
  • 三年级
  • 2024-09-05



global warming
at present, with the development of economies around the world may feel that the climate is becoming more and more warmer. co2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases. it is considered to be one of the greatest reasons of global warming.
it’s very serious, but many people can’t recognize that because the only think about themselves. they don’t mind the climate becoming warmer. they don’t mind the ice melting. they don’t mind how many animals become extinct. they don’t mind how many coastal cities become flooded . they don’t mind……
they are wrong. global warming can have many strong influences for us. for example:
global warming will make trouble with physiology. people will become more easily ill and even breed new diseases. people will pay more and more money for health care but more and more people die. no amount of money or even the best doctors, wll not be able to save your life. even if you aren’t dying, you will feel sad and alone. so many relatives and friends’ death will make you want to kill yourself.
global warming will give the air and ocean huge power. thus making large or even super typhoons, hurricanes, tsunamis and other disasters. many houses will be destroyed. many place will flood. we will be faced with more and more disasters, damning more and more money and life.
rising temperatures will not only create higher sea level, but also will cause droughts. large-scale areas will become arid and thus food production will be less. we will be without food. people around the world will face food
shortages and more and more war will happen for food.
if temperatures continue to rise, animals will come out of hibernation early, but will not have the food supply necessary to survive. for example: insects will eat a lot of forests and crops with no natural enemies. without forests, global warming will become more and more sercious, creating a vicious cycle. no crops, means no human food.
the greatest of global warming is at ice age like in the movie “the day after tomorrow”, this is a scenario that take place.
so we must do something to avoid these things from happening. first, we should use more and more clean energy and less oil and coal. second, we should go to work by bus or on foot instead of driving. third, we should plant more trees. the most important point is we should make a habit of saving energy in everyday life.


With the development of economy, more and more greenhouse gases are being discharged into the air. CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases, which is considered to be one of the greatest causes of global warming. It has harmful effects, causing the sea level to rise and many natural disasters to strike.
So we must take effective measures to save our planet. First, we should use more clean energy and less coal and oil. Second, we should go to work on foot or by bus instead of driving a car if possible. Third, we should plant more trees, because plants can turn CO2 into oxygen. More importantly, we should form the habit of saving energy in our daily life.


假如气温上升2℃,地球又会怎样呢?亲历过2003年欧洲夏天热浪的人或许知道,这将是莫大的灾难。在2003年的那场热浪中,至少有 30000人死于酷热。
全球的食物,尤其是热带地区的食物将大受影响。三分之一的动植物种群因为天气变化而灭绝。科学家估计,如果我们还想将全球气温上升控制在2℃ 以内,那么从现在起还有10年时间让人类控制二氧化碳排放量。
科学家们在加拿大北极圈内发现了鳄鱼和乌龟的化石。这说明5500万年前,这些动物曾经在加拿大北极圈内生活过。因此,一旦全球气温上升5℃至6℃,绿色阔叶林将重现加拿大北极圈,而南极的腹地也会有类似的情景。然而,由于陆地大部分被淹没,动植物无法适应新的环境,因此将有 95%的种类灭绝,地球面临着一场与史前大灭绝一样的劫难。


one of the most serious problem in front of the world is the global warming.there are some reasons that can cause such a problem.first,people cut down trees and forests freely.besides,people burn things everywhere - even it is not allowed.people waste things out of control is another reason.so,we should try our best to save things as much as we can.we should encourage others to do so.if we do it,the stage will be better.if we don't take any action,as the warld is becoming warmer and warmer,the water level is rising.it can cause subsidence and threaten people's activities.


My home have different environment in different seasons.In the spring,the tree and leaves get little green.The tempereature get warm.In the summer,the tree and leaves get green a lot.The tempereature get hot.In the autum,the tree and leaves get little yellow.The tempereature get little cold.In the winter,the tree and leaves yellow a lot.The season change big.

