马可波罗的英文名?马可波罗的英文:Marco Polo 马可·波罗(意大利语:Marco Polo,1254年9月15日—1324年1月8日),出生于威尼斯一个富裕的商人家庭,意大利旅行家、商人,代表作品有《马可·波罗游记》。那么,马可波罗的英文名?一起来了解一下吧。
英文简介(2) Mark · Boluo (Marco Polo) [1324 in 1254 ~] , famous tourist of world , businessman. In 1254 be born in a Venice , Italy businessman family , be been also the aristocratic family who journeys. His father Nikeluo Mataiao all is The Merchant of Venice with the uncle. Mark follows father and uncle when being · Boluo about 1-year-old, via Middle East , last for more than 4 years arriving in China, in China has traveled 1 year. After returning back to homeland have gone beyond one capital "Mark · Boluo travel notes " (is also named as "story of Mark · wave Luo Xing ", "the east smells idea record "). Have given an account of his knowledge in the richest east country Chinese , have evoked European enthusiasm to oriental yearning for that new air line opening up has produced gigantic effect to the hereafter. At the same time, the west geographer has been based on description to hit the target the book , has drawn the Model T "world map".
一次在布哈拉,有伊儿汗国朝觐蒙古大汗的使臣路过,约尼古拉兄弟前往中国。 二人便随同伊儿汗国使臣骑行一年,到达上都〔今内蒙古自治区多伦县西北〕,得到元世祖忽必烈的召见和赏识,并派他们代表元朝政府,随同蒙古使臣出使罗马教廷。在中途得知教皇已死,新教皇尚未选出,兄弟俩便顺道回威尼斯探家。尼古拉在威尼斯家中住了二年,便携带著马可孛罗回元朝复命。
由于他年轻有为,聪明伶俐,很快学会了蒙古语,并熟知元朝的礼仪, 加上他能说会道,知识渊博,善于揣摩和迎合他人心意,因而深受元世祖的宠信,长期在朝廷担任要职。
Marco Polo [1254-1324] ,a famous tourist in the world but also a businessman. In 1254 ,he was born in a Italy business family , also a family who journeys. Marco follows his father and uncle when he was 17 years old, spent many years arrived to China,and lived there for 17 years. After returning back to hometown,he fought in a battle and when he was in the enemy’s prison,he told stories about China and a writer there wrote a book called "Marco Polo travel notes ". Everyone was curious about China and they will go to China when they are exploring.
简介:出生日期: 1254年9月15日
外文名 :Marco Polo
出生地 :意大利威尼斯
逝世日期 :1324年1月8日
身份 :旅行家、商人
朝代 :中国元朝
代表作品: 马可·波罗游记
以上就是马可波罗的英文名的全部内容,姓名:马可波罗 国籍:意大利 身份:旅行家,商人 简介:出生日期: 1254年9月15日 外文名 :Marco Polo 出生地 :意大利威尼斯 逝世日期 :1324年1月8日 身份 :旅行家、。