said: "I like the color of the yellow butterfly. Come in, please! Red, white butterfly butterfly, don't come!"

The three butterflies chorus said: "we three are good friends, love does not break up to come; and to go together."

Narrator: with three butterflies fly to white, white to request a chorus of

The butterfly: sister, white white sister, our wings are wet heavy rain, we have a cold shower, let you stay under leaves! "

White said: "I like the color of white butterflies, come in please! Red, yellow butterfly butterfly, don't come!"

Three butterflies shake to say: "we three are good friends, love does not break up to come; and to go together."

Narrator: the three butterflies in the rain to fly, find shelter from the rain, and really anxious! But they who are reluctant to leave their friends.

Narrator: at that time, the sun grandfather from cloud in the sky, saw the dark clouds away,

The sun: walk away, don't again next.

Narrator: the weather was fine. The three butterflies wings to dry. The three butterflies against the SUNS, and dance together in the garden of happiness, game. Butterfly with music to dance.



快乐跳舞Happy dancing


Three Butterfly facing the sun, but also a happy dance in the garden, doing the game.


以上就是三只蝴蝶英文剧本的全部内容,例如:在实验课《The three butterflies》(三只蝴蝶)中,幼儿从没听过这个故事的中文版本,却被故事中生动的英语语音、语调吸引住了。他们能猜得到蝴蝶什么时候开心They are very happy.、什么时候难过Red flower,red flower,please let us come in,please let us come in。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
