伟大的职业英语?The doctor is a great and sacred profession。可以英文翻译中文app如下:一、百度翻译app。百度翻译依托互联网数据资源和自然语言处理技术优势,致力于帮助用户跨越语言鸿沟,方便快捷地获取信息和服务。支持全球200多种语言互译,拥有网页、APP、百度小程序等多种产品形态。学习、工作、那么,伟大的职业英语?一起来了解一下吧。
A doctor works in a hospital. He wears a white uniform.Sometimes he works in the day and sometimes at night. He helps people to keep healthy.
Teacher is the engineer of the Human soul, a remarkable career !
1. Wonderful - 令人愉悦的
2. Awful - 糟糕的
3. Tired - 疲惫的
4. Boring - 无聊的
5. Relaxing - 放松的
6. Great - 伟大的
7. Interesting - 有趣的
8. With low pay - 收入低的
9. With high salary - 收入高的
10. Easy - 容易的
11. Difficult - 困难的
12. Private - 私人的
13. Hot - 热门的
14. Full of fierce competition - 竞争激烈的
15. Tense - 紧张的
16. Fun - 有趣的
17. Funny - 滑稽的
18. Terrible - 糟糕的
19. Dangerous - 危险的
20. Busy - 忙碌的
21. Bad - 坏的
22. Badly - 糟糕地
23. Perfect - 完美的
24. Satisfying - 令人满意的
Doctor is one of the greetest jobs in the world .People who is a doctor must be patient,friendly and careful.and sometimes he maybe works all day in the hospital without relax.so it is a really tired job but help others to keep healthy.
Teacher is the engineer of human soul, which is an honorable occupation!
以上就是伟大的职业英语的全部内容,Doctor is one of the greetest jobs in the world .People who is a doctor must be patient,friendly and careful.and sometimes he maybe works all day in the hospital without relax.so it is a really tired job but help others to keep healthy.医生是世界上最伟大的职业。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。