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  • 英语单词
  • 2024-05-18

观众朋友们大家好英文?观众朋友们大家好 欢迎收看由为您带来的。。。Hello,everyone.Welcome watching the*** I bring to you.今天为您直播的是。。。迎战。。。那么,观众朋友们大家好英文?一起来了解一下吧。


Audience friends hello I am a journalist Tom, now is your report UFO landing some people doing"


Audience master of friends is fond of welcoming watching reason in order you bring about. . . . . Be being that you broadcast live today. . . . Meet opponents head-on. . . . Competition we are lucky to have invited the extensive audience friend to come being familiar with the lucky to guide our this lucky to will draw out 5 after competition is over originally five audience who welcome extensive audience so also dispatching a short message while watching competition coming to support your delighted team audience who is fond of very very with all the pleasure in life today general obtain present with one basketball big gift package following introduce that all of a sudden both sides battle array at present competition immediately beginning today relay come here in conclusion audience friends good-bye




Audience friends in front of the TV


电视机television;goggle-box;TV set;televisor;idiot box


朋友friend;boy friend;girl friend;amigo;companion


Hello everyone, welcome to this episode of 'to youth'. We are very lucky to have 2 special guests with us today- Run Tu and Na Na, welcome!

oh look he is here.

Oh just look at you, can you get any sillier?

It's very common for elder people to be lacking calcium, sometimes it's even a problem to go upstairs. So how come your are still so fit, Run Tu?

Because of this. I use to suffer from calcium shortage too, but sinse I started taking "巨能钙“, I can easily walk up to the fifth floor. One single works as well as 5.

I feel like I am filled with evergy.

巨能钙, you deserve it

So after all these years, the spark between you two are still there. I feel like I am the third wheel here XD Can you tell me how did your relationship start?

I was fifteen then, and her too.

The watermelons have been growing well this year, look at this huge one!

Na Na, don't you love me anymore? Do you really not love me anymore?

Let go of that girl you perverted bastard!

Oh just get lost! This is none of your business little one!

You killed him???!!!



译文:Hello, ladies and gentlemen.




大家好hello everyone; hello everybody



Ladies and gentlemen n.女士们和先生们

ladies' slipper phr. 女士拖鞋

Ladies' room n. 公共女厕所, 女盥洗室

lords and ladies n. 〈植〉斑叶阿若母

Ladies and Gentlemen n.女士们和先生们

ladies' fashion 女装部

ladies' tresses phr. 绶草属

ladies' man n. 喜好与妇女打交道的男子,讨女人喜欢的男子

ladies room 女厕所,女盥洗室

ladies badstraw 蓬子芽



Now, ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy the charming Qiandao Lake and some local folk performances.


以上就是观众朋友们大家好英文的全部内容,听众朋友们大家好很高兴在 The audience friends are so happy happy 英[ˈhæpi] 美[ˈhæpi]adj. 快乐的; 幸福的; 巧妙的; 〈口〉有点醉意的;[例句]Marina was a confident, happy child 玛丽娜是个自信、快乐的孩子。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
